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Field Study 2:

Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Learning Activities
As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation
then analyze and reflect on my observations with the help of guide questions.


Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: _______ Subject Area: ______________ Date: _________

Principles of Learning What did the resource teacher do which applies/

contradicts the learning principles.

Application of
the Non- Application/
Principle Contradiction of the
1. Effective learning begins with Teacher writes he Sometimes teacher
the setting of clear and high intended learning Balmores do not starts in
expectations and learning outcome on the board. presenting her objectives.
outcomes. She sometimes start
directly to the lesson.

2. Learning is an active process. Pupil writes letter A  Students write what is

instead of Teacher written on the board.
writing for him/ her.

3. Learning is the discovery of The teacher will ask the  Students will relate their
personal meaning and relevance of opinion of his/her answer based on their
ideas. students about the experiences.
subject matter.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

4. Learning is a cooperative and  Students gather their  The students will relay
collaborative process. ideas and share it to on the available
Learning is enhanced in an others. resources found in the
atmosphere of cooperation and library.

My Analysis
1. What principle of learning was/were most applied?

First principle

2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why was/ were the principles not very
much applied? Give instances where this/ these principle/s could have been applied?
Principle 4, because most of the students were practicing individualism, some of
them weren’t cooperating or participating. The principles could be best applied if
the activity is a competition.

3. How did the application of these learning principles affect Learning?

Principle 4 can be fully utilize if the the teacher and students collaborate to each
other. Learning will be most effective if collaborative is present.

4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?

Priciples are the guidelines in order for someone to achieve something.

Therefore if these guidlines aren't there, the road to success is difficult.

5. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are
not always correct?

Yes, I agree, because these principles are set guidlines for the teachers to teach
effectively. Additionally in the true context these principles can be seen when a
student successfully learn something during the learning process

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Reflections

My reflections and lessons learned on my observations of my Resource

Teacher's/s application/non-application of these principles.
When I observed teacher Rosell I saw how she wisely and intelligently delivers her
lesson. She approached a class based on their style. She uses all of these principles before
she starts the lesson, she explains things that matters, she asked the students how they
are, she reminds the students what was the past lesson. She starts the lesson with the
learning outcomes. Additionally she navigates the lesson not only in the lesson rather she
connects it into our daily life. Also the students find the lesson relavant to their life. She
also easily catches the attention of the students by making the lesson more exciting than
Among those practices that I observed, which practices will I adopt and itself.

I will use all the principles, I will adopt it because I see that if one is not present then the
other will be affected. The teaching process will be more effective if we will use all of
these principles.

Which ones will I improve on? What lesson did I learn?

I will improve myself rather than the principles, because for me those principles are
perfectly created, and that we teachers should obey it, as we are not perfect, these
principles are guidelines to lead us to be more effective teacher.

Practices worth Adopting
In the 4 principles, for me it is worth adopting all of them, because as a teacher we need
to do everything in order to facilitate learning. Teachers on the other hand are good when
it comes to adoptation.

Practices to avoid and to improve on

For me the practice that I will avoid is my mania na habit, because as a future teacher
someday I should turn nights to mornings, teachers have a lot loads that is why the
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
teacher should not waste a single time and this bad habit should be erase and must be
change to a good adjectives that can be useful as a teacher.
Lesson learned

During my observation in LNHS I learned how teachers handle situations from light to
heavy situations. There are some cases where collaboration really helps to resolve the
problem. I also have a lot of learnings from the strategies that need to apply in different
situations. Things that I must do before, during and after teaching. I also learned some
papers like how to compute for the diagnostic test. Finally I learned that this profession
that I aiming for is really worth labeling as Mother of all profession, because teaching is
necessary in order for other profession to exist.
Integrating Theory and Practice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Episode 1

1. Teacher Rose believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome
of her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them
know what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principles of learning
does Teacher Rose negate?
A. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
B. Learning is an active process
C. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
D. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process

2. Teacher Emma noticed that in a group of work, students just leave the work to the
leader and so vowed never to give group work again. Against which principle of
learning is Teacher Emma’s decision?
A. Learning is an active process
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
C. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process
D. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
3. In her desire to finish the content of the course syllabus, Teacher Love just
lectures while students listen. Which principle of learning does Teacher Love
A. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
B. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process
C. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
D. Learning is an active process
4. Teacher Arielle asks her students to see the connection of their new lesson to their
own personal experiences and share the same with the class. Teacher believes in
which principle of learning?
A. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

B. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
C. Learning is an active process
D. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
5. Teacher Lil avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems for
students to drill on. Teacher Lil is very much convinced of which principle of
A. Learning is an active process
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
C. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process
D. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning

My Learning Portfolio

You may wish to state the principles of learning in your own words or illustrates each
with diagrams. Feel free to choose how!

Principles of Learning in My Own Words





Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process


My Learning Rubric
Field Study 2, Episode 1- Principles of Learning
Focused on: Identifying classroom practices that apply or violate each of the
principles of learning

Name of FS Student____________________ Date Submitted: _____________

Year & Section:_________________________Course:_________________________
Leaning Needs
Exemplary Superior Satisfactory
episodes improvement
Fewer than half of
All tasks were done
All or nearly all Nearly all tasks were tasks were done;
Learning with outstanding
tasks were done with done with acceptable or most objectives
Activities quality; work exceeds
high quality quality. were met but need
Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were not answered Analysis questions
All questions were
completely completely. were not
answered completely; in
Analysis of the answered.
depth answers;
Learning Clear connection Vaguely related to the
thouroughly grounded
Episode with theories theories. Grammar and
on theories. Exemplary
grammar and spelling.
Grammar and Grammar and unsatisfactory
spelling superior spelling acceptable
Reflection statements are
Reflection statements Reflection statements
statements are clear, unclear and
are profound and clear; are shallow;
Reflections/ but not clearly shallow and are
supported by supported by
Insights supported by not supported by
experiences from the experiences from the
experiences from the experiences from
learning episodes learning episodes
learning episodes the learning
Portfolio is complete,
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions
clear, well-organized
clear, well-organized incomplete; were not
, most supporting
and all supporting; supporting answered.
documentations are
documentations are documentation are Grammar and
available and logical
located in sections organized but are spelling
Learning and clearly marked
clearly designated. lacking unsatisfactory
Portfolio locations
Submission of Submitted two
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after
Learning days or more after
deadline deadline the deadline
Episodes the deadline

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

 Over-all Score  Rating (Based om
Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 8-9 below
Grade 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.5 5
  99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 below

_______________________________ _________________
Signature of the FS Teacher Date
above over Printed Name
My Learning Activities

1. As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused
observation then analyze and reflect on my observations with the help of guide
questions then reflect on my own observations and answers.

Guiding Principles Related to SHEET
Teaching Behavior/s Which Prove/s
Lesson Objectives/ Intended
Observance of the Guiding Principle
Learning Outcomes
1. Begin with the end in mind 1. e.g. The Resource Teacher began her lesson by
stating her objective

2. Share lesson objective with  


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

3. Lesson objectives/ Intended  
Learning Outcomes are Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Result-
oriented and Time-bound (SMART)

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: _________

Grade/Year Level: _______ Subject Area: ______________ Date: ______


Guiding Principles Related to

Teaching Behavior/s Which Prove/s
Lesson Objectives/ Intended
Observance of the Guiding Principle
Learning Outcomes
1. Begin with the end in mind 1. e.g. The Resource Teacher began her lesson by
stating her objective

2. Share lesson objective with students  

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

3. Lesson objectives/ Intended Learning  
Outcomes are Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Result-oriented and Time-
bound (SMART)

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: __________ School: _________

Grade/Year Level: _______ Subject Area: ______________ Date: ______


Guiding Principles Related

to Lesson Objectives/ Teaching Behavior/s Which Prove/s
Intended Learning Observance of the Guiding Principle
1. Begin with the end in mind 1. e.g. The Resource Teacher began her lesson by
stating her objective

2. Share lesson objective with  


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

3. Lesson objectives/ Intended  
Learning Outcomes are Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Result-
oriented and Time-bound

2. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for you to copy his/her lesson
objective for the day’s lesson. Did his/her lesson objectives serve as guiding star
in the sense that the development of the lesson was guided by his/her lesson
objective/ intended learning outcomes?


My Analysis
1. Why is it sound teaching practice for a teacher to “ begin with the end in mind
and to share his/her lesson objectives or intended learning outcomes with
his/her students?


2. Did you find the lesson objective/s or intended learning outcome/s SMART?
Support your answer.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
3. Do SMART objectives help the lesson become more focused?


4. Were the lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes in the cognitive,

psychomotor and affective domains? Support your answer.


5. Is it necessary to have objectives always in the 3 domains – cognitive,

psychomotor and affective? Why or Why not?


My Reflections

Any lessons learned or insights gained from your observation focused on

lesson objectives? Write them down here. Are lesson objectives truly the
guiding star in the development of a lesson? Or are lesson objectives sometimes
forgotten as the lesson develops?

For lesson objectives/ learning outcomes to serve as guiding star in a lesson

development, will it help if they are SMART?

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Does integrating lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes in the three
domains (cognitive, psychomotor, affective) or at least 2 (cognitive or
psychomotor and affective) make lessons more meaningful?


Integrating Theory and Practice

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. For meaningful teaching and learning, it ids best to connect the lesson to
the life of students by integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which
principle is applied?
A. Lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes must
integrate 2 or 3 domains- cognitive, skill and affective
or cognitive and affective or skill and affective.
B. Begin with the end in mind.
C. Share lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes
with students.
D. Write SMART lesson objective/ intended learning

2. Teacher Paz shared this lesson objective/ learning with her students:
“Before the period ends, all of you must be able to identify the topic
sentence and supporting sentences of a given paragraph.” Teacher Paz
drilled them on subject- verb agreement to ensure that they can write a
good paragraph then gave a ten- sentence paragraph for the students to
determine subject- verb agreement before the class period ended.
Did Teacher Paz use the lesson objective/ learning outcome guide
in the development of her lesson?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. A little, because subject- verb agreement is a must in
paragraph writing

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

D. Very much, because she made use of ten- sentence
paragraph for the end- of- the- period quiz

3. Here is a lesson objective: “ At the end of the lesson, the students must be
able to develop a positive attitude towards work.” Is this a SMART

A. Partly, it is an affective domain

B. Very much, it is specific
C. Not at all, develop is a non- behavioral term
D. Yes, if the word “ develop” is replaced with “create”

My Learning Portfolio
Give one researched quotation that states the significance of goals and objectives.
(Don’t forget to state your source).


 In one sentence, relate this quote to learning objectives/ intended learning

 as guiding star in lesson development.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Learning Activities
I will make use of observation sheets, analyze my observations by answering
given questions then write down my reflection.


(Language/Araling Panlipunan/Science/Math)
Resource Teacher: Teacher signature: School:
Grade/ year level: Subject Area: Date:

Kendall’s and Marzano’s domain of knowledge

Domain of knowledge Concrete example/s for
each domain of knowledge
from my observation (what
did your teacher teach?
What was the focus of your
teacher’s lessons?)
1. Cognitive Domain –
information (declarative
knowledge)- vocabulary, term,
facts, concepts, principles,
hypothesis, theory.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural
Knowledge)- e.g mental skills
such as writing a paragraph.

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain of Learning activities

3. Psychomotor- skills

4. Affective- values, attitudes

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process


(Physical Education, ICT, TLE)

Resource Teacher: Teachers Signature: school:
Grade/ Year Level: School /Area: Date:

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain of

Knowledge From my observation (What did
Domain of Knowledge your Teacher Teach? What was the focus of
your teacher’s lessons?)

1. Cognitive Domain- Information

(Declarative knowledge)-
Vocabulary, terms, facts, concepts,
principles, hypothesis, theory

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

2. Mental Process (Procedural
Knowledge) e.g. mental skills such
as writing a paragraph

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor- skills

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

4. Affective- values, attitudes

(Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/ Literature)
Resource Teacher: Teachers Signature: school:
Grade/ Year Level: School /Area: Date:

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain of
Knowledge From my observation (What did
Domain of Knowledge your Teacher Teach? What was the focus of
your teacher’s lessons?)

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

1. Cognitive Domain- Information
(Declarative knowledge)-
Vocabulary, terms, facts, concepts,
principles, hypothesis, theory

2. Mental Process (Procedural

Knowledge) e.g. mental skills such as
writing a paragraph

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain of Learning Activities

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

1. Psychomotor- skills

2. Affective- Values attitudes

My Analysis

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

1. Where the lesson focused on information cognitive domain only or mental procedural
only or psychomotor/ physical skill only? or were the lesson combination of two or
three? Explain your answer?

2. Were the lesson focused on cognitive content only or psychomotor content only
affective content only? Or were the lessons combinations of two or three? Explain
your answer.

3. What was the effect on learning when teaching was focused on only on domain?

4. Is it really possible to teach in one domain like affective only or cognitive only
psychomotor only? Or based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s taxonomy, information on
or mental procedures only or psychomotor procedures only? Explain your answer.

5. Do Kendall’s and Marzano’s knowledge taxonomy and Bloom’s taxonomy of

learning activities contradict each other? Explain your answer.

My Reflections

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

  Based on your observation on class and on your understanding of the domains of
 knowledge and learning activities from Bloom, Kendall and Marzano, how can you make
 your teaching- learning activity more meaningful and more relevant? Is lesson more
 when you teach only in the cognitive or when you teach in the cognitive domain combined

 with affective of psychomotor combined with the affective?





Integrating Theory and Practice

Direction: Read the situation then answer the questions.
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Teacher Mila taught the parts of a microscope, demonstrated how to
focus it under the low power objective, then asked 3 students to try to focus it
with her guidance as the class looked on. She asked the class if the 3 students
did focus the microscope correctly and ended her lesson citing the “don’ts”
explaining the “why’s” behind the “don’ts” in focusing the microscope. Before
she did all these, she asked the class if it is/ is not important for them to learn
how to focus the microscope.

1. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy, in what domain was Teacher
Mila’s lesson?

I. In formation (declarative knowledge)

II. Mental procedure (Procedural knowledge)
III. Psychomotor procedure (Physical Health)

A. I and II C. II and III

B. II only. D. I, II and III

2. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson consist of mental procedure (procedural

I. Asking the class if the 3 students focused the microscope correctly
II. Explaining the “why’s” behind the “don’ts”
III. Focusing the microscope

A. I and II C.II only

B. I, II and III D. I and II

3. Based on Bloom’s taxonomy, which part of teacher Mila’s lesson is in the

psychomotor domain?

A. The 3 pupils focusing the microscope

B. The ppils listening to the “don’ts” in focusing the microscope
C. Asking the class if it is important to learn how to focus the microscope
D. Explaining the “ why’s” behind the “ don’ts”

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

4. Teacher Mila’s lesson objective/ intended learning outcome is” to focus the
microscope correctly”, could she have just shown the class how to do it without
explaining the parts of the microscope and their corresponding functions?

A. No
B. Yes,21st century student learn skill very fast.
C. Yes, but risky
D. No, it is basic for student to know the function of each part. This guides the
students on how to focus the microscope.

5. If explaining and demonstrating are necessary for teacher Mila to realize her lesson
objective/ intended learning outcome. What does this imply on lesson planning and
development for whole and meaning learning.

A. Integrate the domains of learning activities.

B. You make lesson focus only information.
C. Plan a lesson that is exclusively for skill or for information.
D. Always touch the affective domain of learning.

6. Which part of Teacher Mila’s is in the affective domain?

A. Asking the students if learning to focus the microscope is important

B. The “don’ts” is focusing the microscope
C. Teacher Mila demonstrating to class first how to focus the microscope before
asking the 3 to focus the same in order to avoid accident.
D. Explaining the why behind the “don’ts” in microscope focusing

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Learning Portfolio

Refer to k to 12 Curriculum Guide based on the competencies, formulate SMART lesson

objective/intended learning objective.
1.) In the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains (B. Blooms)

2.) for information ( declarative knowledge ), metal procedure (procedural

knowledge) and psychomotor procedures/ physical or motor skills

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

MY Map

I will observe four (4) different classes

I will reflect on the guide given question below.
To hit my target, I will follow these steps.

Read the Learning Essential given above

Step 1.

Observe at least four (4) class with a learning partner.

I will choose one class from each of the three groups.
Step 2
Group 1.- Language/ Araling Panlipunan/
science/ math
Group 2- Physical Education, ICT, TLE
Group 3- Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/ Literature

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Learning Activities

I will observe 4 Resource Teachers with the use of Observation Sheets,

analyze then reflect on my observations.


Bloom’s Levels of Processing Cognitive Activities

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Bloom’s level of processing cognitive What learning activity/ies in the classroom
activities did I observe in each level?

1. Remembering e.g. students were asked to answer the

question: “ Who” was the first man to land
on the moon?

2. Comprehending

3. Applying

4. Analyzing

5. Evaluating

6. Creating

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process


Levels of processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners do

any of these.
1. Retrieval Information Student/s gave information asked.

Mental procedures Student/s determined if

information is accurate or inaccurate.

Psychomotor procedures / Motor of physical skills

Student/s executed/performed procedures.

2. Comprehension Student/s constructed symbolic representation of

e.g. Draw a symbol that represents abuse of Mother

Student/s integrated information, paraphrased


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Levels of processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to
do any of these.
3. Analysis Student/s specified logical consequences of information.

Student/s stated generalizations.

Student/s identified factual/logical errors.

Student/s did classifying.

Student/s matched, identified similarities and


4. Knowledge utilization Student/s tested hypotheses.

Student/s experimented.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Levels of processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to
do any of these.
Students solved problems given by teacher.

Student made a decision.

5. Meta-cognitive system Students specified their learning goals.

Students monitored their own learning.

Students monitored the clarity and accuracy of their

own learning process.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Levels of processing Write down evidence of any of these.
6. Self-system Students believed in the importance of what they learn.

Students were convinced in their ability to learn.

Students were motivated to learn and felt good about

learning tasks.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Analysis

1. Were all Bloom’s levels of processing information demonstrated by the learners in

Why or why not?

2. Which level/s of processing cognitive information in Bloom’s taxonomy was most

displayed? Least demonstrated? Give proofs.

3. Were all of Kendall’s and Marzano’s levels of processing of information, mental and
physical procedures demonstrated by the learners in class? Why or why not?

4. Which levels of Kendall’s and Marzano’s processing information was most

demonstrated? Least demonstrated? Give proof.

5. Are Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of learning activities (cognitive, affective and

psychomotor) very different from the new taxonomy of Kendall and Marzano
(informative, metacognitive procedures and psychomotor)? Explain you answer.

My Reflections
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Analyzing the levels of processing that were demonstrated by students in the
classes that
you observed, what conclusion can you draw regarding to the level of processing of
that takes place in schools? (Are all the higher levels of processing information done in
classroom? Or are classrooms limited mostly to the lower levels of information processing
as remembering or retrieval?).


  Write down your reflections on the level of information processing among students
 class. Does teacher contribute to the level of processing that students do in school? If
are engaged only in low level information processing, can teacher be blamed for such?


Integrating Theory and Practice

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric
which he explained to the class before the students began with their task. Based on
revised Bloom’s taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students?
A. Evaluating C. Applying
B. Synthesizing D. Analyzing

2. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The
Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of
cognitive processing are you?
A. Analyzing C. Applying
B. Creating D. Evaluating

3. Teacher Danny requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and
defend the same before a panel or experts. In which level/s of processing will the
students be engaged?
I. Retrieval
II. Comprehension
III. Analysis
IV. Knowledge unitization

A. I, II, III and IV C. II, III, and IV

B. III and IV D. I, III, and IV

4. Teacher Bing encourages her students to make the intended learning outcome their
own and explained that she expected them to the monitor now and then their own
progress toward the intended learning outcome and act accordingly. In which level of
processing will Teacher Bing’s students act?
A. Cognitive C. Metacognitive system
B. Self-system D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system

5. Teacher Ann sees to it that her class sees the importance of the grammar lessons in
English and so gets intrinsically motivated to learn. In which level of processing is the
class expected to act?
A. Cognitive C. Metacognitive system
B. Self-system D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system

My Learning Portfolio

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Based on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide (for BEED students, subject of your choice,
BSEd your specialization), write competencies that are fit for each of the following:

A. Bloom’s levels of processing a learning activity: (Just in case you can’t find one,
make one). Give the other levels of information processing not given.

1. Remembering




6. Creating

My Learning Portfolio
B. Kendall’s and Marzano’s Levels of Processing Information (Just in case, you can’t
find one, make one).

1. Retrieval
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process



5. Metacognitive system

6. Self-system

Table 4. Teacher centered approach vs. learner-centered approach.

Teacher-centered Approach Learner-centered Approach

Knowledge is deposited by teacher in the Learners construct knowledge by receiving
minds of students (“banking system”); information from teacher and integrating it
teacher is the only expert and the only source
with their experience prior information
of information. (constructivist).
Emphasis is on subject matter for the test.Emphasis is on using knowledge learned to
solve problems in real life contexts.
Teacher dominates class proceedings. Students are actively involved in learning
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Focus is on single discipline. Makes use of interdisciplinary and
multidiscipline approach.
Culture is individualistic and highly Culture is cooperative, collaborative and
competitive. supportive.
Only students are viewed as learners. Teachers and learners learn together.

My Map
I will observe one Resource Teacher teach, analyze and reflect on my observation.

To realize my Target/Intended Learning Outcomes, I will follow the following.

Step 1. Review the notes in the Learning Essentials.

Step 2. Observer one Resource Teacher.

Step 3. Accomplish Observation Sheet.

Step 4. Analyze my observations.

Step 5. Reflect on my observations.

My Learning Activities
I will observer one Resource Teacher with the use of an Observation Sheet for greater
I will analyze my observations with the help of guide questions then reflect on my
observations and analysis.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Teacher-centered Student-centered
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Or were there mere
passive recipients of instructions?

Was the emphasis of the students’ application

of the lesson in real life? Give proofs.

Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?

Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subject?

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

What teaching-learning practice show that teaching approach was.
a) constructivist - connected to past experiences of learners; learners
constructed new lesson meanings

b) inquiry-based

c) developmentally appropriate - learning activities fit the developmental stage

of children

d) reflective

e) inclusive - No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.

f) collaborative - Students worked together.

g) integrative - Lesson was multidisciplinary - e.g. In Science, Math concepts

were taught.

My Analysis

1. Based on your observations, as a whole was in instructions teacher-centered or


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

2. Were there instances when the students could have been involved in class
proceeding but were not? Give examples.

3. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and
for the test?

4. If you were to reteach the class, would you be a teacher-centered or student-

centered? Why?

5. If you abide by the pedagogical approaches that the K to 12 Law states, will you be
more teacher-centered or student-centered in approach? Explain your answer.

My Reflections

Between teacher-centered and student-centered approach, the latter must be more

pedagogically sound 
 because even R.A. 10533, the Enhance Basic education act of 2013, mandates it to K
to 12. Write your
 reflections about it. Or it is better to use both approaches?

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process




Integrating Theory and Practice
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1. Maylene talked all period. She taught the class the steps of undertake in the conduct of an
action research. She also showed a poorly done action done action message research
discussed why it is poorly done and finally showed a model action research. Which teaching
approach describes Teacher Mylene’s lesson development? Was Teacher Mylene’s approach
A. Yes, she taught for all learners.
B. Yes, she made things easy for the learners.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

C. No, she was more subject matter-centered in teacher-centered.
D. No, because her subject matter was highly technical.
2. Teacher Dada’s lesson was on “what man can do to arrest climate change”. She made the
students to do the talking, the arguing, that synthesizing. She gave her lecturette after students
have participated in the lively discussion. Which teaching approach did Teacher Dada
A. Learner-centered approach C. Subject matter-centered approach
B. Activities centered approach D. Teacher-centered approach
3. In this FS scores, FS students are required to , analyze and reflect on our class proceedings.
Which descriptions of the pedagogical approach of K to 12 as cited in the K to 12 law is
observed in the conduct of this FS course?
A. Developmentally appropriate C. Inclusive
B. Reflective D. Inquiry-based
4. Teacher Beth avoids giving out-of-context drills. Instead she makes use of real-word
problems for her students to solve. Doing so makes teacher Beth________ in approach.
A. Developmentally appropriate C. Constructivist
B. Reflective D. Inquiry-based
5. The subject matter is the ASEAN Asian Qualifications Framework (AQRF). The Asian
History teacher teams up with them Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher
for through discussion of AQRF from the prospective of other disciplines. Which describes
the Asian History teacher’s pedagogical approach?
A. Integrated C. constructivist
B. Reflective D. inquiry-based
6.The spiral progression approach in teaching math in the k to 12 curriculum means that you
teach me basic math concepts from k to grade 10 in increasing depth and breadth across the
grades. This means that math teaching is __________.
A. Developmentally appropriate C. inclusive
B. Inquiry-based D. integrated

My Learning Portfolio

1. With a graphic organizer, present the pedagogical approaches to the K to 12

curriculum as stated in R.A 10533. Give the main features of each approach.
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

2. A student-centered approach is very interactive. Research on at least 3 teaching -

learning activities /techniques that can be used at the beginning or end of a lesson. Put
them here.

My Map
I will observe two (2) different classes.
I will reflect on the guide questions given below.
To hit my target, I will follow this steps:

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Read the Learning Essentials given above.


Observe at least three classes with a learning partner
I will choose one class from each of the three groups.
Step Group 1 – Language/ Araling Panlipunan/Science/Math
2. Group 2 – Physical Education, ICT, TLE
Group 3 – Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/ Literature

My Learning Activities

I will observe 2 classes by using Observation Sheets for greater focus then analyze my
observations with the help of guide question. I will write down my reflection my observation
and experience.


Resource Teacher: _____________ Teacher’s Signature: _________ School:

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Grade/Year Level: _____________ Subject Area: ______________ Date:
Observe how the resource Teacher began, developed and ended her/ his lesson.
Start of the lesson

Development of her lesson

Ending of her lesson


Resource Teacher: __________Teacher Signature: ________ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ____________Subject Area: _____________ Date: _____________

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Start of the lesson

Development of her lesson

Ending of her lesson

My Analysis

1.Did the Teachers use the deductive or inductive method? Prove your answer.

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process



2. In which teaching method were students more involved in the teaching-learning



3. Which method had greater demand from the teacher in terms of questioning and
organizing skills? Why?


4.Was there an instance when the teacher taught the lesson deductively/inductively when it
could have been better if she taught inductively/deductively? Explain your answer.

My Reflections

 Which is more effective teaching method – deductive/inductive?

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process




Integrating Theory and Practice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Teacher Ann demonstrated the deductive method of teaching in her English class.
Because on her teaching demo, she asked the class to outline the steps of a deductive
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
teaching method. The student’s outlines served as the starting point of the class
discussion of steps of the deductive method. Did Teacher Ann go deductive?
A. No, she went inductive. C. Yes, she went deductive.
B. Yes, she began with the concrete. D. Both deductive and inductive

2. Teacher Rodel said: “This is the rule on how to multiply fractions. To illustrate let’s
examples.” Then he gave fractions to the class for them to multiply. How did teacher
Rodel proceed?
A. Inductively C. Deductively
B. Inductively then deductively D. Deductively then inductively

3. It is interactive and requires relatively shorter period of time to cover content teaching
method is described?
A. Inductive C. Both inductive and deductive
B. Deductive D. Both but more deductive

4. Which method is more interactive?

A. Deductive
B. Deductive, if teacher wants to
C. Inductive
D. Inductive, if the teacher chooses to
5. When you begin teaching with the generalization then bring in details, which more
you employ?
A. Deductive
B. It depends on your type of generalization
C. Inductive
D. It depends on the quantity of details your bring in
6. When you begin teaching with concrete experience then come in with conclusion
method do you employ?
A. Deductive
B. It depends on your type of generalization
C. Inductive
D. It depends on the quantity of details you bring in

My Learning Portfolio_______________________________________________________

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Map___________________________________________________________________
I will observe at least 3 Resources Teachers, analyze and reflect on my observations.
To reach my Target, I will follow the following steps;
Give one example for each teaching method – deductive and inductive.
(e.g. demonstration method for deductive method; discovery method for
inductive Step 1. Read Learning Essentials above.
Step 2. Observe one Resource Teacher.
Step 3. Accomplish Observation Sheet.
______________________________________________________________ Describe
the specific steps of each example. Make use of graphic organizer.
Step 4. Analyze my observation.
Step 5. Reflect on my observations.


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process 69

My Learning Activities_______________________________________________________
I will observe one class by using an Observation Sheet for greater focus then analyze
my observations with the help of guide questions. I will write down my reflections on my
observations and experiences.


Resource Teacher ____________________ Teacher’s Signature _________ School:

Grade/Year Level: ____________________ Subject Area: ________________ Date:
Guiding Principles in the Selection and Teaching Behavior of the Resource
Use of Strategies Teacher that Applies the Principle

1. The more senses that are involved, the e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion
more and the better the learning. takes place and a model of the human
digestive system.

2. Learning is an active process.

3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances


4. Emotion has the power to increase

retention and learning.

5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of


6. Learning is meaningful when it is

connected to students’ everyday life.

7. An integrated teaching approach is far

more effective than teaching isolated bits of

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process 73

My Analysis________________________________________________________________
1. Did you find the Teacher adhering to all the principles of teaching learning? Was there any
principle that was violated? Explain your answer.
2. Which principle of teaching was not applied, hence not observed? If not applied can you
think of an instance where it could have been applied?


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Reflections

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?___________________

__________________________________________________________________ 75
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Integrating Theory and Practice_______________________________________________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?

A. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follows the steps.
B. Group students for work or project that way project becomes less expensive.
C. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective.
D. Avoid drills which are out of context.

2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better learning. Which practice is aligned with this
A. Teach using mostly verbal symbol.
B. Employ cooperative learning.
C. Invite parents as resource speakers in class.
D. Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents.

3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning. Which practice is an offshoot of the principle?

A. No praising C. No bullying
B. No scolding D. No homework

4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning. To apply this principle, teach must ____.
A. spice class with his/her sense of humor.
B. make course difficult to students to remember and learn.
C. touch students’ emotion when he/she teaches.
D. be emotional when he/she teaches.

5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. So what must a teacher do?
A. Use multisensory aids to teaching.
B. Teach as many facts as you can.
C. Teach for test purposes only. Teach to the test.
D. Make students connect facts learned to form concepts and abstractions.

6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life. What is application of this principle in
A. Teacher asks the class to show application of what they learned to their life.
B. Teacher makes everyday life the starter of his/her lesson.
C. Teacher narrates true-to-life stories.
D. Teacher asks students to come up with clippings of Filipino life.

7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information. What then
should teacher avoid?
A. Teaching of the test C. Summarizing lesson
B. Knowledge utilization D. Use of problem solving method

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Portfolio________________________________________________________________

Are the pedagogical approaches to K to 12 as stipulated in the Enhanced Basic Education Act
of 2013 based on these principles of teaching learning? (Refer to R.A. 10533, Sec. 4 for 76
pedagogical approaches). Come up with a Table like this one.

Pedagogical Approach of K to 12 Principle of Teaching

1. Good teaching goes beyond recall of
1. Constructivist
2. Learning is meaningful when it is
connected to students’ everyday life.

2. Inquiry-based

3. Developmentally appropriate

4. Reflective

5. Inclusive

6. Collaborative

7. Integrative

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process


I will read Learning Essentials above. 77

I will observe one class of a Resource Teacher.

Step 1. Read Learning Step 2. Observe one

Essentials above. Resource Teacher.

Step 3. Accomplish Step 4. Analyze my

Observation Sheet. observation.

Step 5. Reflect on my

My Learning Activities_______________________________________________________
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
I will observe a class by using Observation Sheet for greater focus and analyze
observations with the help of guide questions. I will write down my reflections on
observations and experiences.


Resource Teacher ___________________ Teacher’s Signature _________ School: ________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject Area: ________________ Date: ________
1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives / intended learning outcomes (ILOs)
beginning of the class? Did she share them with the class? How?
2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help him/her,
his/her lesson objectives/ILOs? Explain your answer.
3. What assessment task/s did Teacher employ? Is/Are these aligned to the lesson objectives?

My Analysis________________________________________________________________
1. If the Intended Learning Observation (ILO) and Teaching Learning Activities (TLA) and
Assessment Tasks (ATs) were not aligned, what would the effect on the performance of

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

2. Are there Teaching Learning Activities (TLAs) which are more appropriate than what
Teacher used?
3. Are there more appropriate assessments tasks that the teacher should have used? If yes,
give example/s.
4. Many a teacher sets the intended learning outcomes/lesson objective but tests another
outcome on lesson objective after thus confusing students. Do you agree?
5. What lesson do you learn from # 4?

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Reflections

___Why are we back to teaching by objectives or Bloom’s mastery learning?___

This time it is referred to asOBTL._____________________________________
_Does OBTL help us become more globally competitive beginning with the__
ASEAN membercountries?___________________________________________
___What are the thoughts about OBTL?________________________________

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Integrating Theory and Practice_______________________________________________

Teacher Jing proceeded to her lesson without stating the intended learning outcomes for
the hour. She asked her students to work on Seatwork # 3 found in the Math Workbook, pp. 3-4.
After 40 minutes, the students corrected their own answer as Teacher Jing dictated the answer.
1. Was the development of the lesson in accordance with outcomes-based teaching and
A. Yes, the students corrected their own work.
B. No, the learning outcomes were not stated and so it was not clear what
was supposed to be assessed.
C. No, the students were not shown how the answers were derived.
D. Yes, the students corrected their own papers.

2. What is an OBE/OBTL practice in Teacher Jing’s class?

A. The seatwork
B. Teacher Jing gave the answers
C. Students’ correcting their own answers
D. None at all

3. If Teacher Jing develops lesson the OBTL way, what should we do?
A. Make students understand what they are expected to know and able to
do after the lesson.
B. Make seatwork as homework
C. Correct the seatwork.
D. Make students arrive at the answers.

4. In OBTL, upon which should my assessment be based?

A. Content C. Scope of subject matter
B. Intended learning outcome D. Teaching and learning activity

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Map
I will observe at least 3 Resource Teachers, analyze, and reflect on my observations.
To reach my Target, I will follow the following steps:

Step 1. Read My learning

Essentials above.

Step 2. Observe at least 3

Resource Teachers

Step 3. Accomplish my

Step 4. Analyze my

Step 5. Reflect on my

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Learning Activities_________________________
I will observe 3 classes by using Observation Sheets for greater then analyze my
observations with the help of guide questions. I write down my reflections on my
observations and experiences.

OBSERVATION SHEET # 9.1 Types of Questions

Resource Teacher: ___________ Teacher’s Signature_________ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: _______________ Subject Area: _____________ Date: __________

Types of Question Examples of Questions that the Resource Teacher Asked

1.Factual /Convergent
Closed/ Low level

2.Divergent / Higher
order / Open- ended /
a. evaluation
b. inference
c. comparison
d. problem-

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

OBSERVATION SHEET # 9.2 Questioning

Resource Teacher: _____________Teacher’s Signature__________School: ______________

Grade / Year Level: _______________ Subject Area: ______________Date: __________

Score the Resource Teacher every time he / she demonstrates any of the following
questioning behaviors. Sample is shown in item # 1.

Questioning Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1. Varying type of questions //// 4

2. Asking non- directed

questions (ask the
questions first before
calling a student to
3. Calling on non-volunteers

4. Prompting by rephrasing
or by providing partial
5. Probing (to seek more
details for clarification

6. Requiring abstract
thinking (not just simple
recall but require HOTS)
7. Asking open -ended
questions (divergent)
8. Allowing sufficient time

9. Involving as many as

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process


Teacher: ______________Teacher’s Signature____________ School: ______________

Grade / Year Level: _______________ Subject Area: _____________ Date: _________

Score the Resource Teacher every time he /she demonstrates any of the following
reacting behaviors.

Reacting Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1.Providing acceptance feedback

2.Providing corrective feedback

3.Giving appropriate and sincere

4.Repeating the answer

5. Explaining the answer /

expanding the answer
6. Rephrasing the question

7.Asking follow up questions

8. Redirecting questions to other

9.Soliciting student’s questions
10.Encouraging through non-
verbal behavior
11.Criticizing respondent for his /
her answer
12. Scolding for misbehavior or
for not listening

13. Overusing expressions such as

“okay, right”

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Analysis_______________________________

1.For Information processing at higher level, which types of questions should you ask

2.Which type/s of questions was/ were most asked?


3.Which type/s of question were least asked?


4.Which questioning techniques were most employed? Least employed?


5. Which reacting techniques were most used? Least commonly used?


Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

My Reflections

Based on the most common types of questions asked, questioning techniques, and reacting

techniques that the Resource Teachers employed, reflect on the level of questioning and

thinking processes that students are engaged in the classrooms. (You may want to refer to

Blooms and Kendall’s and Marson’s level of processing on Learning Episode 4).__________



Neil Postman once said: Children go to school as question, marks leave school as periods!”

Does this have something to do with the type of questions that the teachers ask and the_____

questioning and reacting techniques that they employ? ______________________________


Integrating Theory and Practice_______________

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. I wasn’t satisfied with student Bs yes as an answer and so II asked her to explain why?
Which did they do?

a. Probing c. Prompting
b. Asking non-directed question d. Rephrasing

2. Teacher Leticia claims she can’t accept an “I don’t know answer”. So, she does _____.
a. probing c. prompting
b. asking non-directed question d. repeating the question

3. To obtain well-thought-out answers, which questioning behavior helps?

a. involving as many as possible c. Asking non directed question
b. asking open ended questions d. allowing sufficient time

4. This is my questioning behavior. I ask the question; I pause for a while then call on a
student. Which is this questioning practice?
a. Asking non directed question c. directing a question
b. Asking for non-volunteers d. involving as many as possible
5. You get a partially correct answer. You say yes but a part needs improvement. How did
you handle the response?
a. provided a corrective feedback c. gave appropriate praise
b. provided an acceptance feedback d. criticized student’s response
6. A question is raised by one student. You don’t answer it but throw back the question to the
class. Which is this reacting behavior?
a. redirecting questions to other pupils
b. soliciting students’ questions
c. providing corrective feedback
d. Asking follow up question
7. Which practice doesn’t promote interaction?
a. soliciting students’ questions
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
b. rejecting students answer outright
c. rephrasing the question
d. repeating and expanding on students answer

8. You want to develop students’ critical skills. Which type of questions should you ask?
a. closed questions
b. convergent questions
c. divergent questions
d. open -ended questions

9.Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?

a. divergent
b. conceptual
c. convergent
d. inference

My Learning Portfolio

Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

1, Choose competencies from k to 12 Curriculum Guide then formulate sample question for
each question type:

Type of Question





5. Affective


2. Research on at least five (5) expressions which you must use to inspire your students to be
actively involved in class interaction. e.g.” You are on the right track!”_________________



Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

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