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Division of Aklan


Topic: Make Me A Cartoon

Length: 30 minutes

Scripwriter: Christine Ibardolasa Gregorio

Learning Area: MAPEH 6 (ARTS)

Competency: Appreciates the elements and principles applied in comic art. (A6PL-Ie)

Objectives: 1. appreciate the most popular cartoon character

2. identify the types of cartoons



2 HOST : Good morning to you our dear pupils in Arts 6! We are glad to be with

3 this morning over the radio. I am your host for today _______________

4 of _______________________________.


6 HOST : Are you all ready to listen to our lesson for today? (PAUSE)

7 Well, you may now sit comfortably as we start our discussion. (PAUSE)

8 Today we will talk about the most popular cartoon character (PAUSE)

9 In Lesson 1, we have discussed the origin of cartoon character making

10 (PAUSE) Do you have your own favorite cartoon character?


12 HOST : At this point, I want you to get your Lesson 2 and 3 Module for today’s

13 topic, which is about the 10 most popular cartoon characters and (PAUSE)

14 types of cartoons .


16 Many of us are highly fascinated by the idea of cartoons. Am I right?

17 You love watching them because they make you laugh of their jokes and

18 you learn lessons as well. (PAUSE)

19 But before we go on with our topic, kindly turn your module to page 10

20 and answer What’s In. This will serve as our pre-test.


22 HOST : Are you done answering? Are these cartoon characters familiar to you?

23 (PAUSE) Let us go back to your answers later on. Let us see if you have

24 answered it correctly

25 Have you ever wondered how cartoons were created? Where do you

26 think cartoonist get their ideas for their cartoon characters?

27 let us hear the conversation between Tweety and Kitty as they talk about

28 the most popular cartoon characters and the different types of cartoons,


30 NARRATOR : It was 7:00 in the morning, on their way to school, Tweety noticed Betty’s

31 new Hello Kitty bag.

32 TWEETY : Wow Kitty! I like your new bag!

33 KITTY : Oh Thank you Tweety! Nanay bought it because she knew it is my favorite

34 cartoon character and she named me after Hello Kitty.

35 TWEETY : Really! Well, my mother also named me after the cartoon character

36 Tweety Bird.

37 KITTY : Since we are now talking about cartoon characters? Let me give you a

38 trivia about it. Do you know that a cartoon character is a fictional

39 character or an imaginary person or animal depicted in an animated film

40 or a comic strip?(PAUSE)
41 TWEETY : Oh really!

42 KITTY : Yes Tweety! Cartoon characters are loved to watch by kids and also adults

43 because it is a good source of entertainment for them.

44 The modern cartoons were first used to attract viewers to newspapers

45 and movies.

46 TWEETY : I can relate to that! When I read newspapers and magazines, the part

47 that I like to read first is the comic strip section. And I also love to watch

48 cartoons on TV during my vacant time.

49 KITTY : Well, if you really are a fan, do you know what are the 10 most popular

50 cartoon characters?

51 TWEETY : I love cartoon characters Kitty, but I have no idea who are the most

52 popular.

53 KITTY : Oh well then, brace yourself as we run down the top ten of it.

54 First on the list is Barbie! She is considered as the most famous and the

55 best character in the whole world. She is loved by every girl and is very

56 attractive.

57 TWEETY : Oh I love Barbie! That is why, I am so happy when Nanay gave it to me as

58 a surprise gift for my 7th birthday.

59 KITTY : Second on the list is Bugs Bunny.

60 TWEETY : I know him! The cute rabbit which fond eating carrots and always says,

61 What’s up Doc?

62 KITTY : Yes, its him! The third most popular cartoon character is Homer Simpson.

63 He is famous among boys. He has been seen on TV for more than 20

64 seasons.

65 TWEETY : Yeah, the father of the Simpson family.

66 KITTY : That’s correct Tweety! The fourth on list is Mickey Mouse! He is very old

67 and a favorite cartoon of all times. He got much fame and popularity in

68 Disney movies.

69 TWEETY : He’s also one of my favorite.

70 KITTY : I know your familiar with this next character. She is Dora, the Explorer!

71 TWEETY ; Yes, the Latin American girl with her friend monkey, Boots. I enjoyed their

72 adventures together and also learn a lot from them.

73 KITTY : You got it right girl! Let me see, if you know the 6 th one. It is a dog that is

74 very funny and makes people laugh.

75 TWEETY : Is it Scooby Doo?

76 KITTY : That is correct! How about the seventh most popular cartoon character?

77 It is a teddy bear who always used to wear a red shirt and love to eat honey.

78 TWEETY : Very easy! Is it Winnie the Pooh or also called Pooh Bear.

79 KITTY : You’re really a fan of cartoon characters.

80 TWEETY : I told you.

81 KITTY : The eighth one is also my favorite. I love watching them because it is so

82 funny. The mouse and the cat who always play tricks with each other.

83 TWEETY : Tom and Jerry! Tom is the mouse and Jerry is the cat.

84 KITTY : You are right again! We are down to our last 2 cartoon characters.

85 The ninth most popular characters are the three girls with many big powers.

86 They are given names Buttercup, Blossom and Bubbles.

87 TWEETY : The Power Puff Girls!

88 KITTY : I am so impressed with you Tweety!

89 TWEETY : Thank you girl! Come on, what is the 10 th most popular cartoon character?

90 KITTY : He is a famous super hero that is seen on television and in movies. Most of
91 the kids are fascinated because of its powers and capabilities. He is

92 Superman.

93 TWEETY : He is also referred to as the Man of Steel.

94 KITTY : Perfect! And because you got it all right I’ll treat you for snack later

95 during our recess.

96 TWEETY : I like that! Come on, it’s already bell time.


98 HOST : Now that you have heard the conversation between Tweety and Kitty,

99 can you now identify the 10 most popular cartoon characters?

100 Turn your module to page 13. There you can find the list of the top ten

101 most popular cartoon character.

102 HOST : Now, let’s see what happens to the best of friends, Tweety and Kitty.

103 KITTY : Friend, what a coincidence! We were talking earlier about cartoon

104 characters and now our lesson in Arts 6 is about the types of cartoons.

105 TWEETY : Yes, Kitty. What a coincidence indeed! The problem is that, I have no

106 enough knowledge about the type of cartoons.

107 KITTY : I think we should ask Teacher Dan. He is more knowledgeable when it

108 comes to this topic.

109 TWEETY : That is a good idea Kitty. Let’s go!

110 NARRATOR : And they hurriedly went to Teacher Dan to ask for more information.

111 TWEETY & KITTY: Good morning Teacher Dan!

112 TEACHER DAN : Good morning girls! Is there anything I can do for the two of you?

113 KITTY : Yes, Teacher Dan! We have an assignment in Arts 6 which is about the

114 types of cartoons. We would like to ask for more information about it.

115 TEACHER DAN : Okay, that is very easy. Basically there are five types of cartoons. The first
116 one is a Gag cartoon. It is a single-panel cartoon usually including a

117 caption beneath a drawing. It is a combination of punch lines and

118 scenario intended to make readers laugh. In some cases, dialogue may

119 appear in speech balloons.

120 TWEETY : Now Gag cartoon is already clear to me Sir Dan.

121 TEACHER DAN : Now you know what editorial cartoon is. The second type of cartoon is a

122 comic strip cartoon. It is a series or sequence of little drawings in boxes

123 which may contain dialogue and tell an amusing story. It becomes familiar

124 and popular because people like to follow their favorite characters. Have

125 you seen one in newspapers or in comic books?

126 TWEETY : Yes Sir! It is the first part of the newspaper that I read because it is

127 interesting and funny as well. It is very entertaining.

128 TEACHER DAN : And the third type of cartoon is the animated cartoon. It is a motion

129 picture that is made from a series of drawings, computer graphics, or

130 photographs or inanimate objects such as puppets) and that stimulates

131 movement by slight progressive changes in each frame.

132 KITTY : Yes Teacher Dan, just Iike those in Disney Movies?

133 Teacher Dan : That is correct Kitty, also those shown on televisions.

134 The fourth type of cartoon is an editorial cartoon. It is a one-panel or

135 stand-alone comics in which the main intent is to present an opinion. It

136 uses biting wit, and subtle humor to drive a point. It takes sides and

137 provokes thinking on current politics and social issues. This type of

138 cartoon is usually found in newspapers, tabloids, magazines and on our

139 school paper.

140 KITTY : Yes, I’ve seen that in our school paper and in the newspaper as well.
141 TEACHER DAN : Yes! That is a very good example Kitty.

142 Now, we are down to the fifth type of cartoon which is the illustrative

143 cartoon. It portrays a specific idea in a direct and simple manner. It helps

144 in explaining stories, teaching aids or advertisement.

145 TWEETY : Thank you so much Teacher Dan for enlightening us. We can now identify

146 the five types of cartoons .


148 HOST : Now that you have heard the conversation between Tweety, Kitty and

149 Teacher Dan, can you now identify the five types of cartoons?

150 Let us try to find out. Turn to page 17 in your module, the What’s In.

151 It is a cartoon which portrays specific ideas? (PAUSE)

152 You got it right! It is an illustrative cartoon.

153 How about a single-panel cartoon? (PAUSE)

154 Very good! It is a Gag cartoon.

155 How about a cartoon in motion picture? (PAUSE)

156 Yes, that is correct! It is the animated cartoon.

157 Let us see the next one. What is a cartoon which is arrange in a sequence

158 of drawings in boxes? (PAUSE)

159 Correct again! The answer is Comic Strip cartoon.

160 How about the political cartoon which is often found in newspapers?

161 Very good! The answer is an editorial cartoon.


163 HOST : This time, I want you to turn your modules into page 14 and answer the

164 assessment for Lesson 2 and page 22 for the assessment of Lesson 3.

165 Good luck! Enjoy answering your modules!

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