Production Orientation Is The Idea That Consumers Will Favor Products That Are Available and Highly Affordable

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Production orientation is the idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly

affordable. Therefore, the company must focus on improving distribution and production efficiency. We
believe that matches, sugar, and also Burger King and McDonald's, which specialize in producing
thousands of burgers per day at a low price, would work into this orientation.

Product orientation is the idea that consumers will favor the right products that offer the highest
quality, performance, and innovative features. Therefore, the organization should devote its energy to
making continuous product development improvements. The products that would work in this
orientation are cellphones, laptops, as well as the razor blade, which is produced by the Gillette
Company, which focuses on producing the best possible disposable razors at an economical rate.

Selling orientation is the idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless the firm
undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. The best product that would fit into this
orientation is insurance, because the policies aren’t created based on consumer needs, but on providing
the best coverage compared to competitors.

Marketing orientation is a philosophy in which achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the
needs and wants of the target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction. It emphasizes the
importance of understanding the customer and their needs and wants. The product would work in this
orientation. It's like if a restaurant discovers that the majority of its customers are pizza lovers, they will
serve it in accordance with their wishes and desires rather than persuade them to buy a product they
don’t want to.

Societal marketing orientation is the idea that a company’s marketing decisions should consider
consumer wants, the company’s requirements, consumers’ long-term interests, and society’s long-term
interests. It calls for the satisfaction of consumer needs and wants in ways that do not harm the
environment and provide for the well-being of society. The product or industry we think that would fit
into this orientation is Adidas, which is one of the world's leading sportswear companies. When it comes
to the environment, Adidas is committed to manufacturing its products that can be reused over and
over again.

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