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Questions -

1) What is the individual    page of power point?

• Slide

2) What is the extension of power point?

• pptx

3) What is a presentation?

• Presentation is a systematic display of information on a particular topic.

4) By default how many slides for a presentation ?

5) What are the 4 view button?

•     Normal view

▪  Slide sorter view

▪  Reading view

▪     Outline view

6) Write 3 ways to insert a slide to a predentation ?

• Shift- command- N

• Right click- new slide

• Home tab-new slide

7) What is a theme?
• Theme is a unique set of colours , font and effects that can quickly
chang the look of an entire slideshow

8)What is the key board shortcut for insert new presentation ?

Shift- command- O
9) Explanation   

• Transition -The effects that appear on a slide when you move from one slide to
the next slide.
• Animation-The effects that you can add to the text or the objects on a slide.
• 10)Write tab & group

Theme-            dining tab -themes group

Animation -      Animations tab--- Animations group—Select the animation

Transition -        Transition tab--- Transition to this slide group—Select a


Add sound -      Transition tab--- Transition to this slide group—Select a

transition—In the timing group you can add a sound.


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