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Animae Busano

Psych 101

1. Differentiate selective self-presentation and impression management.

Answer: Selective self-presentation is how people present themselves to shape how others view
them. This behaviour is part of a wider range of behaviour called impression management while
self- presentation specifically refers to information that a person is providing about themselves.

2. Compare your Facebook version of you to your realistic version.

Answer: I am creating a completely separate identity online. The way I represent myself online
can be different than the way I represent myself offline. I can keep an information only for
myself and I’m sure that every person has a secret that he or she wishes to keep to themselves
and not let others know.

3. How real is your Digital Self?

Answer: My digital-self is not the same as my real-word identity because the characteristics that
I represent online differ from the characteristics I presented in the physical world.

4. How close is your online self-presentation and impression management to the real you.

Answer: We usually wanting to present the best possible version of ourselves even if it is
through online In particular, my online self, personal information is included in an online world
and that includes, my name , my birthday and my country of origin and also my personality traits
such as, my hobbies, as well as my interest and my general persona who is outgoing, shy at
times, happy, sad and other feelings that I feel. That how I perceive myself on the internet. But,
on the other hand, my online behaviours did not reveal much about my real world persona.

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