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Parato, Neal Christian B.

BSME 5-10


#5. A distribution transformer supplies a group of general power customers have a connected load of
186 kW. Demand factor and diversity factor are 0.75 and 1.5 respectively. If the load factor for the group
will average 45% and the energy sells 3 1/2 cents per kW-hr, what will be the monthly income (30-day)
from energy delivered through this transformer? Assume average motor efficiency is 75%


Monthly Income = Price per kw-hr x kw-hrs delivered per month

Solving for kW-hrs delivered 30 days in one month:

Actual Max. Demand = Demand Factor x Connected Load

= 0.75 ( 186 )

= 139.50 kW

Simultaneous Max. Demand

Sum of Individual Max.Demand

Diversity Factor


= 93 kw

With 75% motor efficiency, the max. demand on distributing transformer:

Simultaneous Max.Demand
Peak Load =
Motor Efficiency


= 124 kW

Average Load on transformer

= Load Factor x Peak Load

= 0.45 ( 124 )

= 55.8 kW

kW-hrs delivered 30 days in one month:

= ( 55.8 kW ) ( 24 hrs / day ) ( 30 days / month )

= 40,176 kW-hrs / month


Monthly Income from Energy delivered :

P 0.035 kW−hr
= (40,176 )
kw−hr month


 = P 1,406.16 per month

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