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Reading for sessions 5 to 8

Reading material:
NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract Options A to F – also known as the Black Book
These Contracts can be found on the “NEC Contracts” page on JacobsConnect -
Additional reading material can be found in the ICE LCM Curriculum, attached here:

Only suggested preparation is to familiarise yourself with the relevant sections in the Contracts for
each session, see agenda of sessions 5 – 8 below.

Agenda for Sessions 5 – 8

Session 5 - Module 2
NEC4 Introduction: Forming the Contract (Main and Secondary Options)/Core Clause 1/Core Clause

 NEC4 Introduction (2 hours)

o Background and Philosophy of NEC
o NEC4 – what's new?
o Main and Secondary Options

 NEC4 Contract Data, Scope and Site Information (2 hours)

o Filling in Contract Data Part 1
o Understanding Contract Data Part 2
o Site Information
o Scope

 NEC4 General Obligations / Roles and Responsibilities (2 hours)

o Overview of Core Clause 1 – General Contract Provisions
o Core Clause 2 – Contractor's Obligations
 Providing the Works
 Design
 People
 Sub-Contracting
o Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Manager
o Roles and Responsibilities of Client and Others
Session 6 - Module 2
NEC4 Administering the Contract: Core Clause 3/Core Clause 4/Core Clause 5

 NEC4 Time and Programming (2 hours)

o Introduction to Time and Programming
o Starting, Completion and Key Dates
o The Programme
 Revising the Programme
o Instructions to Stop or Not Start
o Take Over
o Acceleration

 NEC4 Quality Management (2 hours)

o Quality Management System
o Tests and Inspections
o Understanding Defects
 Correcting, Accepting and Uncorrected Defects

 NEC4 Payment (2.5 hours)

o Payment in the Context of the NEC4
 HGCRA and Y(UK)2
 Guidance from the industry
 Activity Schedule (Options A/C) vs Bill of Quantities (Options B/D)
o Assessing the amount due and Payment
o Defined Cost and Contractor's Share (Options C/D)
o Final Assessment

Session 7 – Module 2
NEC4 Managing Change: Core Clause 6

 NEC4 Change Management 1 (2.5 hours)

o Early Warnings
o Compensation Events
o Notifying Compensation Events
o Quotations for Compensation Events

 NEC4 Change Management (2.5 hours)

o Assessing Compensation Events
o Project Manager Assessment
o Implementation of Compensation Events
 Unrecorded Catch Up session (1 hour)
o Change Management in practice

Session 8 – Module 2
NEC4 Title, Risk, Insurances, Termination and Dispute Resolution: Core Clause 7/Core Clause
8/Core Clause 9/Dispute Options

 NEC4 Title, Risks and Insurance (2 hours)

o Title
 Contractor and Employer's Use
o Liabilities and Insurances
 Client and Contractor Liabilities
 Recovery of Costs
 Insurances

 NEC4 Termination and Adjudication (1.5 hours)

o Termination Generally
o Reasons for Termination
o Procedures on Termination
o Payment on Termination
o Adjudication Basics

 NEC4 Catch Up (2 hours)

o Catch up on NEC4 – Q&A

Additional Revision Sessions are available upon request by Jacobs if delegates wish to attend before
the exam. These sessions are dedicated to exam procedure and practice.

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