An Introduction To Linguistics

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3 categories
Linguistics - scientific study of language  Creation (divine origin) - Language from one
source which later became  corrupted and many
Linguistics is the study of these knowledge systems in all languages 
their aspects: how is such a knowledge system structured,  Evolution - Language evolve as an adjunct to early
how is it acquired, how is it used in the production and communication( pointing,  gesturing,  grunting, 
comprehension of messages, how does it change over time? imitation of animal sounds etc.)
Linguists (experts in linguistics) work on specific languages
 Invention - Origin of language in the imitation of
natural science/ onomatopoetic words= core of the
basic vocabulary
 Language is Systematic - I suppose it means that LANGUAGE FAMILIES
language is structured and follows established 2 main ways of classifying language
patterns . I suppose it means that language is
structured and follows established patterns. No
 Genetic Classification- sets the similarity of
languages on the ground of their common
system = random/cahotic meaning/useless
  Language is Symbolic - signs can be found
 Typological Classification -  sets the similarity of
anywhere/  some physical pattern (eg, a sound or
languages regardless from their affinity (родства),
visible shape)  
by common signs.
1. Icon -  have a physical resemblance
between the signal and the meaning   comparison of the formal similarities which
Ex: picture of me=icon of me exists between languages
2. Index - have a correlation in space  Structural types on the basis of phonology
and time with its meaning. directly vocabulary or grammar 
visible, audible, smellable, etc) 
Ex: dark clouds=rain, oven
3. Symbol - primarily from its mental
association with other symbols and
secondarily from its correlation with
environmental patterns.

 Arbitrariness –no natural connection between

linguistics form and its meaning. EX: my name,
book place on desk could be called in other name in
other language
 Language is Primarily Vocal -  Language is a
speech primarily made of vocal sound produced by
Chomsky defines linguistic is principally concerned  with the
speech apparatus in the human body 
universal of the human mind he considers longest take is a
 Language is Human specific - humans are unique branch of cognitive psychology 
 Language is used for communication - allows to
talk anything  LINGUISTICS - study of language
 Always been aware of the fact that in language all
FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE aspects are involved namely psychology society
7 functions ; Finch (1998) cognition
1. Physiological Function - According to Finch
instructions allow us to release inner feelings. 20th century;
EX: langgam nakagat,  Speech sound (phonetics & phonology) - grammar
2. Phatic Function - Express or willingness to be (morphology & syntax) - meaning (semantics - the study of
sociable/ help us negotiate the start and end of texts (discourse analysis)
exchange weather in spoken or written form 
 The term itself was coined from Malinowski LANGUE AND PAROLE
who suggesting that language acts as a Langue -   the underlying system shared by all the
form of social bonding, that it is the speakers : Rules of grammar of  language the syntax,
adhesive which links people together. spelling etc. 

3. Recording Function - record to remember Parole - The actual act of speaking/ Language
4. Identifying Function -  to identify & classify things performance/Diverse and varied/ individual personal
5. Reasoning Function - as an instrument of thought Phenomenon of language 
6. Communiacting Function - means Of
communicating ideas and facts  EX / ANALOGY: Chess
7. Pleasure Function  - give delight/pleasure
Rules/system=cannot be change - LANGUE

Act of playing the chess by individual using the rules of the

game - PAROLE
Prescriptive - prescribes rules / There are rights and wrongs
associated with using language (spoken or written)

 Emphasizes on correct and incorrect.  it values the


Descriptive - Describe data observed / There are no rights

and wrongs associated with using language, only what
people do with language 

 It does not consider what is correct and does not

the  value the judgments

EX: “Kylene and me were about to give report”

Prescriptive: grammarian said ‘incorrect’ It violated the

standard of grammar rules 
Descriptive: Grammarian will explain the sentence as “


Synchronic - Study in terms of existing relationship- in the
structure [instead of studying the history]

Diachronic - Study of the historical development of a



Syntagmatic - Syntagmatic relationship involves a
sequence of signs that create meaning as a whole.
Syntagmatic relationships are about positioning.

 signs get their meaning from their sequence.

Paradigmatic - A paradigmatic relationship includes signs

that can replace each other.  relationships are about

 the signs get their meaning with their association of

other signs


Competence:  language ability, knowledge of the native
language, grammaticality
Performance: actual language used


Form: what something is
Function: What something does  

EX: I attended the Monday class

Monday - proper noun
Monday in sentences function as adj

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