What Is 0 Factorial

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Why is 0! = 1?

By Chandrahas M. Halai

We have
𝑛! = 𝑛 ∗ (𝑛 − 1)!
Thus, we have
1! = 1 ∗ 0!
Now, it is defined that
0! = 1
Hence, we have
1! = 1

But, why is 0! = 1?

We can arrange 3 distinct objects in 3! = 6 different ways.

Two distinct objects in 2! = 2 different ways.
One distinct object in 1! = 1 way.
And 0 objects in, well in one single way.
That is, 0! = 1.

An alternate way of looking at this is described below.

Let's say you are attending a dinner party which is having a six-course meal.
Based on your diet-plan, appetite, hunger pangs or your taste you will select
the number of courses you will consume during the meal.

Now, if you have a really big appetite and are extremely hungry you will
consume all the six courses. This can be done in one single way.

Now, let's say that you want to skip one of the courses. You can skip any one of
the six courses. This can be done in 6 different ways.

Now, let's say that you want to skip two of the courses. You can skip any two of
the six courses. This can be done in
We have
𝑟 𝐶 =
(𝑛 − 𝑟)! ∗ 𝑟!
Thus, we have
6! 6∗5
2𝐶 = = = 15
(6 − 2)! ∗ 2! 2

Thus you can skip any two of the six courses in 15 different ways.

If you are not really hungry and are on a strict diet, then you will skip the entire
meal. This can be done in one single way. No choice is also a choice.
No response is also a response!

We have
0𝐶 =
(6 − 0)! ∗ 0!
We know that
0𝐶 =1
Thus, we have
6! 1
1= =
(6 − 0)! ∗ 0! 0!
Hence, we say that
0! = 1

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