The Beauty Industry Is Awful

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The Beauty Industry is awful

One of the very thing that I notice about people who want to have pretty skin is, they become an
expert of beauty product instead of becoming an expert of their own skin.

They try every product and they know what brand is the best for, but they have very little about their
actual skin.

Do you aware that some chemical substances inside your product might be dangerous for you? Do
you have any idea why many people including myself view that the beauty industry is ugly?

I would explain this simply. Most products that you use only give you service from outside your
body. Products that you use might contains dangerous ingredients that most of us have no idea about.

Dangerous ingredients like Formaldehyde, plastic, Petroleum, Asbestos, Lead, and Coal Tar. These
ingredients will disrupt your hormones and could lead to cancer.
So how do we make our skin beautiful without depending on expensive and dangerous
products? EAT HEALTHY.
Your skin is an ORGAN, just like your heart, lungs, etc. If you want to make your Organs Healthy
then you need to take care of it from the inside by eating healthy.

Your skin requires micronutrient and macronutrient from every food we eat. But the problem is,
processed foods or any unhealthy foods DO NOT provide us all those nutrients.
There is no such thing as “the most important nutrient” for your skin. Every nutrient like copper,
zinc, sodium, and magnesium, and vitamins like A, B, C, D, E, and K, and also Fat (this might shock
you), carbohydrate, and protein, they actually need each other in order your body to absorb and will
make your skin healthy.

Again I want to make my point clear Do not think that there is only one major nutrient your skin
needs to make it healthy. You need all those micronutrients and macronutrients.
So. what food would provide you nutrition to make your skin healthy? What food you should eat

Photo by from Pexels

Spinach, lettuce, kale, arugula, and whatever green your nearest market provides. Greens will
provide you many micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) as long as you don’t overcook it otherwise
all those amazing nutrients will be reduced or worse washed up

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
Fruits provide you fiber which helps your body process all healthy food you have eaten and expels all
of the waste you don’t need.
Fruits also provide you micronutrient’s like vitamins and minerals.
Which fruits? any food you like; Apple, Mango, Banana, Papaya, etc.
I give you one trick. If you got yourself eating unhealthy food, as soon as you finished, get papaya
and eat it. Papaya will speed up the digestion process inside your body, making all those unhealthy
food you eat expelled out of your body faster.

This is a bit controversial. Many people confuse dietary fat with body fat. The fat you eat is actually
healthy. This fat Help you process vitamin A, D, E, and K.
How do we get this healthy fat? olive oil, coconut, eggs, organic butter.
So add olive oil when you are cooking your greens. But don’t be too excessive because excessive fat
is not good for your body

What food you SHOULD NOT eat

Processed sugar leads to many problems and risks; skin aging process, heart problem, diabetes, acne
and etc. SO cut sugar and Just DRINK MORE WATER.
Processed Food
Photo by from Pexels
Don’t eat any food that comes from a can, wrapped in plastic, and any food that you can know for
yourself look unhealthy. The nutrients inside these foods had been washed away along the process of
making them. If the ads say their product gives you vitamins. Let me tell you, most of them
are synthetic vitamins which are different from natural vitamins. They are no comparison to the
original. And again if you find yourself eating unhealthy food, get papayas.
My last word
It may be hard for you to change your entire diet but I will give you the golden rule. Just Stop
consuming processed sugar and Drink More Water. 3 to 4 Litres of water a day would be good.
Thank you for reading.

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