Aspect of Society

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Aspect of Society Rizal’s observation as Your observation in the

depicted in the Noli Me present context

Education Rizal holds up education as a The education system in the
way of overcoming Philippines is still seen was
oppression. For Rizal, the one of the most developed in
mission of education is to Asia rates of basic education
elevate the country to the completion, higher education
highest seat of glory and to participation and adult
develop the people’s literacy are comparable to far
mentality. Rizal claimed that more developed economies
only through education could in Hong Kong, Singapore and
the country be saved from South Korea. Like many other
domination. countries, one of the major
problems in the Philippines
education system is that
“brain drain” the departure
of talented students,
graduates the teachers to
other countries. Until the
opportunities at home equal
the number of skilled
graduates coming out of the
education system, this is a
problem that looks set to

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