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Part A (1))

The creation of classical liberalism was a very important era in our society. Chang believes the

focus on classical liberalism in the economy has created a negative impact on society. Classical liberalism

is a right leaning political ideology that focuses more on individualism than collectivism. The

individualist perspective in classical liberalism has transformed society and business owners to focus on

the benefit of the business rather than the benefit of the customers and employees. Chang explains how

individualist business practices led to bad working conditions and an oppressive society. Just from the

Sadler Committee, Chang is right in that business owners working under Classical Liberalism will force

employees to work under harsh and oppressive conditions. One child interviewed in the Sadler

Committee interviews claimed to be beaten badly for coming into work later and had very little food,

work breaks, or pay. These poor working conditions children were exposed to was an outcome of

classical liberalism controlling the economy. Classical Liberalism and the large amount of money

business owners could make inspired them to reduce production costs as much as possible. As a result of

this individualist idea Classical Liberalism brought to business owners, children and workers were

oppressed and forced to work in very poor working conditions and for very little money. Business owners

would pursue their own self interests over the interests of their employees and customers. As a result,

Chang is corjlk/mi/rect, the focus on classical liberalism has had negative consequences for the well being

of workers.

Part B)

I believe that the protection of human rights was an important evolution of classical

liberalism into classical liberalism. Before the creation of Classical Liberalism, human rights didn’t exist

and many people suffered as a result. Working conditions in Britain were very poor throughout the

industrial revolution and women and children were forced to work very long hours for very little money.

As a result, workers became tired of the poor conditions they were forced to work in and pushed for new

laws and human rights. During the industrial revolution, workers were paid very little and were forced to
live in low quality apartments where conditions were terrible and dirty. This is because the average

worker did not make enough money to live anywhere better. Factories were dangerous, dirty, and workers

were forced to work long hours without getting paid very much. As a result, quality of life throughout the

industrial revolution was terrible. Because of these working conditions, workers rebelled and pushed for

an increase of human rights and better quality of life. Because of worker movements such as the Luddites

and the Sadler community, quality of life would eventually rise. As a result of new workers rights like the

Ten Hours Act, quality of life increased for workers. Classical liberalism during the industrial revolution

in Britain would eventually turn into modern liberalism. As a result, capitalism remains an important

aspect of British society, but workers have more rights and a higher quality of life.

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