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GOD MATTERS XS IB CLE 2011-2012 Full Name Steven Marc T. Chua G Section 5 LC#

Note: This is your digital worksheet. You will nd the instructions for todays module here. Perform the requested tasks using this Pages le. In other words, make it your own. Thank you!

Part One: YOUR Epistemological World Views Summarize here your ndings (even if tentative!) about your theories of knowledge. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Religion Item #s 1, 5, 14 4, 8, 12 3, 7, 10 6, 9, 11 2, 13, 15 YOUR world view Evaluativist Evaluativist Relativist Relativist Relativist Brief Reason + Remarks There is always a best reason. There is always a best reason. Everyone has his/her own say. Reason for doing a certain deed. Science and God both unproven

Part Two: Ways of Knowing How important are the different Ways of Knowing in the different domains? Rate them from 1 to 10 according to importance, with 10 as VERY IMPORTANT. If there are other ways of knowing/judging, use the last column and specify. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Religion Sense Perception 8 8 10 1 3 Reason 8 8 4 8 8 Language 2 5 6 5 3 Emotion 1 5 6 7 5 Others?

Part Three: AUTHORITY and/or EVIDENCE When you justify claims, how much do you actually rely on External Authority and Direct Evidence for every domain? Assign a percentage to each one per domain (Just make an estimate, so NO decimal points--e.g., 25.2321%!). Make sure both total 100%. Domains Natural Science % AUTHORITY 20 % EVIDENCE 80 100% Brief Reason + Remarks I feel that hard evidence plays an important role in obtaining information on natural science. I made authority and evidence equal because we should the situation (what is happening) and judge base on I placed a hundred percent importance in authority because I feel that each and everyone has his own tastes on art. I feel that evidence plays a more important role in morality because the right deed can be judge from evidences. It depends on your belief and to some extend evidence for us to have faith.

Social Science















After the discussion, I learned that each and everyone has his own personal views towards the areas of knowledge. By consulting with my group members, I was able to not only identify our differences, but I have also gained new insights. I feel that being able to share your views with each other is a fruitful experience. Based on the information and data shown above, I can say that I am relativist in art, morality, and religion. I know that most people regard relativist views as a lazy perspective, but I feel that having a relativist view towards the areas of knowledge gives certain respect to other views. This is because a relativist considers both to be correct and contains the same rightness as the other options.

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