Slip 2 Test SCIENCE EM

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Class : 10 Science - Slip Test-2 (2022-23) Subject : Science

Time : 1.30 Hrs Marks : 50

Answer all the questions: ( 10 X 1 = 10)
1. Temperature is the average of the molecule of a substance
a) difference in KE and PE b) Sum of PE and kE C) difference in TE and PE d) difference in KE and TE
2.In a simple Circuit, why does the bulb glow when you close the Switch ?
A) The Switch Produces electricity b) Closing the Switch Completes the Circuit
c) Closing the Switch breaks the Circuit d) The bulb is getting charged
3. Kilowatt hour is the unit of
a) resistivity b) Conductivity c) electrical energy d) electrical power.
4. __________ Group family Contains the m ember of halogen family
a) 17th b) 15th C) 18th d) 16th
5. __________ is an important metal to form amalgam.
a) Ag b) Hg c) Mg d) Al
6. In reflex action, the reflex arc is formed by
a) brain, spinal cord, muscle b) receptor, muscle, spinal cord
c) muscle, receptor, brain d) receptor, Spinal cord, muscle
7. Avera Coleoptile test was Conducted by
a) Darwin b) N.Smith c) Paal d) F.w.Went
8. Identify the exocrine gland
a) Pituitary gland b) Adrenal gland c) Salivary gland d) Thyroid gland
9. What is true of gametes ?
a) They are diploid b) They give rise to gonads
c) They produce hormones d) They are formed from gonads
10. Eestrogen is secreted by
a) Anterier pituitary b)Primary follicle c) Graffian follicle d)Corpus Luteum
Answer any 5 Questions: (Question No:18 is Compulsory) ( 5x2=10)
11. Match the following:
linear expansion - Change to volume
Superficial expansion - Hot body to cool body
Cubical expansion - 1.381 X 10-23 JK-1
Heat transformation - change in length
Boltzmann Constant - change in area
12. What is co-efficient of real expansion?
13. State ohm's law?
14. Assertion and Reason
Answers the following using the data given
i).A and R are correct, R explains the A ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is Correct iv) A and R are Correct, R doesn't explains A
Assertion (A) : Magnesium is used to protect Steel from rusting
Reason (R) : Magnesium is more reactive than Iron.
15. What are the types of alloys?
16. Define reflex arc
17.Why are thyroid hormones referred as personality hormones?
18. Calculate the resistance of a Conductor through which a current of 2 A passes when the potential difference
between it end is 30V .
Part - lll
Answer any 4 Questions: (4x4=16 )
19. i) Assertion and Reasoning
a) A and R are true, R explains A b) A and R are true, R not explains A
c) A true R is faise. d) A false, R true e) Both A and R are wrong
Assertion: Gas is highly compressible than Solid and liquid
Reason : Inter atomic or intermolecular distance is the gas is comparably high.
ii) Fill in the blanks:
a) The ratio of the potential difference to the Current is known as ____________
b) LED stands for _____________________
20. i) If the distance between two CI atoms in Cl2 molecule is 1.98 Ao then the radius of Cl atom is ______
ii) True or false (If false Correct the statement )
a) Al wires are used as electric Cables due to their silvery white colour
b) An alloy is heterogeneous mixture of metal.
21. (i) Give the uses of Aluminum
ii) _________ and__________ increases the surface area of cerebrum
22. i) Match the following
(a) Galvanisation - silver-tin amalgam.
(b) Calcination - Alumino thermic process
(c)Redox reaction - Coating with Zinc
(d) Dental filling - Heating in the absence of air
ii) Name the hormones responsible for the vigorous contractions of the Uterine muscles.
23.(i) Write the difference between endocrine and exocrine gland?
ii) True / false. (If false write the Correct a statement)
a) Ethylene retards Senescence of leaves, flowers and fruits
b) Exopthalmic goiter is due to the over secretion of thyroxin
24. Draw the given figure and label the Part Bile duct, pancreatic duct, Acinar cell,

25. i) How does binary fission differ from multiple fission

(ii) What is Colostrum? How is milk production hormonally regulated ?
26. (i) True / false (If false write the Correct Statement)
a) ovaries release is one egg and each is fertilized by different sperm results Non- Identical twins.
b) If Single egg is fertilised and divides into two fetus forms identical twins
ii) How does developing embryo gets its nourishment inside the mother’s body

Answer all the questions: ( 7×2=14)
27. (i) a) State Boyles law. b) Derive the Ideal gas equation.
ii) a) State Joule's law of heating b) What are the advantages of LED TV over the normal TV?
28.(i) a) Explain the method of preventing Corrosion.
b) Where are oestrogen produced? What is the role of oestrogen in the human body?
(ii) a) Write about the structure of ovule.
b) Calculate the Co-efficient of cubical expansion of a zinc bar. Whose volume is increased 0.25m² from
0.3m³ due to the change in it temperature of 50k.

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