Muhammad Akmal Daffaroihan - 21050122130054 - Tugas 2 IKD Kelas B

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Muhammad Akmal Daffaroihan


2.1 Prepare a schedule for the current semester; also prepare two additional alternative schedules.
Discuss the pros and cons of each schedule. Select what you think is the best schedule, and discuss it
with your instructor or advisor. Consider his or her suggestions and modify the schedule if necessary;
then present the final schedule to your instructor. Maintain a daily logbook to keep track of how
closely you are following the schedule and where time is being used inefficiently. Write a one-page
summary discussing each week’s activities that deviated from the planned schedule, and come up
with ways to improve or modify its shortcomings. Turn in a biweekly summary report to your
instructor or advisor. Think of this exercise as an ongoing test similar to other tests that engineers
perform regularly to understand and improve things.


Wake up Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
pray pray pray pray pray pray
Taking a Gaming or Gaming or Taking a Taking a Gaming or Gaming or
shower make a make a shower shower make a make a
and content content and and content content
breakfast breakfast breakfast
Gaming or Gaming or PE class Fisika I Gaming or Gaming or
6-7 make a make a class make a make a
content content content content
IKD class Breakfast Breakfast rest Fisika I Breakfast Breakfast
IKD class Gaming or Gaming or Kalkulus I Fisika I Gaming or Gaming or
8-9 make a make a class class make a make a
content content content content
IKD class Study or Study or Kalkulus I Fisika I Gaming or Gaming or
9-10 and went read a read a class class make a make a
home book book content content
Rest Aljabar Bahasa Kalkulus I rest Gaming or Gaming or
10-11 linear class Indonesia class make a make a
class content content
Gaming, Aljabar Bahasa Kalkulus I Gaming or Taking a Taking a
make a linear class Indonesia class make a shower shower
content, class content
read a
book, or
Lunch Aljabar Bahasa Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
linear class Indonesia
12-1 class and
Get ready Lunch Lunch rest rest Recreation Recreation
for collage
English Gaming or Gaming or Gaming or Get ready Recreation Recreation
2-3 class make a make a make a for collage
content content content
English Gaming or Gaming or Gaming or Kimia Recreation Recreation
3-4 class make a make a make a Dasar
content content content Class
English Gaming or Gaming or Gaming or Kimia Recreation Recreation
class and make a make a make a Dasar
went content content content Class
Take a Gaming or Gaming or Gaming or Kimia jogging jongging
shower make a make a make a Dasar
5-6 content, content, content, Class
Take a Take a Take a
shower shower shower
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Kimia Take a Dinner
6-7 Dasar shower,
Class Dinner
Study or Study or Study or Study or Dinner Gaming or Study or
read a read a read a read a make a read a
book / book / book / book / content book /
articel articel articel articel articel
Study or Study or Study or Study or Study or Gaming or Study or
read a read a read a read a read a make a read a
book / book / book / book / book / content book /
articel articel articel articel articel articel
Study or Study or Study or Study or Study or Gaming or rest
read a read a read a read a read a make a
book / book / book / book / book / content
articel articel articel articel articel
10-11 sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

Note : for now I take my spare time to create content on youtube. In the future, if the robotics club is
active, I will reschedule my schedule. I also usually use my spare time to develop myself such as
learning English. And when I have assignments from the lecturer, I will use my spare time to do

I don't make a backup schedule because of the current schedule I often do

2.5 Meet with your advisor and prepare your graduation plan, as discussed in Section 2.5.

Tahun 2022

1. Kuliah di Jurusan teknik mesin

2. Belajar dengan benar
3. IPK awal yang bagus yaitu 4.0

Tahun 2023

1. Belajar dan mempertahankan IPK

2. Aktif organisasi
3. Mengikuti lomba
4. Mengembangkan diri (softskill / hardskill)

Tahun 2024

1. Belajar dan mempertahankan IPK

2. Mengikuti lomba
3. Aktif atau menjabat di suatu organisasi
4. Mendapat beasiswa
5. Mengembangkan diri (softskill / hardskill)

Tahun 2025

1. Belajar dan mempertahankan IPK

2. Mengikuti lomba
3. Aktif dalam organisasi
4. Mengembangkan diri (softskill / hardskill)

Tahun 2026

1. Lulus cumlaude
2. Kerja atau lanjut s2 jika mendapat beasiswa

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