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VOL XX (X) 202X:

Indonesian XXX–XXX
of Pharmacy

Title. The title should clearly reflect the content of the paper
Qualitative study of level knowledge and appropriate use of cholchicin
in attact and preventive gout arthritis therapy at several Kimia Farma
Bandung pharmacy
Khairun Nisa. Use first names, middle names or initials, and surnames. Do not include professional
titles or academic degrees. At least one author must be designated with an asterisk to indicate the
corresponding author.

Author affiliations. The affiliation should be the institution where the work was conducted. If there is
more than one address/affiliation, use numbers to match author names to their affiliations.

Article Info ABSTRACT

Submitted: xx-xx-xxxx Gout arthritis (GA) is one of health problems in Indonesia which has
Revised: xx-xx-xxxx increase since last 5 years. GA attacted occur due increased the level of uric
Accepted: xx-xx-xxxx acid serum (hiperurisemia) > 6,8 mg/dL which caused inflammation and
joints pain. Untreated GA risks to permanent damage of joint tissues
*Corresponding author
including chronic kidney disease. Cholchicin were common chosen for
attacked or preventive GA therapy. Better knowledge about GA dan
Email: cholchisin very important to achieved goal therapy and prevented adverse
Corresponding author’s effect as program of WHO “patient for patient safety” which involved patient
email in theit treatment safety including GA. This study aims to describe the level
of patient knowledge and appropriate use of cholchicin in attact and
prevention GA at several Kimia Farma Bandung Pharmacy. This study used
a descriptive-observational design with a cross-sectional design.
Determination of sample used purposive sampling method. The instrument
of this study were questionnaires for interview that has passed the validity
and reliability test. Analysis conducted by thematic approach method to
found pattern of patient about their knowledge and appropriate use of
cholchicine. The result showed that the level of patient knowledge about
cholchicin was poor (21,2%). Patient knowledge about GA also poor
(25,1%) especially GA in general (21,5%), caused of GA diagnose (13%),
risk of untread GA (8,5%) and non-pharmacologycal treatment effort for GA
(33,5%). The level of appropriate used of cholchicin very low (3,9%) and
most patient unsure about the amount of cholchicin their taken for therapy
(89,7%). Side effect of cholchicin occur up to 24% with the major case
affected the gastrointestinal such as diare, nausea and vomit. Based on the
result of this study found that the urgency in increase patient knowledge
and appropriate used of cholchicin and also GA disease. This study provided
an overview about the aspect that need to improved by pharmacy service
particular in gout patient. to An approximately 200-300 words abstract
must accompany the submitted manuscript. The abstract should briefly
summarize the problem or purpose of the research, the theoretical or
experimental method(s) used, the principal findings, and the conclusions of
the study.

Keywords: Gout arthritis, cholchicin, knowledge and appropriate use of

Short Title

cholchisin Provide 3-5 keywords

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any other section, as doing so will not give an emphasize how the work related to the
accurate estimate of the formatting for publication advancement of the field. If the manuscript
and the final length of the paper. describes a new method or concept, indicate why
it is preferable to already known methods.
The introduction should state the purpose MATERIALS AND METHODS
of the research and include appropriate citations Include a clear description of materials,
of relevant preceding work. Citations must be equipment, and methods in sufficient detail to
formatted using the APA style. allow repetition of the work elsewhere. Also,
Examples of in-text citations: describe all safety considerations including any
One author: procedures requiring special precautions in
Mitchell (2017) states…, or …(Mitchell, 2017). sufficient detail so that those repeating the
Two authors: experiments can take appropriate safety
Mitchell and Smith (2017) state…., or …(Mitchell & measures. Published procedures should be cited,
Smith, 2017). but not described, except for substantial
Three, four, or five authors: modifications. Ethical clearance must be obtained
Mitchell et al (2017) state…, or …(Mitchell et al, for any study involving animal or human subjects.
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the reference should be used. This is usually the figures. Simple findings can be presented directly
title of the source. in the text. The discussion should be concise and
…(Farmakope Indonesia VI, 2020) relevant to the interpretation of the results. Each
Authors with multiple works from one year: manuscript may have up to 6 tables, 6 figures, or
(Mitchell, 2017a) or (Mitchell, 2017b) a combination of both with a total number of 6
A group or organization: items (e.g. 3 tables and 3 figures). Additional
First cite: (World Health Organization, 2020) figures or tables can go to the supplementary
Further cites: (WHO, 2020) material.

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CONCLUSION provided for the conducted study.
Use the conclusion section only for
interpretation and not to summarize information CONFLICT OF INTEREST
that has been already presented in the abstract or Authors must provide a statement
results and discussion section describing all potential sources of bias (if any) that
may constitute conflicts of interest. If there is no
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS conflict of interest to declare, the authors can state
Authors may acknowledge financial “The authors declare no conflict of interest”.
support, technical assistance, the source of special
References must be formatted according to
the APA style. Use a reference manager (e.g. Journal article:
Mendeley, Endnote, etc) to format the Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so
references and add in-text citations. Below are important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95
examples of formatted references in APA style.
Your reference manager can automatically Newspaper article:
generate the bibliography. Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Changes to citation formats
shake the research world. The Mendeley Telegraph,
Examples of references in APA style: Research News, pp.9. Retrieved from
(taken from:
citation-guide/) management/reference-manager
Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A Magazine article:
guide to citation. London, England: My Publisher, Mitchell, J.A. (2017). How citation changed the
pp. 10-35 research world. The Mendeley, pp. 26-28

Edited book chapter: Webpage:

Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21). How and when to
Williams (Ed.). A guide to citation rules (2nd ed., reference. Retrieved
pp. 50-95). New York, NY: Publishers. from

Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A
guide to citation. Retrieved from

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