Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery 11

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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education, Cookery

August 9, 2022

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Identify the tools, equipment, and utensils needed in preparing salads and


b. Classify salads according to ingredients and place in the menu.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Preparing Salads and Dressings

Sub-topic: Tools, Equipment, and Utensils Needed in Preparing Salads and Dressing

and Classification of Salads According to ingredients used and its Place in the Menu

Reference: Cookery Volume I

Author: Aida H. Rondilla, Emma S. Avendaňo, Elsa P. Roque

Instructional Materials: PPT Presentation, Laptop, and Projector

III. Learning Activities

A. Preliminaries

1. Routinary Activity

a) Prayer

b) Greetings

c) Classroom Management

d) Checking of Attendance

2. Motivation: Picture Puzzle

Guide Questions:
 What have you notice in this picture?
 Are you familiar with this?
 What kind of food is this?

Give trivia:

 Did you know the word salad originates from the French word salade and

latin word salata which means salty. Salt is associated with salad,

because vegetables were seasoned with salty oil or brine and vinegar

dressing. Salad maybe as appetizer or an entrée.

B. Presentation

Unlocking of Terms

 Entrée – Served as the main dish of a meal.

 Mincing – To cut or chop into very small pieces.
 Toss – shake or mix (food) in a liquid, so as to coat it lightly.

Lesson Proper:

1. Describe salad.

2. Present the different tools, equipment, and utensils needed in preparing

salads and describe it’s uses through power point


3. Discuss the classification of salads according to ingredients used and according to its place in the

Give some few examples of each classification.

C. Application

 Each student will recall the different tools, equipment, and utensils

needed in preparing salads and dressing and describe it’s uses and

explain the classification of salads according to ingredients used and its place in the menu.
D. Generalization:

Guide Questions:

a. Why is it important to know the proper use of each tool, utensil, and


b. How will you maintain the tools, utensils, and equipment in good


c. Why do we need to know the classification of salad according to its ingredients used and its place in
the meal?

E. Evaluation: Short quiz

F. Assignment:

Search a recipe to make a simple salad, mixed salad and combination salad. Write it in ½ sheet of paper.

Prepared by:

Jannes B. Erediano

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