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Mental Health

When we heard of the word “Mental Health” first in our mind are the people who experience
mental illness especially anxiety and depression. Mental health includes our emotional,
psychological, and social well-being that affects how we think, feel and act. The silent killer that takes
lives without warning, punishment,or any sympathy; depression is truly one of the most prominent
mental illnesses in the world. Depression is defined as a mental illness inducing a severe and staunch
feeling of sadness.

The term depressed is coined in English as a temporary sadness that everyone experiences in their
life. People with depression may oversleep or sleep for fewer hours.

Its so vivid that i remember every detail of my experieces when im in a deppression state, that even i
want to sleep at night, i cant because of my deppression of my family, the one that you can rely
on is the one that make you deppresed,. When you feel that being nervous and easily agitated,
pacing rapidly or constantly losing motivation and will to carry on.

Depressed people may also have difficulty thinking, poor concentration, and problems with
memory. The feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, guilt, and self-blame are those among
the most commonly recorded. This leads to the major influence of depression on
the world, suicidal thoughts and actions.

Mental health is not Imaginary. Mental health is something everyone deals with every day.
Everyone, regardless of gender, race, income, or religion, faces challenges with their mood, emotions
and behaviors from time to time. Some of us, through no fault of our own, face greater challenges than
others. It’s important to talk about our mental health with someone we trust, and seek professional care
when we need it, just as we would with a physical injury or ailment.

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