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From the result, the turning points of the displacement-time graph are found to be
(1.32, -1.03) as the local minimum point and (3.86,6.44) as the local maximum point using
Newton-Raphson method, the method of iteration and Secant method.
The three methods are compared and the results are as follow:
Basis Newton-Raphson The method of Secant method
method Iteration
Complexity Moderate Highest Lowest
Amount of work Least Most Moderate
Time taken Shortest Longest Moderate

The initial approximation is chosen to be t 0=1.5∧t 0 =3.5 by using Intermediate Value

Theorem. The easiest method to find the turning points is determined to be Newton-Raphson
method as it requires least work and shortest time to obtain the answers. Its limitations are as

(i) f(t) should not be equal to 0 or else the formula will become undefined.

(ii) The initial approximation t 0 chosen must be sufficiently close to the turning points or
else the sequence will fail to converge to the turning points.

The expression of the velocity is found to be v= (2t-1) cos (t-2)+2 sin (t-2) and he particle is
instantaneously at rest when t=1.316s and t=3.860s.

The velocity-time graph is:

The results of the distance travelled by the particle between the instantaneous at rest position
are as follow:
Method Trapezium rule Simpson,s method Integration
Distance travelled by 7.3731 7.4730 7.4722
the particle(unit)
Percentage error(%) -1.326 0.01071 0.00

The comparison between the two methods is as follow:

Basis Trapezium rule Simpson’s method
Accuracy It gives an estimated result. It gives a relatively more
Hence, it is less accurate. accurate result.
Boundary The boundary between the The boundary between the
ordinates is considered ordinates is considered to be
straight. an arc of a parabola.

Limitation There are no limitations. There are some limitations.

Formula b b

∫ f (x )dx= ℎ2 [ v 0 + v n+ 2 ( v 1+ v∫
2 +v
f (x
3 +...+

v n −1 [)v] 0 + v n+ 4 v 1+2 v 2 +...+ 4 v n − 1 ]
a a

b −a b −a
where h= and n= where h= and n= even
n n
number of intervals chosen number of subdivisions

Simpson’s method is determined as the better choice than the trapezium rule due to the
smaller percentage error given by Simpson’s method. Its limitation is that the number of
subdivisions used must be even number.

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