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Starter Level ABCD’s

At the Starter level, the fundamental skills begin to be honed and expanded upon. As
players have now been exposed to the game, they will start to understand how to play
in a team setting. It is in the Starter level that we begin introducing team offensive and
team defensive concepts. Again five-on-five competition is limited, yet the frequency
of practices may increase from the Rookie level. The goal of the Starter level is to
continue having fun, develop further skills, and begin to understand team concepts.


Mastering Skills See Skill Checklist Teamwork Balanced Lifestyle

Positivity Nutrition

Along with a fun At the Starter level, The Starter level The Starter level
environment and we will build on the continues to build continues to emphasize
skill-related games, basic fundamentals on the values of the players having fun and
mastering skills now previously acquired, as Rookie level while being active, but also
becomes an exciting well as introduce more also emphasizing teaches players how
part of practice. specific skills. Here group activities to lead a balanced
Whether it is making we implement more and collaboration. lifestyle. A balanced
your first left-handed fakes, specific dribble This emphasis on lifestyle includes
lay-up, or dribbling moves, rebounding teamwork will also positive family and
between your legs and much more. increase the need for social interaction, as
for the first time, skill While there is still an encouragement and well as the importance
development is fun! emphasis on individual positive reinforcement of academics. Leading a
This excitement of skill development, among players well-balanced lifestyle
mastering skills should the Starter level will and coaches. The will help players
be a significant part also incorporate Starter level helps remain healthy as they
of the Starter level. team offense and the players see the mature and develop
team defense into game through a lens further interests.
practice plans. beyond themselves, Nutrition is another
and develop the ability key component of the
to be a good friend Starter level as players
and teammate. It is begin establishing
important that we their eating habits.
explain what teamwork Educating the players
is and the impact on the relationship
that it can have on between food, energy,
the team’s success. and performance
is essential.


Skill Checklist
At the conclusion of the Starter Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of
the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling  Pass Off the Dribble  Pursuing the Ball

 Advanced Stationary  Slide & Pass  Protecting the Ball
Control Series
 Kick Pass Offense
 Jog Dribble to
1 Foot Stop & Push  Dribble to Jump Stop Pass  Screening
 Cone Dribbling Shooting  On the Ball Screens
 1-Hand Side to Side Dribble  Weak Hand Lay-Ups  Off the Ball Screens
 Stationary Front-Back  Stepping Into the Shot  Fast Break Spacing
Control Dribble with Both Feet & Concepts

 Spin Move  Euro-Step Lay-Ups  Square Up and Rip Through

 Retreat Dribble  Drop Step Lay-Ups  Pass, Cut and Replace
 Stationary 2 Ball  Dribble Move to Shot  Fill The Corner
Dribble Same Time
 Free Throws  The Pass Is Faster
 Stationary 2 Ball
Dribble Alternate  Up & Under  Receiving The Outlet

 Seated Dribbling  Catch & Shoot on the Move  Post Pass & Screen

 Quick Change Dribbling  Shot Fake Shooting Defense

 Dribbling Through  Using A Screen  On Ball Defense

Stationary Defenders  Speed Lay-Ups  Half Court Man To Man
 Pound Dribbling
Footwork &  Disadvantage Spacing
 Running Crossover Conditioning & Concepts

 Finger Dribbling  Jab Step  Closeout

Passing  Pivoting For Space  Closeout to Slide

 Overhead Pass  Forward to Backward Run  Drop Step Slide

 Outlet Pass  Side/Lateral Push  Turning the Ball

 Running Pass  Changing Speeds Other

 Pass Fakes Rebounding  Full Explanation of Rules

 Boxing Out

Practice Plans
The chart below indicates approximate amounts of time to be spent on each
portion of practice. The twelve practice plans to follow are samples that reinforce
Starter level principles.

Cultivating Values
& Developing Wellness

Warm-Up &
Injury Prevention

15% 5%





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