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Movie Club Lessons – The Matrix – Part I

Hi, I’m AJ Hoge, the author of Effortless English, Learn to Speak English like a Native. Father of
the Effortless English System that trains you to speak English fluently, powerfully, effortlessly,
confidently, to think in English. When you commit to my VIP program at another reason to join and commit to the VIP program. VIP members
will get the recording of today’s movie club lessons for free, no extra money. It will be included
for VIP members. So VIP members, probably in a few weeks I did a walk and talk today and I’ll
upload that soon. I’ll tell you a little more details about this for audio podcast listeners, but
basically you’ll get it. This and future movie lessons will be added to VIP members, so you’ll get
that also. So more content for you VIP members.

Of course live here, it’s free for anybody who wants to join live. You gotta make the effort to join
live. If you want the recording, you want to do the repeating and deep listening and all that, well
then become a VIP member and you will get these movie lessons and all the future movies we
do too, ongoing.

Now, we are live on Twitch. We’re doing our movie club, our first movie, The Matrix. The Matrix
Part I today, we are live on Twitch. I’m just gonna say a quick hello to many people joining live
and then we’re going to jump into the movie. We have a lot to focus on, a lot to discuss. I’ll go
through the movie, kind of the main scenes first and summarize Part I. I’ll pick a couple sections
and I’ll do the movie technique so you can learn and practice some of the vocab, practice some
listening to the actors and understanding everything. And then finally, I’ll come back to our live
questions and comments, and those of you joining live can ask questions and we can talk more
deeply about the movie, the scenes, really anything, the meaning of the messages in the
scenes and also maybe just some of the movie, some of the techniques they are using,
anything you want.

So, just quickly we have Lisa Terimesu from Siberia, Russia; Din Abraham Bufendra, nice to
see you. Vlataslov… lots of familiar names… Larkson nice to see you. Omar Arshingi 420, good
to see you. Miguel, Alexi very good to see you too. Zobedae, see our hard core. Great guys,
Quan, Amah, very nice to see all you guys. All right, let’s just jump to it guys, ‘The Matrix’. ‘The
Matrix’ starring Keanu Reeves, he’s the hero as Neo; Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus another
one of the major characters and Carrie Anne Moss as Trinity. This is the three big characters.
The three main characters. The three main heroes of the movie.

Now, the movie’s going to start with Trinity, the woman. She is in the first scene. So let me just
play a little section, I’m not gonna play all of it for copyright reasons, but I’ll just play you the very
opening scene here. Let’s get right into it. All right… and if you’re watching live, please confirm,
please tell me you can hear the audio it’s important. All right, so we’re just getting the little
opening credits really quickly and what we can hear in the very beginning, the very opening
scene. Good, I’m just doing a sound check, sound is perfect. Good.

The opening scene is a phone call. It’s a phone call, so on the screen you can see it’s just these
little numbers and stuff, kind of represents the programming of the Matrix, which we’ll learn
more about later but here a phone call first with, we don’t see who’s talking we don’t know. We
hear Trinity’s voice.
Unk: Do you?

Trinity: It doesn’t matter what I believe

Unk: You don’t, do ya?

Trinity: Did you hear that?

Unk: Hear what?

Trinity: Are you sure this line is clean?

Unk: Yeah, of course I’m sure.

Trinity: I better go.

AJ: Okay, I’m just gonna replay that a little bit again.

Unk: Yeah.

Trinity: Is everything in place?

Unk: You weren’t supposed to relieve me.

AJ: Okay. So first we hear she says, is everything in place? And he says, you weren’t
supposed to relieve me. Is everything in place means, is everything ready. A little bit
of an idiom right from the beginning in the movie. Is everything in place? In place,
means is everything ready. So he’s asking her, it’s just… we don’t know who it is.
Later we’ll find out it’s Cipher, but right now we don’t know who it is but we hear, is
everything in place he asks her? Is everything ready, right?

And then on the screen it says, trace program running. Trace program running in
like computer writing. What does this mean? It means the Matrix, somebody is
tracing their call, somebody is spying on their call, listening to the call and tracing
means they can find the location. So somebody on a computer is listening to this
phone call and they’re finding the location of, what we find out very soon, finding the
location of the woman. They’re finding out where she is.

So there’s a woman on the phone, Trinity. She’s talking to the other guy, Cipher.
And then the bad guys okay, the villains, the bad guys, the Matrix is spying on their
phone call listening and tracing it. So they’re finding her location. And we’ll see in
the next scene they do find her and they send some police and agents to get her.

Trinity: I know but I felt like taking your shift.

AJ: He says, you weren’t supposed to relieve me. That means um, to relieve someone
means like, to take over their work. So like let’s say, Cipher was working, he had to
do some work and Trinity comes and she says, ah you can go home. You can go
home early. You can rest I’ll do the work. She is relieving him, relieving him of his
work. And he says you weren’t supposed to do that, you’re not supposed to be
working now and she says I know, but I felt like taking a shift.
A shift, it’s a period of time. So she’s like I felt like working. I felt like watching him.
We don’t know who him is yet.

Unk: You like him don’t you?

AJ: You like him don’t you? Who’s him? We don’t know, it’s a mystery.

Unk: You like watching him?

AJ: You like watching him.

Trinity: Don’t be ridiculous.

AJ: She says, don’t be ridiculous. Don’t be crazy, I don’t like him.

Unk: We’re gonna kill him, do you understand that?

Trinity: Morpheus believes he is the one.

AJ: We’re going to kill him says Cipher. They’re gonna kill him. Hmm… what does that
mean? We don’t know yet it’s all a mystery. And then she says, Morpheus believes
he is the one, the one. The one what? Again, we don’t know. So this whole opening
is creating mystery and that makes it, it’s very good. It’s very good filmmaking. It’s
very good writing because, of course, now if you’ve seen the movie you know the
answer to these questions, but the first time you see this you don’t know what’s
happening. Like, what are they talking about? It creates a lot of questions.

And so immediately, in the very first scene right from the beginning you’re curious
and that’s good movie making. It’s pulling you in. Even there’s nothing on the
screen but some green numbers, but you’re listening to this, the strange
conversation with these mysterious strange sentences. Who are they talking about?
Who is trying to trace their call and find them? We don’t know. Who’s talking? We
don’t know, we don’t see any faces.

So Morpheus… who’s Morpheus? We don’t know. The one, what does that mean?
We don’t know. But that’s really good filmmaking because they want to make us
really curious so then we are focused on the movie. We want to find out.

Unk: Do you?

Trinity: It doesn’t matter what I believe.

AJ: Do you think he’s the one? Do you? And she says, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t
matter what I believe. So she has faith in Morpheus. Morpheus is their leader, so it’s
important what Morpheus thinks.

Unk: You don’t do ya?

Trinity: Did you hear that?

AJ: You don’t do you, you don’t really think he’s the one? And then she said, did you
hear that? There’s like a little sound, like a little computer sound, like di-di, and
that’s the sound of the computer trying to find her, listening to their call.
Unk: Hear what?

Trinity: Are you sure this line is clean?

AJ: Hear what? And then she says, are you sure this line is clean? Meaning, is this line
safe. Meaning they can’t spy on this line, this telephone line.

Unk: Yeah, course I’m sure.

AJ: Yeah, of course I’m sure he says. We find out later, of course we’ll learn that this
guy actually betrayed them, so he’s actually working with the bad people. So he
helped them to find her.

Trinity: I’d better go.

AJ: I’d better go. I must go.

All right, so that’s our opening scene. That is the opening scene of the Matrix, it just
creates all this mystery. We don’t know what’s happening really as the audience.
The first time you see this you have no idea what’s happening.

Next… we get all these computer effects…

Unk: You give me that juris-mydiction crap…

AJ: Let me back this up a little bit. Next what we’re gonna see is they find her. The bad
guys find her in the next scene. And here we are… I’m not gonna show this whole
scene because it’s mostly just an action scene, there’s not much talking. But in the
next scene now we have Trinity. We see our first main character and it’s Trinity, the
woman and she’s just in some old, old building alone on a computer, right. So that
was her, she was in that room and she was having the phone call, so now they
have found her, the bad guys. They send a bunch of police first and they go in to
get her, to grab her.

And we have this, again this is a really interesting scene, especially the first time.
The police look quite nervous. There’s a bunch of the police. There’s many of them
and they go into this very old building apartment. They break open the door and
there she is.

Unk: Freeze, police. Hands on your head. Do it. Do it now!

AJ: Hands on your head. Do it. Do it now. And now we see Trinity. We’ll see Trinity’s
face real quick. We reveal Trinity the woman. She puts her hands up, right.

So, so far if we’re watching this, this seems like maybe it’s just kind of a normal
crime movie. Maybe this is kind of a normal crime movie. Ah, she’s maybe some
kind of criminal. Maybe she’s some kind of like, computer hacker or something and
they’re gonna arrest her. So nothing strange happening yet in the movie, but the
next scene, suddenly we realize oh, there’s something very, very weird happening.
Very strange, this is not a normal world that we think we know.

I’ll show you just a quick thing, we see her…

Okay, this is a super famous scene okay. When this came out these special effects
were like amazing and these kind of special effects are still used. There’s kind of
slow motion in the camera. There’s circles around the person and she’s in this
almost like Karate Kid position flying in the air and she just, she kills all these guys,
kills all these policeman with her hands, just with her hands and she’s doing stuff
that’s not normal for a human. She’s jumping really high in the air and doing these
flying kicks. She’s running on the sides of the walls.

So suddenly we realize whoa, another surprise. This is more good filmmaking,

because now we realize this is weird, what is happening? Is this a super hero
movie? So first it sounds like a normal crime movie, the police are trying to catch
this woman. Now, this woman alone, this little thin woman alone uses these like
super hero powers to kill all these policeman. So the first time again you’re like,
what is happening? Is she a good person or is she bad? She’s killing the police. Is
she a villain? Is she the bad guy, or one of the bad guys or is she one of the good
guys? We don’t know, but we know something very strange is happening because
this is not normal. But again, nothings explained so it’s all a mystery.

Okay, I’m gonna skip ahead just a little bit now… and then what we see, we’ll see
some more crazy stuff because next the agents show up, the agents. Now, they’re
called the agents in the movie. They look like FBI agents, but they never say FBI,
because they’re not actually FBI, which again we learn later. Again, we don’t know
who they are but we think okay, maybe these guys they’re FBI agents, they come
but she’s very scared of them. She’s terrified of them. She calls Morpheus and he
says get out of there, get to a different phone line.

Why? We don’t know. But she starts running and the agents are chasing her, right.
These FBI agents are chasing her and we learn again during this action scene, we
can see the FBI agents have the same super powers. They’re jumping over huge,
these huge, huge big jumps, jumping from one building to the next building to the
next building and so is she. And the police can’t do it, the police seem like they’re
just normal people, but the agents and Trinity, they have some kind of super
powers. I’ll show you another scene…

Now she makes this big leap, this huge jump from one building to the other,
impossible. And what happens next? The agent does exactly the same thing. And
the policeman says, that’s impossible. So the police don’t understand it either, that
she jumps from this one building way, this huge leap… a leap means a big jump.
This big leap and then the agent does exactly the same thing, this big leap chasing
her. And the police guys seem like they’re normal humans and they’re like, what is
happening that’s impossible?

So now we realize that okay not everybody in this world has super powers and
these super powers, most people don’t have them. The regular people like the
police don’t have these super powers, just these special people. We don’t know
why. We don’t know what it means, but that’s good filmmaking.

And then I’m gonna skip the rest of this because that is the end of the action scene.
She gets away, okay… oh no, actually there’s one more part that’s actually
important right at the end of this action scene which I want to show you how she
escapes because that also is a little mysterious. She runs into a phone booth, an
old phone booth. This was made in the 90s, not many phone booths now. But she
runs into a phone booth, which is the little box with the public phone.
And one of the agents, he’s the main agent, the main bad guy is called Agent Smith
and we see him in this scene. He’s in a truck and he drives the truck, he’s going to
smash her, he’s going to run over her and we think oh he’s gonna kill her because
she’s in the phone. There’s no way, she’s not going to escape and he crashes into
the phone. (We’ll just watch this really quick). Boom! Seems like she should be
dead right, in a normal world. She should be dead. She was in the phone, he hits
her in the phone booth and we think ah, he killed her.

Another mysterious surprise with the movie. He comes, he looks, she’s not there.
She disappeared. She’s gone. So she escaped, the other agents come they say, oh
she got away, but he says doesn’t matter, the informant is real. They’re talking
about Cipher, it means that they have somebody on the other side who’s like a spy,
who’s working for the agents now. They have a spy, so they’re like it’s okay cause
now we can spy on Morpheus. All right so that’s it.

Now next we’re going to meet our main hero and that is Neo and Neo’s sleeping at
his, he’s in his apartment. He’s just a regular guy. He’s kind of like a computer geek,
he’s a hacker. He’s a computer expert. He’s a hacker. He works at a computer
company at a normal job during the day and during his free time he does like this
computer hacking, and he’s looking for Morpheus.

Now we don’t know who Morpheus is yet, but we kind of see on his computer
screen, it seems like Morpheus is some kind of terrorist, cause on the screen it’s
showing news and information about Morpheus. He’s some kind of computer
hacker, super hacker or terrorist or something. So Neo’s taking a nap and then his
computer starts to talk to him, give him messages. Some messages come onto his
computer. He wakes up and he realizes Morpheus, Morpheus is talking to him,
chatting with him on the computer.

So he’s laying at his computer and the computer now a chat pops up and he kind of
wakes up and he sees the chat. Wake up Neo it says. The computer says wake up
Neo. Neo’s his nickname. His name is Thomas Anderson, but his nickname is Neo.
And he’s like what…? The Matrix has you.

Neo: What the hell?

AJ: And he says what the hell. What the hell means what’s happening, what’s
happening? What the hell?

He tries to clear the screen and it says, follow the white rabbit. The computer
message says follow the white rabbit. Now, this is a reference. This is a few things.
Follow the white rabbit, this comes from Alice in Wonderland, if you have ever seen
the movie or read that story, Alice in Wonderland. What does Alice do? Alice is in
the normal world and then she goes down a hole, a rabbit hole into the land of the
white rabbit, into this magical land that’s completely different than her normal world.
So that’s why it’s saying, follow the white rabbit.

And there’s another reason which we’ll see in a minute, but the deeper message of
this is that it’s a reference to Alice in Wonderland and it’s kind of giving us a hint, the
idea that there’s another world. That this is the world we think is normal, but there’s
another world and Morpheus is telling him, follow the white rabbit. He wants to lead
him to the different world.
Neo: Follow the white rabbit.

AJ: And he’s confused, what, follow the white rabbit? And, of course, nothing. Ah and
then, it says knock, knock Neo on the computer and then immediately after, like one
second later, someone knocks on his door which really shocks him, because it
means Morpheus knows, Morpheus knows someone’s going to knock at his door.
Maybe Morpheus is knocking on the door, we don’t know.

Neo: Who is it?

AJ: Who is it? So he’s confused by this and now the computer goes blank, there’s

Neo: Yeah.

AJ: Now he’s gonna have a conversation with these guys. He opens the door and
there’s these weird people out there. Now it’s kind of like he’s a drug dealer okay,
because he keeps the door partly locked and these guys they don’t look very
friendly do they. These kind of weird guys, like party guys and they’re there to buy
something from Neo. Is he selling them drugs, because it looks like kind of the
normal movie drug deal? But no he doesn’t sell them drugs, he sells them some
kind of computer program.

Now we never know what it is. We never see what kind of computer program.
Maybe it’s some kind of virtual reality program, we don’t know but it’s illegal. We do
know it’s illegal. Some kind of hacking program, because he says, if you get caught
with this than don’t tell them about me, you never knew me. So it’s some kind of
illegal computer program this guy’s buying from Neo.

Neo: You’re two hours late.

AJ: He says, you are two hours late.

Unk: I know, it’s her fault.

AJ: I know it’s her fault.

Neo: You got the money?

Unk: Two grand.

AJ: Got the money? Two grand. Here’s another little bit of slang. Grant, when we’re
talking about money, two grand, one grand, ten grand what does that mean? You’ll
see this in movies a lot. They use this word grand. Grand means a thousand, it’s
kind of slang for a thousand. Two grand means 2000. Two grand means $2000
dollars. Five grand means $5000 dollars. So a grand is what? A thousand dollars.
It’s very common, very common slang. We only use it for money. I’m trying to think
of any other situations, it’s almost always money, a grand, a grand, a grand. Two
grand. Two grand means $2000 dollars.

All right. I’ll get to the questions after. I’m gonna go through the whole section first
guys then I’ll come back and then we can, you can ask questions; I can answer your
questions. But thanks, if you’re watching live you can type the phrases as I say
them that’s also nice, thank you. Here we go… continue with this conversation.

Neo: Hold on.

AJ: Hold on means wait. You probably know that but it’s again a common idiom. Hold
on means just wait. So he goes and he opens this box and there’s these little
computer discs in there. So we realize it’s not drugs it’s some kind of computer disc,
a little CD.

Unk: Hallelujah.

AJ: Hallelujah, hallelujah means fantastic, wonderful. You say it when you’re really
happy. Hallelujah.

Unk: You’re my savior man.

AJ: You’re my savior man. So this guy’s acting really cool. You’re my savior means like
you’re my hero. Now specifically savior means someone who saves you. So this
guy for some reason really wants this computer program. We don’t know, we just
know it’s illegal. We have no idea really what it is. You’re my savior man. Now the
man has no real meaning. This is something that kind of adds emotion. It kind of
shows that you’re like maybe kind of, it makes it really casual if you say something,
hey man how’s it going? Some people even say this to women, but typically you say
it to a guy.

Say hey man, what’s up man. What’s the man mean? It doesn’t really mean
anything it just kind of makes everything more casual and like it’s a feeling of being
a little more close so it’s not so distant, not so formal. So it just makes what you say
sound very casual like your friends, like you’re really relaxed. Hey man, how’s it
going man? What’s up man?

Unk: My own personal Jesus Christ.

AJ: My own personal Jesus Christ. He’s making a joke. The word savior is usually used
for Jesus. Jesus is the savior of Christians. He saves them. So this guy’s just joking.
Then Neo’s saying, if you get caught with that…

Neo: If you get caught using that…

Unk: Yeah I know this never happened.

AJ: If you get caught using that… and then the other guy finishes the sentence… I know
this never happened. I know this never happened it means, I know it’s a secret. So
if the police catch me I won’t say your name, Neo. I won’t tell them about you.

Unk: You don’t exist.

AJ: You don’t exist.

Neo: Right.

Unk: Something wrong man?

AJ: Something wrong man? Again the man just sounds casual. Hey man what’s going
on man?

Unk: You look a little whiter than usual.

AJ: You look a little whiter than usual. His skin looks white.

Neo: My computer it…you ever have that feeling where you’re not sure if you’re awake or
still dreaming?

AJ: So he says my computer, then he stops. He was gonna say my computer’s talking
to me. Then next he says, do you ever have that feeling when you’re not sure if
you’re awake or dreaming? Now this is actually very important. Again, the first time
you watch the movie this just seems like it may be just some line that doesn’t’ mean
anything, but actually this lines quite important. He’s actually revealing a pretty deep
secret about the whole story right now, because all these people are in a world that
they think is real, but in fact this entire world is like a dream.

Unk: All the time, it’s called mescaline.

AJ: All the time, it’s called mescaline. So again this guy’s joking. Mescaline’s a drug
kind of like LSD. It makes you see things, so the guy’s kind of like just joking yeah, I
know that feeling it’s taking drugs man, mescaline. This guy’s never serious.

Unk: It’s the only way to fly.

AJ: It’s the only way to fly. Again, a kind of slang joke. It’s the only way to fly meaning
it’s the only way to feel good.

Unk: Hey, this just sounds to me like you need to unplug man.

AJ: So now he’s gonna be serious cause Neo’s not happy about the joke, so he says it
just sounds like you need to unplug man. So now the guy’s being more serious. He
says you need to unplug, meaning, he’s saying Neo… to unplug means to get
offline, get off your computer, get out in the real world, unplug. Unplug from the
computer. Again it’s kind of a slang phrase. So he said you need to unplug, means
you need to get off, get off the computer, get off the phone, get off the devices. So
he’s just telling Neo that you’re on your computer too much, you’re going crazy.

Unk: You know, get some R&R.

AJ: Get some R&R, another nice idiom, very common. R&R means rest and recreation.
R&R, the first letters of those two words. Get some R&R. Get some R&R, rest and
recreation. So he’s saying you need to get some rest and have some fun. You’re on
your computer too much. You’re working too much. You need some R&R. You need
some rest and some recreation. You need some rest and some fun. Get off your
computer, have some fun.

And then next he’s going to invite them to go to a dance club. He’s going to invite
Neo to go to a dance club with them.

Unk: Hey what do you think D’jour, should we take him with us?
AJ: What do you think D’jour, should we take him with us. So he asks this girl should we
invite him. Should we take him with us to the club, the dance club?

D’Jour: Definitely.

Neo: I can’t I have uh work tomorrow.

AJ: So first he says no I can’t I have work tomorrow. He’s not a party guy.

D’Jour: C’mon it’ll be fun I promise.

AJ: It’ll be fun I promise. And then… he sees on her back there’s this tattoo of a white
rabbit and he goes yeah, okay I’ll go. Morpheus on the computer just said, follow
the white rabbit and now here he sees the white rabbit on the girl’s shoulder, ah
hah. How did Morpheus know about this? What’s the message? What’s going on?
We don’t know but now we realize awe, he realizes I need to follow this girl. I need
to go with them. Interesting.

Neo: Sure. I’ll go.

AJ: All right that’s the end of our scene. Now the next scene is at a big dance club and
now, next he’s going to meet Trinity. Going to meet Trinity. So the first scene was
Trinity. Our first character. We don’t know if she’s good or bad in the first scene.
Neo, our main hero and now they’re gonna come together and meet. So this, of
course, is the purpose. This is why Morpheus said follow the white rabbit. Those
other guys that were at his apartment, we never see them again. They’re not
important. The important thing was to get him to go.

Now it might have been Trinity on the PC. Teramesue says maybe it was Trinity.
Also possible that she was the one. Actually we don’t really know. He thinks it’s
Morpheus but we’re not sure. Okay, so now he has a quick conversation with

Neo: How did you do that?

Trinity: Right now all I can tell you is that you’re in danger.

AJ: So yeah, actually I’m sorry I was wrong, it was Trinity on his computer. He says how
did you do that? Was that you on my computer? How did you do that? She says, all
I can tell you right now is you’re in danger. You are being watched. We find out
Trinity is a hacker also. She’s also some kind of famous computer hacker. He
knows her name. He’s heard of her before. She’s done some famous computer
hacking things.

Trinity: I brought you here to warn you.

AJ: I brought you here to warn you, give you a warning.

Neo: What?

Trinity: They’re watching you Neo.

Neo: Who is?

Trinity: Please just listen.

AJ: Who is? She doesn’t answer, so again why? The movie, movie, movie making.
They’re trying to keep the mystery, keep the mystery going because of course, we
see later when we find out what the Matrix really is. It’s a huge shock. I know the
first time I saw this movie I was like wow! I didn’t know anything about the movie,
which was fun. I’m glad I didn’t know, because when we actually find out what the
Matrix really is it’s a huge shock, if you’ve never seen this movie.

Suddenly it’s like wow! Oh my God I didn’t think it was that. So it was really, really
cool and so that’s why it’s great in these early scenes they’re building the mystery,
building the mystery, the mystery, the mystery. We’re kind of seeing what’s
happened. It seems really cool, kind of dangerous, there’s weird stuff happening.
There’s super powers. There’s these hackers, but what does it all mean? We don’t
know. Who’s Morpheus?

Trinity: I know why you’re here Neo.

AJ: I know why you’re here Neo.

Trinity: I know what you’ve been doing.

AJ: I know what you’ve been doing.

Trinity: I know why you hardly sleep.

AJ: I know why you hardly sleep. To hardly sleep means does not sleep much. Like I
hardly eat means I almost never eat. I hardly sleep means I almost never sleep.
You do it very little, hardly.

Trinity: Why you live alone.

AJ: Why you live alone.

Trinity: And why night after night you sit at your computer.

AJ: And why night after night you sit at your computer. So she’s saying I understand
you. I understand why you’re doing all this behavior.

Trinity: You’re looking for him.

AJ: You’re looking for him. She doesn’t say the name, but he knows who it is. Of
course, Morpheus.

Trinity: I know because I was once looking for the same thing.

AJ: I know because I was once looking for the same thing. Exactly right. I was once
looking for the same thing. So she’s saying I was like you before. I was looking for
him too.

Trinity: And when he found me, he told me I wasn’t really looking for him.
AJ: When he found me, he told me I wasn’t really looking for him. So Morpheus told her,
you’re not really looking for me you’re looking for something else.

Trinity: I was looking for an answer.

AJ: I was looking for an answer.

Trinity: It’s the question that drives us, Neo.

AJ: It’s the question that drives us, Neo. Now we talked about this in the trailer, the
introduction last time. Um, it’s the question that drives us. Remember drive means
motivate in this situation. The question that motivates us, that energizes us, that
motivates us. And of course he knows the question. She’s not saying the question,
she’s kind of testing him and he knows what the question is.

Trinity: It’s the question that brought you here.

AJ: It’s the question that brought you here.

Trinity: You know the question just as I did.

AJ: You know the question just as I did. She’s testing him and of course he does know
the question.

Neo: What is the Matrix?

AJ: What is the Matrix? And now we have our big mystery for the movie. What is the
Matrix? What is the Matrix? So now we’re going even deeper with the mystery.
We’ve got the strange call at the beginning of the movie. It’s a mystery who’s
talking. Of course we find out she’s one of the people. Then we have the chase, the
action scene with the very strange-like super powers with her and with the agents.
So even more mystery. What? What’s happening? How can they do all that? We
don’t know.

Then we have her in the phone booth and Agent Smith hits it with a truck, but she’s
not there she’s gone. Some other kind of weird power. What happened? Where did
she go? We don’t know. More, deeper mystery. Then we meet Neo. He’s in his
room and his computer is talking to him and it says follow the white rabbit. What
does that mean? We don’t know it’s very strange. Then a girl and some guys come
to his apartment and we see she’s got a white rabbit tattoo, so he decides to follow
her. What’s going on? We really don’t know, it’s all very mysterious. It seems cool.
The action scene was really great. That kept our interest. It gave us some
excitement at the beginning of the movie. Now we’ve got these weird conversations.

Next we’ve got Trinity and Neo talking and she’s talking in this mysterious way. She
says you’re trying to find him, but she doesn’t say who is him. Doesn’t say the
name. What is the question? And then he says, what is the Matrix? This is our
biggest mystery of all. It’s the name of the movie and right now still in the movie we
are about 11 minutes, 12 minutes into the movie and we have no idea what the
Matrix is, no idea. Is it some computer thing? Is it some virtual reality program? Is it
an organization? Who knows? We don’t know. This is great because now the
mystery keeps getting deeper and deeper.
What is the Matrix?

Trinity: The answer is out there Neo.

AJ: The answer is out there Neo. So she’s also telling us the audience the answer’s out
there. We’re going to find out.

Trinity: It’s looking for you.

AJ: It’s looking for you. The answer.

Trinity: And it will find you.

AJ: And it will find you.

Trinity: If you want it to.

AJ: If you want it to. And then she walks away. Again more mystery like what? That she
just walks away. The next scene, Neo is in his apartment waking up, he’s late for
work. So again, weird like what? Now we’re really confused. HE meets her in a
normal movie, a normal Hollywood movie. Probably they would meet and then he
would find out some answers in some action scene, but instead she just walks away
and he wakes up the next day in his apartment and he’s late for work. So now we’re
even more confused, what was that about?

What does that conversation mean? I don’t know. Why did she just walk away,
nothing happened? Really strange. But it’s very good movie making. It’s very good
movie making. I’m going to skip him waking up, but next we see he’s late for work.
He shows up and his boss is unhappy. And his boss, he works at Meta Coretac,
some huge computer company and his boss is angry cause he’s late again. We get
the feeling that he’s late to work a lot and his boss is kind of giving him a little
speech saying, if you don’t come on time then you’re going to be fired. So we’ll
listen to that.

Boss: Do you have a problem with authority Mr. Anderson?

AJ: Do you have a problem with authority Mr. Anderson? Now we, for the first time, hear
his real name. Thomas Anderson, Mr. Anderson, and the bad guy, the bad guy,
Agent Smith, always calls him Mr. Anderson, never calls him Neo. The good guys
call him Neo, his nickname, but the bad guy always says Mr. Anderson. Mr.
Anderson. And now his boss is calling him Mr. Anderson. He says do you have a
problem with authority? Do you have a problem with authority means, do you hate
authority? Do you hate bosses?

Boss: You believe you are special.

AJ: You believe you are special.

Boss: That somehow the rules do not apply to you.

AJ: Somehow the rules don’t apply to you, do not apply to you. Meaning, you think you
don’t need to follow the rules. Right, so his boss is saying, oh you think you’re
special. You think you can come late. You think you don’t need to follow the rules.
You don’t like having a boss. He’s angry at Neo for being late.

Boss: Obviously you are mistaken.

AJ: Obviously you are mistaken. You’re wrong.

Boss: This company is one of the top software companies in the world.

AJ: This company is one of the top software companies in the world. So now we know
that he’s, he’s a software guy, computer guy.

Boss: Because every single employee understands that they are part of a whole.

AJ: Every single employee understands that they are part of a whole, w-h-o-l-e,
meaning full. Means everyone, all the employees understand they’re part of the
team, but you you’re not.

Boss: Thus, if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem.

AJ: If an employee, one employee has a problem, the whole company has a problem.
So he’s basically saying, if you’re a problem then it causes problems for the whole

Boss: The time has come to make a choice Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your
desk on time from this day forth…

AJ: Okay, so he says you have to choose. Either you choose choice number one, you
choose to be at your desk at work on time from this day forth, meaning starting from
this day, f-o-r-t-h, not the number four, forth meaning kind of from…

Boss: … or you choose to find yourself another job.

AJ: Or you choose to find yourself another job. In other words, we will fire you. We will
fire you if you’re not on time in the future.

Boss: Do I make myself clear?

Neo: Yes, Mr. Rinehart, perfectly.

AJ: Do I make myself clear? Means, am I clear? Do you understand me? And he says
yes Mr. Rinehart, yes boss.

All right, this is gonna be our last scene. So we’re gonna save the next scene for
next week, the next scene will be the agents and the police station, we’re not gonna
get to that this week. It’s okay, taking our time. I think this is the last one. He’s going
to get a phone call from Morpheus next. He gets a delivery of a phone and it’s
Morpheus calling him to warn him the agents are coming to arrest him. And he tries
to help Neo escape. So this is our last one.

Delivery: Have a nice day.

AJ: So he gets a box. Inside the box is a cell phone. The cell phone immediately rings
and Morpheus talks to him.

Neo: Hello.

Morpheus: Hello Neo.

AJ: Hello Neo. And now we hear Morpheus for the first time, Morpheus’ voice, nice
voice Fishburne has.

Morpheus: Do you know who this is?

AJ: Do you know who this is? And he does, he guesses. Morpheus.

Neo: Morpheus.

Morpheus: Yes. I’ve been looking for you Neo.

AJ: I’ve been looking for you Neo.

Morpheus: I don’t know if you’re ready to see what I want to show you.

AJ: I don’t know if you’re ready to see what I’m going to show you. So he’s saying I’m
not sure if you’re really ready. And later we find out why, because it’s a big shock.
But, he’s basically saying, there’s no more time the agents have found you now and
so I have to, we have to meet. I have to show you the truth.

Morpheus: But unfortunately you and I have run out of time.

AJ: We have run out of time. To run out of time means to not have time. It means no
more time. We’ve run out of time means time is up, time is finished.

Morpheus: They’re coming for you Neo and I don’t know what they’re going to do.

AJ: They’re coming for you Neo and I don’t know what they’re going to do. So they’re
not sure why the agents are coming to get Neo, but Morpheus really has been
watching Neo. He believes Neo is special, but now the agents have found Neo
because of Trinity probably, spying on Trinity. It may be because of Cipher their
spy, so they’re coming to get him.

Neo: Who’s coming for me?

AJ: Who’s coming?

Morpheus: Stand up and see for yourself.

AJ: Stand up and see for yourself. Stand up and you can see.

Neo: What, right now?

Morpheus: Yes, now.

AJ: Right now, yes. Now. Slowly.

Morpheus: Do it slowly. The elevator.

AJ: At the elevator.

Neo: Oh shit.

AJ: Oh shit! There’s a nice swear word. So if something bad happens and you’re not
happy about it you can say oh shit, shit, with that same tone, oh shit. It means oh
my God. Same idea. Oh no. So now he’s panicking because he can see it’s
policeman and these other guys that look like FBI, and of course he doesn’t know
what’s really happening. Neo has no idea what’s really happening right now, but you
know he does some kind of illegal hacking in software. We saw this at his
apartment, so he probably thinks they’re coming to get him because of that and so
now he’s really worried.

Morpheus: Yes.

Neo: What the hell do they want from me?

AJ: What the hell do they want from me? Like, what do they want from me? Why are
they coming to get me? Again, the hell just adds emotion, okay. Just like I said last
week, that these kind of swear words, fuck, shit, they can be used to be happy and
sad. They can be used in so many situations, because the word itself, the meaning
there’s not really a meaning. Of course, shit has an actual meaning which is like
poop you know when you go to the bathroom, but when we use them most of the
time in conversations like this, shit, fuck, damn, they’re used to show strong

And some of them are stronger, like fuck is probably one of the strongest ones and
darn is like a very light one that people use to sound more polite. Shit is kind of in
the middle… shit what do they want from me? It’s just showing emotion and so
which emotion? It depends on how you say it, this is why it’s a little tricky, a little
difficult to sound good when you use this when you’re not a native speaker. This is
why my general advice is, don’t do this yourself. Don’t try to use these words when
you speak English because the problem is that so many people, English learners
who try this, the tone is wrong so they’re trying to sound angry and it doesn’t sound
angry it just sounds weird. So it’s good to understand these words but overall I don’t
recommend using them as a non-native speaker.

You can if you want, but generally it’s tricky because you have to say… there’s a big
difference if you say shit and shit! And shit. Those three things are showing three
different emotions. So he’s of course, showing fear right now, fear and surprise.

Morpheus: I don’t know, but if you don’t want to find out I suggest you get out of there.

AJ: He goes, I don’t know what they want from you. I don’t know why they’re coming,
but I suggest if you don’t want to find; if you don’t want to find out what’s happening,
if you don’t want them to get you, get out of there. Leave. Get out of there means
escape. To get out of there means to escape from there.

Neo: How?

Morpheus: I can guide you but you must do exactly as I say.

AJ: I can guide you, right, I can give you directions but you must do exactly as I say.

Neo: Okay.

Morpheus: The cubicle across from you is empty. Go now.

AJ: The cubicle across from you is empty. Go now. What’s a cubicle? That’s a nice
business word. It’s this. In watching the screen, this little office like this, but it’s not a
full office right and there’s just a huge room with all these, like they have these little
half walls with no roof, no ceiling, these are called cubicles. Cube from the word
cube which means like a three D square. So it’s like a little cube office it’s not a full
office. So, a lot of businesses have these cubicles. So he’s saying go to the other

And now he’s gone. So the agents come but he’s not there he escaped. Morpheus
helped him, now he’s hiding in the next one, the next cubicle.

Morpheus: Stay here for just a moment.

AJ: Stay here for just a moment in the other cubicle. Now they start walking around the

Morpheus: When I tell you go to the end of the row to the office at the end of the hall.

AJ: When I tell you go to the end of the row, of course a row is several things in a line to
the office at the end of the hall.

Morpheus: Stay as low as you can.

AJ: Stay as low as you can. Right, stay low so they don’t see you.

Morpheus: Go now.

AJ: And he does and he escapes and you can see him and he goes into this office at
the back of the building.

Morpheus: Good. Now, outside there’s a scaffold.

AJ: Good. Now, outside there’s a scaffold. A scaffold, what is a scaffold? There’s
another nice word. A scaffold is like a platform. We’ll see it in a minute. It’s used on
the sides of buildings. Sometimes it’s used for construction when they’re building a
building or painting or the guys who were cleaning the sides of this tall building were
on a scaffold. This one has ropes. Sometimes they’re built with wood, but it’s kind of
like, well I’ll show you real quick. It’s easier just to see it. That, that is a scaffold
right. It has ropes. It’s like a little platform, a little area to stand on, on the outside of
a wall like this.

Neo: How do you know all this?

AJ: And then he says, how do you know all this? Another mystery. How does Morpheus
know all this? How is he seeing everything? How is Morpheus seeing exactly where
the agents are, exactly where the police are, exactly where Neo is? How he can
escape. How is he doing all this?
Morpheus: We don’t have time Neo.

AJ: He’s saying we don’t have time. I don’t have time to explain.

Morpheus: To your left there’s a window, go to it.

AJ: To your left there’s a window, go to it.

Morpheus: Open it.

AJ: Open it.

Morpheus: Use the scaffold to get to the roof.

Neo: No way!

AJ: He says get to the scaffold, then get to the roof. Right, so you have to go outside,
walk on the outside on this little tiny area on the wall on this tall building where he
can fall and die and then get on the scaffold and from the scaffold go up to the roof.
Now Neo’s like, no way, no way, this is crazy. This is dangerous. This is too
dangerous. He’s scared to fall.

Neo: No way, this is crazy.

AJ: No way this is crazy.

Morpheus: There are two ways out of this building.

AJ: There are two ways out of this building. The scaffolding and the roof or under arrest,
arrested by the police and the agents.

Morpheus: One is that scaffold, the other is in their custody.

AJ: One is that scaffold, the other is in their custody. Custody there’s a nice word. In
their custody means in their control. We use this, like for example with parents and
children. Parents have custody of their children, meaning they are responsible for
them and the children are under their control. But the other common situation we
use the word custody is for this kind of police situation, where they say the police
took him into custody. The police took him into custody. It means took him under
their control, arrested him.

Morpheus: You take a chance either way.

AJ: You take a chance either way. So he’s saying it’s a chance. If you go with them it’s
a chance, I don’t know why they want you. If you try to get under the roof you might
fall and die that’s also a risk, a chance here means risk.

And then that’s enough, basically, let me show you the last little part. He gets out
there and he slips a little bit. He almost falls.

Neo: I can’t do this.

AJ: And he says, I can’t do this and he goes back inside he’s too afraid. And then next
we see him, he’s under arrest. They take him into custody, the agents take him, so
we know he gets arrested. And we’re going to end right there.

We will come back now and do the discussion. So, nice, we got some nice little idioms and
slang all through those conversations. Great movie, so you can see now the mystery just
building deeper and deeper and deeper. That’s one of the things that makes this movie so great
is it starts with so powerfully because of this great mystery. It’s such a strange thing, and of
course, when we finally find out the truth of what the Matrix is it’s really shocking. It’s really a big
surprise which is also really great, really cool.

Visually the movie’s quite interesting as well, lots of great shots. The action shots in this movie
are quite famous for good reason, you know, all those slow motion and they’re moving the
cameras around with the characters frozen as they’re jumping in the air, the super-fast Kung Fu
fights. There’s lots of cool stuff which we’re going to see, we’ve already seen in the first action
scene with Trinity, but a lot more that are super, super famous and still really great action
scenes, very well.

So the filming is really interesting. The action scenes are good. The building of the mystery is
cool. The overall story’s fantastic and the deeper meaning and messages are also important.

So right now in terms of deeper meaning, the main thing is that Neo is blue pilled right now. So
right now the main thing is that we understand there’s some mystery, but Neo believes
everything he sees right now. He believes he’s living in the normal world. He believes that
everything he sees and touches, that everything that this is real. He believes everything is real
and normal, so he kind of just believes what he is shown. He’s living in the Matrix right now, he’s
totally blue pilled but he also has a strange feeling that something’s wrong.

He’s searching. He realizes there’s something called the Matrix. It’s a mystery. He realizes that
like he says, sometimes he feels like he’s living in a dream. Sometimes he feels like this world
he’s in is not quite real. He’s not sure is this real or a dream? So it’s the very beginnings of
waking up for Neo, just this feeling of something’s not right. That the normal world, what
everybody thinks is normal, there’s something wrong with it.

Now that’s quite an important message for all of us, cause the deeper meaning for us is the
same idea. When we become red pilled, and of course, with the mind control and with all the
media control, the Matrix that we live in, well the first step is just a feeling there’s something
wrong, that there’s something wrong with the news. Yeah you watch the news and a lot of
people just watch the news and they believe everything. Ah they believe the fake news, they
just believe all the lies. They watch TV and movies and they just accept all the messages and
they just believe what they’re told.

They go to school. They listen to the teachers. They just believe everything. They believe
everything in the textbooks. They never question anything, they’re 100% blue pilled. But there
are people like Neo, people like you and I, who just feel there’s something not right. We ask
questions. We’re curious. We’re not sure. It seems like there’s something not quite right. We
don’t totally trust the fake news. We don’t totally believe the textbooks in the schools. We don’t
totally believe the governments. In the very beginning it’s just this feeling of, there’s something
wrong with this normal life. You know I’ll give you an easy example like America.

Just a very simple plain example, not political really, but just the health situation is a really easy
one. It’s so obvious. You look around everybody’s fat. I say everybody like 70%. Seventy
percent of the people are fat and unhealthy, and yet most of them never question, they just think
it’s normal. It’s normal because everyone else is that way. They’re completely blue pilled, totally
in this bad health Matrix, the fat Matrix and they don’t ask questions. They don’t even think there
might be something wrong. Well, everybody’s fat it’s just the way it is. But then there are some
people, others who, like myself, who look around and think this is crazy.

What’s wrong? This is weird. It’s wrong. Why is everybody fat? So many diabetics, why is
everybody so unhealthy? This isn’t right, there’s something wrong. What’s happening? This is
the first step and this was the first step for me for the health situation. I knew that it was
something very, very wrong, cause even compared to when I was a kid, like when I was
16/17/18 years old, not so many fat people when I was young and now suddenly everybody’s
fat. So there’s something weird, something wrong. It was the beginning of my waking up and
then I started asking questions and doing research, thinking about it and trying different things.
Now, of course, I’m very red pilled about it, but the food industry and many other things have
created this terrible horrible situation.

Well, that’s true with politics. That’s true with education. That’s true with our culture. That’s true
with all of these things. So, the beginnings, what we’re seeing is that the beginnings of waking
up is just this feeling that something’s wrong. And then we’ll see the next step next week.

All right so that’s it guys, quite a lot. Good job. We learned some vocab. We learned some
phrases. We got some good messages. So now let’s go to your comments and questions,
because you always have some interesting things. I’m going to skip through the hellos and get
to your comments and questions because this always adds to our discussion quite well.

Now I noticed some of you were typing in some words and phrases as I said them, which is
wonderful. That helps people see the spelling, which is nice. Of course on the recordings I’ll get
all this transcribed for text, so again you can.


All right just repeating some of the vocab… Get some R&R means rest and recreation, exactly.

Exilvica says, movie club is fantastic for real English conversation. We listen to a lot of idioms
and slang. Thanks AJ.

Yes it is, movies are great for that. Okay, I’m skipping through vocab…

Victor says right, a scaffold is an external elevator, kind of like an external platform for repairing
and cleaning buildings or even building them. You’ll see this when they’re making a new
building the scaffolds on the outside as they do the construction.

Right, Larkson with a good point. Trinity, Morpheus and Agent Smith have super powers
because they know the truth about the Matrix. They are awake. Excellent point. Being awake
makes you more powerful. It gives you a kind of super power. Super powers equals’ knowledge.
Yes, well said Larkson, good point.

The question is, what is the Matrix? It shows that Neo is in the process of waking up. In general
Neo seems to be confused and fearful at all times, which is another sign of waking up.

Excellent. Excellent points, all of those points. That is exactly right. The red pill is painful, but
after it does give you super powers because knowing the truth makes you more powerful.
Knowledge is power and when you know the real truth you will become more powerful, more
successful, smarter, wiser, stronger in the end. But the process is painful. In the beginning we
see with Neo first, a lot of confusion and fear exactly right. And when we get to the next part
where he first wakes up from the red pill, shock and surprise and pain and denial and all kinds
of horrible feelings… anger. But then finally, exactly what Larkson is saying, super powers.
Excellent points. Really good.

Merrick with an excellent comment as well… The Matrix reflects the life of an ordinary man as a
battery for the elite.

Well said, and we’ll see this quite literally next week.

Some people manipulate other people, use them. Their goal is to destroy a man
psychologically, break down the family as an institution to make stupid. Anesthetized means
people who can’t feel. To make robot people unable to think for themselves. At the same time,
poisoning people with junk food, alcohol and drugs, eventually leaving them alone in old age
when they are no longer useful, when the battery has gone dead.

That is wow! Very, very, very well said. Excellent. Wow. Fantastic. You can see the connection
to Brave New World can’t you, from yesterday? The movie and Brave New World really go
together quite well. Merrick wow, that’s some powerful writing right there. Your writing is really
good and very well said, and I agree completely. You just summarized the elite’s plan, the world
controllers plan very well.

Christie says, I’m watching with my daughter, so excited.

Wonderful. Hello to you and hello to your daughter.

Yeah Larkson with another good point. Neo has the strong emotion of fear. He’s quite fearful in
the beginning, but the drive, this drive to know the truth helps him to go against it.

That’s another nice point. Well said. What is it that helps someone wake up to be red pilled, to
get these super powers, to grow stronger? More than anything it’s this strong drive, the strong
motivation for truth, for truth, to find the truth, to constantly be seeking and looking for truth and
the truth and the truth. That’s what leads to the red pill, waking up and being powerful in your
life, not being a slave, escaping the Matrix.

Yeah, like igor says, this part of the movie is very close to Brave New World.

Bernard also just starts to have feelings that something is wrong, I’m so excited. Exactly right.
You’re very much, exactly that’s right. Yesterday we talked about Bernard and Brave New
World, the main character. He’s having the same sort of thing. He’s confused. He’s upset. He
feels different. He’s just feeling something’s wrong, but he’s not sure what and now we have
Neo, same thing. He’s curious. There’s something happening. What is the Matrix? But he’s
afraid and very confused.

This is an interesting question from Tronlukatan. I wonder why every agent has the same style
with their hair and their clothing and their eyeglasses, it’s kind of weird. Do you have any idea,
AJ? And their face too, the faces look intense and almost the same.

Well, exactly, it’s to show that they’re kind of just the same, like they’re copies, the same as
everyone else not individual. Again, like yesterday’s Brave New World. Remember in Brave new
world, same thing. Everybody in the same cast, in the same group, programmed to be the
same, think the same, act the same. Well we see this again, the agents represent the Matrix.
The agents represent the big power. And what do they want? Everybody to be the same. You
know the agents have like almost no personality right. We’ll see finally next week in the first
scene, they’ll get to actually talking more and we see with Agent Smith he talks in this very kind
of, no emotion, emotionless way.

Mr. Anderson… His face always looks kind of disgusted, but doesn’t show much other emotion.
Doesn’t show anger or excitement, so they’re kind of robotic, like they’re all the same. I think
that’s by design. I think that’s why.

Alexi Sovolov says, The propaganda nowadays is so strong most people don’t even suspect
that something’s wrong with the news and with the internet as a whole.

Well exactly right, it’s just like the Matrix. Just as we see, and Morpheus explains this later in the
movie that yeah, most people are not awake and cannot wake up. Most people are completely
blue pilled, they’re not even like Neo, they don’t even feel confused. They don’t even realize
something’s wrong. They’re so mind controlled they have no idea. As I said, just like the
American’s with the fatness, most of them are so asleep it’s so amazing to me, I can’t believe it
because I live in Japan and almost everybody’s really thin and healthy and when I travel home,
immediately as soon as I get into the airport it’s just a shock. Like whoa, everybody’s so fat,
what’s wrong?

It’s so obvious to me, because I’m awake, but to them they’re completely asleep and even if you
say something to them they’ll say ah yeah well, it’s just normal. You get older and you get kind
of fat… They’re so mind controlled. They’re so blind. They’re in the Matrix so deeply that they
have no idea at all. That’s true and we’ll see it in the movie too. Most of the people in the Matrix
are completely asleep they’re not awake at all, not at all.

Carol says, in the cubicle scene Anderson isn’t depicted as a hero.

That’s right, quite the opposite. He’s just a normal blue pilled person, even a little bit of a
coward. Yeah, he’s just afraid right. He’s just a normal guy. He’s kind of waking up, but at this
point he’s certainly not a huge hero. We don’t see, how can he be the one? How can he be so
special because he seems kind of just, like this scared little computer hacker guy?

He’s just a normal blue pill person, even a little bit of a coward. That shows us that anyone who
wakes up can become special and powerful.

Good point. That’s right. It shows us that we individually can change and become heroic. That
the act of waking up, when you become fully red pilled, you will be a different person, a
stronger, better person that it doesn’t matter that when you were blue pilled if you were kind of
weak and afraid cause most people are. But the process of becoming red pilled can change you
into something amazing, into an amazing person, into a strong courageous person. And indeed
this movie is all about that. That’s exactly what this movie’s about, in terms of Neo, is following
him from being this kind of scared little guy who’s blue pilled to getting the red pilled and being
shocked, and angered and in denial and upset and horrible and in pain.

And then finally accepting it and then beginning to become more powerful, getting some more
and more super powers, but still kind of afraid. Still not totally powerful, and then of course by
the end of the movie he becomes the one where he gains his full power, he completely wakes
up and becomes the hero to save other people. And indeed that is a message for all of us isn’t
it? That even if we are little people and we’re afraid right now or we’re just waking up and we’re
really angry and upset. Keep going and you also will get those kind of super powers.
No, you’re not going to walk on walls, but this is a metaphor, a symbol, meaning in your life you
will gain greater confidence, greater strength, greater success, greater freedom, greater power
and eventually you can use that to help other people. Well said.

Gregory Tetoff says, Like Neo we have to constantly be looking for truth, experimenting with it to
find reality and our real purpose.

Yes, very well said. I agree.

Gabby Perfere says, thanks teacher this is my first time live with you. It’s a wonderful way to
learn English. I’m a new VIP member. Great, so you will get the recordings of these lessons. I
live in LA, born in Venezuela. This is a lot, my favorite movie. Great. Wonderful.

Liza says, sometimes I think about such films. What an incredible imagination some people
have to make such amazing scenes.

Indeed, it’s a very well made movie. Now, I think it was inspired by Sumonga actually, Japanese
comic books that had some similar ideas, so I think they took some of these ideas from some
Japanese Monga, which is also amazing. But then the actual filmmaking, the screen writing it’s
very well written. As we’ve seen right in the beginning, pulls you in and then visually it’s so well
done it’s just that weird greenish color that makes everything seem a little strange. The action
scenes, the fashions even of the characters gives us again this is kind of, it’s very well done.
Very, very, very well done movie. It’s one of my favorite movies.

Alexi says, the Matrix and Neo shows us we have to spot the small, little things like the white
rabbit in our confused daily life, to be aware about the new design plans, the elite and
government are planning to implement.

This is also a good point that as we look for the truth, often it’s some small little thing that will
lead us to something great. I’ll give you an example from my own life, I was just thinking about it
today. So I’m on Gab;, follow me at AJHoge, and one of the Effortless English family
members, one of our fans sends me a message, check out this guy Cole Robinson. He talks
about fasting, maybe you could interview him. So I’m like okay cool.

So I go I click the link, I watch a video. Whoa, this guy’s really interesting. So then I just watch
10-12 of his videos in one day and it’s all about fasting and the power of fasting and the different
ways you can fast and his advice and his system for fasting, and I was just amazed. I
immediately, immediately did a fast. I immediately fasted for 24 hours. It felt good. Immediately
did another one, 48 hours. Felt a little tired the second day but okay. Ate food. Immediately did a
three-day fast. Felt tired the last day but I noticed I get on the scale, I’m weighing myself. Oh my
God I’m dropping weight very fast. In just that one week I’d already dropped like 5-7 lbs, like 3-4
kilos. I’m like oh my God wow! Just for the fast loss, amazing.

So then from there I’ve been fasting now for five weeks. I’ve down 70 kilograms, which was my
goal. I started at 80 kilograms. I did it in five weeks. Not only that, just feeling overall much
better and now it’s become a big part of my lifestyle this fasting and it will continue to be. What
did it all come from? One person on Gab sending me one link and now it’s completely changed
this big part of my life, my health. I feel fantastic. My weight now is the same as when I was
about 30 years old. I’m gonna lose just another kilo I think. There’s just a little tiny bit of fat left
on my stomach, but I have the body now that I had when I was in high school, when I was like
21, because of this fasting.
Amazing. Amazing. All from one little link that one person sent me. So this is a good point from
Alexi that you never know. One little thing can change your life in a huge way, can make a huge
difference, can make this massive huge improvement in your life. One little article, one little
audio, one little lesson, one person that you meet, one little conversation, one link that someone

It says, can we say the location, such as the cubicles and scaffold are symbolic?

I do believe so, yes, because it’s kind of this sterile environment. Sterile means lifeless, without
life. So this, like his office, it just seems like the lighting is kind of green and there’s this
scaffolding which is like the buildings and cubicles, they’re almost like little prisons right, where
he’s stuck in these little tiny spaces. Yeah, I do believe so.

Carol says yes, do you notice how Mr. Anderson’s boss, Neo’s boss looks like Mr. Smith, the
bossy manager who’s asking the employees to conform?

That’s right. Again, you’re seeing like they all kind of look the same. They have this same again,
kind of emotionless kind of almost robotic look and way of speaking.

Like Vladasolv says, in the movie Neo’s boss tells him, you should be like other workers. You
should be like all the other workers. Everybody equal, the same. Big companies support the
idea of equality, which is also described in Brave New World.

Exactly. That’s why I call it corporate communism, because that is really the system. We
discussed it yesterday. It’s this kind of new form of communism. The old form is animal farm
1984, Soviet Union. Cuba and Venezuela, but the new form, the Western form is corporate. It’s
companies, these giant companies like Google and these giant banks and all these huge
companies working with these giant governments to create this again, to make everybody into
robots, to control them, to silence them, to keep them blue pilled. It’s exactly right and yes,
Brave New World exactly talking about the same thing.

Shinji says, I’ve been feeling something wrong but I don’t know what it is.

Well Neo, you’re waking up.

I now know what I have to do to wake up. I will continue meditation and fasting.


Thank you AJ, you are my Morpheus.

Thank you and you are Neo, all of you.

Two great ways to be more red pilled, meditation clears your mind of the programming.
Meditation clears your mind. And fasting also breaks addictions and clears your mind. I would
say meditation, fasting, prayer, reading old books and of course, reading red pill books and
watching red pill movies like we’re doing. All of these things help us to wake up.

Now this is a good question, Merrick, that many people have asked… Why did Hollywood allow
such a movie to be made, that people should wake up?
Yeah right. Sometimes one of these little movies gets through. They start to wonder if
something’s wrong or maybe to weaken those thoughts. If someone starts to wonder then they’ll
tell him, what’s wrong with you? It’s not a movie or watching the Matrix, it could do it to distract
us. Yes maybe. Maybe for some people it’s just like ah it’s just a movie. The other thing is just
sometimes it happens.

You have to realize too a lot of these Hollywood people are not very intelligent. They’re kind of
stupid people and they’re very shallow and they probably didn’t think very deeply they just
thought ah cool, cool sci-fi man and then later maybe they realized oh wait there’s all these
messages in it. You know I don’t know, but maybe that’s why the Wachowski brothers after the
Matrix had no career. Like their career was completely destroyed and they went crazy. They
made a really bad movie, Speed Racer. They became transgender. They lost their minds and I
often wonder if the powerful, the cabal, the big powerful folks kind of attacked them and made
them go crazy and completely destroy their career. Because they made this amazing movie and
then after that what happened? So I wonder, maybe they were punished for making this movie
with these messages.

Another movie I would say that’s quite red pilled is Fight Club in a different way, especially for
men. I’ve read that many executives, like the executive at Fox hated that movie and they were
also kind of angry that it got made. So every now and then, but it’s very rare and doesn’t happen
much anymore. I mean this happened in the 90s guys, but the mind control now of Hollywood
and the fake news media of Google, Apple and Twitter and Facebook, it’s so much stronger
now, so now could a movie like the Matrix be made by Hollywood? I doubt it. I doubt this would
be made now. I doubt this kind of movie would be made. You know, there was still a little bit of
freedom in these companies at that time and now there’s none.

Yeah, Larkson connecting yesterday, the group of young people who visited Neo at his
apartment, they are under Soma.

Yeah right, they kind of were, kind of like they were using the soma from Brave New World.

Talking about fasting again. Last month I had a 24 hour fast. Great. One time I tried a 48 hour
fast, but I managed to fast about 40 hours, but I saw some benefits. I lost a few kilograms. My
blood pressure normalized. I saved money cause I bought less food. I saw the 24 hour fast are
not that tough.

Now 24 hour fasting is easy guys. It’s easy. Now I’ll tell you one of the keys, one of the secrets
to fasting that will help you if you’re trying to do several fasts in a row. When you eat, eat low
carb don’t eat carbs. The carbs, meaning sugar, pasta, rice, anything like that, even fruit, even
some fruits, any fruit that’s high sugar. Fruits like lemons and even like grapefruits are okay, but
don’t eat like a sweet fruit like a banana when you’re fasting. Because what happens is that
sends your blood sugar up and it stops your body from burning fat and then when you try to do
your next fast it’ll feel harder. You’ll feel more hungry. Your energy will be low for a while.

If instead when you eat when you’re fasting, when you do eat, if you just eat like fat and protein,
avoid the carbs then your next fast, when you then fast the next day actually it’ll be easy, your
body will still be burning fat. You won’t be as hungry. You’ll have decent energy. That’s a little
secret there guys.

And Motion’s also right about this Hollywood. Hollywood allows this movie because most people
don’t realize the hidden messages beneath the movie.
Exactly, most people don’t think. Most people are totally asleep, they just say oh cool fight
scenes that’s all they think the Matrix is, cool sci-fi, cool science fiction, cool action. They don’t
think about the deeper messages at all. Most people don’t think, just like we saw on Brave New
World yesterday. People don’t think deeply, they’re too program, too stupid now they don’t think,
so that’s also, it’s safe for them to make a movie like this because most people will never
understand the messages.

And like Motion says, the people are only astounded by the wonderful visual effects and
entertaining materials.

You’re also correct.

I’ve heard when you fast you lose muscle not fat, what do you think?

No Amar that’s wrong, completely wrong. A hundred percent wrong, it’s the opposite you lose
fat and you keep your muscle. It’s exactly the opposite. You do not lose muscle. I have fasted
for five weeks now, mostly two day fasts together. I have not lost any strength. How do I know? I
can measure it exactly because I’m still exercising. I’m still doing push-ups. I’m doing pull-ups. I
have kettle bells. I do presses. I can still do the same amount of weight. My pull-ups in fact have
gotten better. I’ve actually gotten a little stronger. I’m using extra weight with my pull-ups. Of
course pull-ups get easier because I’m lighter now, but I’m adding weight. I have a backpack, so
I know that my strength is the same. I do dead lifts with this big sand bag, the weight is the
same as it used to be. I can actually do more dead lifts now than five weeks ago, so my strength
has gotten better so I’m definitely not losing muscle, and you won’t either.

Fasting preserves muscle. It keeps your muscle… what will kill your muscle is eating a lot of
little small meals all day with low calories. That will hurt your muscles.

Are you still fasting AJ?

Yes I am. I just finished a 48 hour fast today, ate tonight. Tomorrow I’m not sure, 24 or 48 hours
tomorrow I’m not sure.

Yeah Delal says, commercial advertisings on TV and other media are lies.

Yes, that’s part of the Matrix. You know, our Matrix is a Matrix of media and education mostly,
propaganda in schools, propaganda in the media and that includes advertising. Yes that’s right.
That’s our Matrix and most people are in it fully.

I think we’re almost done guys.

Just seeing if there’s anything else, any other questions or comments. Okay yeah, there’s
another movie that we may do in the future. Filippo Mancini says, the Truman Show that’s the
Jim Carrey movie, has a similar meaning not so far from the Matrix.

Yes it does. Yes it does. It’s kind of a similar thing where in the Truman Show Jim Carrey’s
character is living in a world that he thinks is real. He thinks it’s totally real. It’s his normal life,
because from a baby he was born into this fake world, this controlled world and he’s growing up
and he doesn’t realize it. Everybody else is like an actor and it’s all fake. Everything’s fake. His
entire world. His entire life and his entire world is fake and again, the Truman Show is about
how he wakes up. How does he wake up and become red pilled and realize, oh my God, my
whole world and my whole life has been a lie. My whole world is fake. So you’re right, similar
message, similar kind of message.
All right, I’m going to end with Vladasov here and then we’re done. Thank you AJ I like the first
movie club. In movies we can learn a lot, new vocabulary, idioms and understand more native

Exactly right.

I hope you enjoyed it this week. I did. Nice introduction to the Matrix. A great beginning to the
movie. I recommend, go back, buy a copy of the Matrix somewhere online, like I bought it on
Amazon. I just bought the streaming version, so I bought it on Amazon and now I can watch it
many times. You can find a DVD somewhere, probably cheaply now because it’s such an old
movie. And watch the movie scene again. So we just did the lesson, so now go back and watch
it just the whole thing without pausing and then rewind and watch it again, the first 15-20
minutes. And review this lesson, listen to the recording.

VIP members when you get the recording, again listen to this lesson again and again, deep
learning and you’re really going to learn all those phrases. Then you go back and watch the
movie several times that section just that section and then you’re going to learn the whole movie
this way. Very deeply you’re going to get all these idioms. Your listening is going to improve. It’s
just a powerful way for some more advanced English learning.

Next week we’ll do the next section. So do probably about the next 15-20 minutes. Let’s say, go
ahead and watch up to about a minute forty, somewhere about there. I’ll tell you the exact
scene. Follow me on Gab, at AJHoge. Follow me there and I’ll tell you exactly which
section to watch for next week, but basically, watch about 15 - 20 more minutes. We’ll start next
week in the police station.

So next week we begin with a conversation. It’s the first real conversation with the bad guy, the
main villain, Mr. Smith or Agent Smith. So it’ll be Agent Smith questioning Neo in a police
station, asking him questions and threatening him. That’s where we’ll begin next week.

Hope you enjoy it. Lots of love to you. Thanks to all of you who joined live, I’m happy that I could
do this free for you live. And again the recordings, if you want the recordings of these lessons so
you can repeat them again and again, really learn deeply, become one of my VIP members,
become a VIP member at,

I will see you all. I’ll see you tomorrow for our normal show and then next week, next Sunday we
will do part two of our movie club lessons, part two of the Matrix. See you then. Lots of love to
Bye for now.

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