1 - Lab 4 - Evangelist Muserudzwa 194203800115 Lab 1 Android

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Android App Development Report1

title Lab 4 date 12.09.22

name Evangelist Muserudzwa Student num 194203800115

Software environment:
Purpose and experiments:Stopwatch
Purpose 1 ….stopwatch analysis
Experiment …
1. Start a new android studio project
2. Empty activity
3. App name Stopwatch

Purpose 2....Update layout

Experiment …
1. Component tree ( delete the text view)
2. Palette -> layout -> linearlayout(vertical)
3. Palette -> text -> textview
4. Palette -> buttons -> button
5. Add string resources in string.xml

6. Add buttons in activity_main.xml

Purpose 3… timing
1. Button -> onClick -> method
2. Runtime() method
Purpose 4… stopwatch testing
1. OnCreate() method

Purpose 5… Activity lifecycle: create and destroy


1. OnDestroy () method runs immediately before the activity is destroyed

which perform any final cleanup such as freeing up resources.

2. The user starts the app, and click on the start button to start the
3. The user rotates the device.
Android view this as a configuration change and get ready to destroy the
activity. Before the activity is destroyed the onSaveInstanceState() get
Purpose 6… Start and stop
1. onStop() method runs when the activity stops being visible to user
2. onStart () method runs when the activity is about to become visible.
Purpose 7… Pause and resume
1. onPause()
2. onResume()

Problems and solutions(list the problems you have solved but also
5. Problem1…


Conclusion(Learning experience):
1.its a little hard since its my first time but I hope to improve as I go
feather with studing.

tips:format for reference,you can add what you want

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