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1. Which of the following are/is correct with the following historical eras of Nursing, except?
a. Curriculum Era - 1900s to 1920s
b. Research Era – 1950s to 1980s
c. Graduate Education Era – 1950s to 1980s
d. Theory Utilization Era – 21st century

RATIO: The curriculum era falls from the year 1900s, the rest are correct

2. What era noted that the outcome of Nursing theoretical works shifted the focus to the
a. Curriculum Era
b. Graduate Education
c. Theory Era
d. Theory Utilization

RATIO: Curriculum era focuses on what courses to be offered while graduate education is
focused more on research works, while Theory shifts more to quality of care to be given to

3. This is defined as specific to academia and refers to a branch of education, a department of

learning or a domain of knowledge.

a. Vocation
b. Discipline
c. Profession
d. None of the above

RATIO: Discipline is defined as specific to academia and refers to branches of education. For
example: Nursing, Engineering and the like while Profession is discipline applied. Vocation on
the other hand is a calling and more skills application and lesser scope of knowledge. Nursing
started as a vocation.

4. All but one constitutes the following criteria of a profession:

a. utilizes in its practice a well-defined and well-organized body of specialized knowledge.
Relationship between nurse and the patient
b. entrusts the education of its practitioners to universities/ colleges
c. functions autonomously in developing professional policy
d. strives to compensate nurses by providing restriction in action, opportunity for continuous
professional growth and economic insecurity
RATIO: One criterion included is it strives to compensate nurses by providing freedom in action,
opportunity for continuous growth and economic security.

5. Which era has the emphasis of carving out an advanced role and basis for nursing practice.
a. Curriculum Era
b. Research Era
c. Graduate Education Era
d. Theory Era

RATIO: Curriculum era emphasizes courses included in nursing programs, research era
emphasizes role of nurses and what to research, Graduate education era emphasizes carving
out an advance role and basis for nursing practice while Theory era emphasizes that there are
many ways to think about nursing.


This document and the information thereon is the property of PHINMA Education (Department
of Nursing) 1 of 55
1. Which of the following are/is correct with the following historical eras of Nursing, except?
a. Curriculum Era - 1900s to 1920s
b. Research Era – 1950s to 1980s
c. Graduate Education Era – 1950s to 1980s

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