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Common Arabic/Egyptian Words and Phrases

 Section 1

  1.    Marhaba = Hello  

     Marhaban bik or Marhabtain  (response)

 2.    Ahlan wa-sahlan = Welcome

Ahlan bik(i) (response)

 3.    Sabah al-Khair = Good Morning

    Sabah an-nuur or Sabah al-fuul  (response)

4.    Ma’ salaama = Good Bye


     Ila Laq’a = See you later  (response)

5.    Ya = Said before a person’s name when you are talking to


6.    Ustaaz + First Name = Teacher  (e.g. Ustaaz Randy) 


7.    Aywa =Yes  or  Na ‘Am =Yes,  (What did you say?) 

8.    La’= No  and  Mish = Not  

9.    Mumkin = Maybe

10.     ‘An Iznak (ik) = Excuse me (With your Permission)    


11.     It-fad-dal(i) = come in, go in, continue, sit down


12.     Shukran = Thank you  

13.     ‘Afwan = Your Welcome, excuse me  or  Low-
samakt = excuse me

 14.     Minfudlik(i) = Please

  15.     Ta ‘Ala hina = Come here

16.     ‘Uood(i) = Sit down


  17.     Faahim or Faahma = Do you understand  (I Understand)

  18.     Uskut = Be quiet  

  19.     Khalas = Done/Finished

  20.     Imtihaan = Quiz/Test

  21.     Waajib = Homework

  22.     Akbarak(ik) ay? = What’s up? 

       Wala haga = Not much

23.     Hadratak (ik) = You Formal (Your Presence)

  24.     Izzayak(ik)? = How are you?

            Kwaayis (a) = Good  +   il-Hamdu-Lila= Praise be to


  Nus wa Nus = Ok (Half and Half)

 Common Arabic/Egyptian Words and Phrases: Section II

  1.    Asalaamu-‘Aleakum = Peace be upon you

    Wa ‘Aleakum-Asalaam (wa rahma Allah wa barakatu)

  2.    Masa’ al-Khair = Good Afternoon

    Masa’ anuur or Masa’ al-fuul

     3.    Salamtak (ik) = Hope you feel better/Get well soon

        Allah Yasalimak (ik) = May God Bless You

     4.    Mashi = Ok

     5.    Ma-reed (a) = Sick

    6.    Ma’laysh = Never Mind, Don’t worry about it (To



     7.    Al-aan / Dilwaati = Now or Today

     8.    Igaazza = Break, Weekend, Vacation

     9.     E-Deenee = Give me                

  10.     Istannee = wait for me

 11.     Bas Akida = Stop it

  12.     Kida wala Kida = Like this or like that

 13.     Zay Kida = Like this

  14.     Imshi = Go Away

  15.     Yallah = Let’s Go

  16.     Bisuraa’ = Quickly

  17.     Ashufak (ik) Bukra = I will see you tomorrow

  18.     In-Sha-Allah = God Willing

19.     Maa-Sha-Allah = (used when praising or admiring something or

20.     ‘Aandi Su’al = I have a question?

21.     Man Inta (i) = Who are you?  


22.     Inta(i) minean? = Where are you from? 


      Ana min ___________ =  I am from __________  

23.     Ismak (ik) Ay? = What is your name?

      Isme _________  =  My name is _________

24.     Inta Raaya feen?—Where are you going? (Male)

          Inti Raayha feen?—Where are you going?  (Female)

 Common Arabic/Egyptian Words and Phrases: Secttion III

 1.    Ana Eye-Yiz = I want (Male)

        Ana Eye-Za = I want (Female)

2.    Ana mish Eye-Yiz = I don’t want


3.    ‘Andy = I have

    4.    ‘Andak (ik) = Do you have?  or You have


5.    Ma ‘Andeesh = I don’t have


6.    Ay Khidma = How can I help you?


    7.    Hadir = Yes Sir/Mam 


    8.    Hat Lee = Bring Me 


    9.    Tani = Another

        10.     Fe Haaga Tani = Do you want anything else?

11.     Bee Kam = How Much?

12.     Mara Tani = Repeat Again


  13.     Daqika or Lahtha = Wait a minute / Just a minute

 14.     Ma’ = with or = for something  (i.e. for corporal


15.     DiD = against something


16. Bidoon = without

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