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Genre and Topic Group Worksheet Names: Adasia, Sadie, Kenzie, Paula

Step 1: Choose a topic your group is interested in and type it below.


Step 2: Find four (4) sources that address this topic with four (4) different genres (e.g., a report,
a political cartoon, a blog post, and a newspaper article).

Step 3: Complete the chart below with information about each source. (As you type, the table
will automatically adjust.)

Source Title What genre is What elements How is this How is this
and URL it? of this genre source similar source
make it to the others? different from
unique? the others?

https://www.outl Evaluation The author is This source is It differs from giving his own similar to others other sources
bsite/story/entert opinion and because the because
ainment-news-s persuading concept is the everybody has
pider-man-no-m people to watch same and it is a different
an-way-home-m the Spiderman review opinions and
ovie-review-surp movie evaluations

https://them0vie Blog The author It is similar It is different includes a because he is because it
der-man/ podcast, giving his own provide images,
images, and opinion on the podcasts, and
youtube videos spiderman youtube videos.
along with his movies kind of
own personal like an
thoughts on the evaluation.

https://www.insta Instagram Post It’s an image It has images It’s different from and can be like the others. other sources
shOxYIBHa/?igs spread around because the
hid=MWI4MTIy quickly. It’s also image is the only
MDE= on a platform information
with a lot of given. Also it
users. can be
commented on
by a variety of
people and
shared easily.
https://www.roge Review The author gives This source is It differs a star rating at similar as it’s because this
ws/spider-man-n the beginning. another similar source doesn’t
o-way-home-mo He related it to opinion, contain images
vie-review-2021 the comics shedding light like the others.
related to the on the same
movie. He also concept.
highlights a
connection to his
childhood. All
these elements
help establish
his opinion.

Step 4: As a group, come to a consensus to answer the following question and type your 2-3
sentence answer below: Which source was most effective for this topic? Why?

To determine which source was the most effective it can depend on the scenario. If you would
like to spread the word and persuade people to watch it the instagram post would be more
effective. However, if the purpose is to inform people and give your own opinion about a movie,
probably evaluation would be the most useful.

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