Summary Notes For Linear Podium Scheme

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KLWS Conforming Slope Proposed Slope Profile based on HD's Linear Net Increase in

Portion Design below +70mPD Platform Podium Scheme dated 14 Nov 2022 Excavation
All Rock Soil All Rock Soil Volume
A 40,239 17,129 23,110 49,868 26,742 23,126 9,629
B 53,135 41,548 11,588 54,321 42,733 11,588 1,186
C 32,037 24,395 7,642 38,366 30,725 7,641 6,330
All 125,398 83,064 42,334 142,545 100,193 42,352 17,146

Please add conforming slope profile here (Dwg 7601)

Conforming Design Drawing 7601 for Slope below +70 platform

Please also refer to Annex A showing a summary of existing GI information relative to the proposed cut slope design below the
+70mPD platform.

Summary of findings:-

1. As a key assumption, due to the uncertain ground condition below proposed +70 platform (i.e. soil/rock interface) as detailed in
Annex A, it was decided to adopt an overall 30deg cut slope angle regardless of soil or rock identified on site in future.
2. Based on this assumption, if adopting the linear podium scheme, additional 13,000m3 excavation mainly in rock formation (refer to
yellow highlighted cells above) would be required in portions A and C, while only minor increase in rock excavation of approx
1,200m3 is needed in portion B.
3. HD and CEDD expressed their favour on Portion B excavation in the 16 Dec 2022 meeting, while portions A and C are subject to
this study result.
4. The reasons for the net increase in excavation volume is due to a) the extent of the excavation for the linear podium (i.e.
+51.9mPD platform) is larger than that in the conforming scheme; b) some portions of slope crest at +70 platform are further set
back to cater for the irregular corners of the linear podium; c)30deg cut slope angle is adopted instead of some local 70deg rock cut
slope in the conforming scheme.

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