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Since I was child I’ve always liked to read.

I remember I was so fascinated by letters

that I would invent the content of the newspaper just by looking at the images.
With time, I discovered that books are more than just pages and ink. They are part of
us as humans, and they can illustrate our reality. But at the same time, books can
take us from reality when we are woefully overwhelmed by life.
And that is why I love turning the pages of a good book. In fact, reading is my
authentic passion.

And in the next few minutes, I am going to share with you three reasons why that is.

Books make me travel to new and inconceivable worlds, when I read I imagine
the descriptions, making it easier to disconnect from reality and develop my
imagination. There is no limit, characters can be resuscitated, there’s fairies,
monsters, gods and gabblings which helps me to concentrate on my reading,
and also keep my mind open to utterly different people in the real world.
Traveling into these fantasy worlds allows you to experiment everything that
you maybe cannot do in this life.

Books make me connect with people and know myself at a deeper level.
When I changed to a new school I saw a girl having a brand new book I
wanted to read. I immediately knew I wanted to be her friend. We started to
chat a little and I discovered she also read Percy Jackson, furthermore it was
also the series that made her want to read more. It was unimaginable because
this happened to me. In every miniscule detail, she and her friends invited me
to her group and they made it easy for me to affront the change. When I first
read Maybe you should talk to someone, I learned the importance of understanding
my emotions to allow myself to feel down but not detached to that pain. They also
have helped me to define who I want to be.
3. Relevant Point 3
And my last reason is that books are friends. What is marvelous with books is
that no matter what time the book was written you can still read today, as I
mentioned before Percy Jackson series, was what involved me with letters.
But the first book was written when I was born, and I read it years later.
Whenever I felt woefully sad or angry I would come home and read them.
There was a new book every certain period of time and I never felt alone in school
and part of highschool , but everything came to an end. The series ended when I
was thirteen, though I will always be remembering and reading every now and then.
I also read romance thrillers or romance comedy are my favorite genres whenever I
feel particularly sad or stressed
3. Close (Conclude your speech)

Books are by my side always, they allow me to open my mind and develop all my
capacities. They help me to grow empathy and a clear concept for my values.
Furthermore they comforted me when I was feeling sad and encouraged me to keep
trying to reach my goals. Because if the main character is able to save the world
from gods in a week, that means we can achieve anything right?

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