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Rancangan Tugas Tutorial Tatap Muka

Ke. 3

Name : ika nuraini

NIM : 858858924
Pokjar : gondang wetan

Kode dan Nama Matakuliah : PDGK4304/ Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru SD
Nama Pengembang : Ana Zuyyinah, S.Pd., M.Pd
Masa Tutorial : 2022.2
Nomer Soal/Tugas *) 3
Skor Maks : 1 - 100

Kompetensi Khusus (TIK)

1. Menggunakan fungsi bahasa untuk berkomunikasi tentang transportasi, baik transportasi lokal
maupun luar kota.
2. menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menjelaskan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam
waktu luang.
Pokok bahasan / Sub Pokok Bahasan
1) Things around Us
2) Transportation
3) Leisure activities

Part I.

My name is Nuri. I live on Jl. Merdeka. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me
to accompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on Jl. Bahagia. There are many public
places along this street.
The park is in the corner, near the library. There is a bank across from the police station, there is also
a cinema. It is beside a bakery. At last, the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the bus

Answer These Questions based the text.

1. Where does Nuri live? Nuri lives on jl.merdeka near the post office
2. Where does her mother want to go? Nuri’s mother wants to go to the supermarket
3. Where is the bank?
The bank is
opposite the
police station
4. Where is the supermarket?
The supermarket is on
5. Where is the
cinema?Beside the

Part II.
Choose the best answer by crossing (X) the following options either A, B, C or D!
On Sunday Ani doesn’t go to school. She usually spends her spare time by going to market
with her mother. She wants to buy some vegetables such as cabbage, carrot and potatoes. Then
she goes to the fishmonger to buy some goldfish and cuttlefish. In the market is very crowded.

1. The appropriate tittle for the text above is …….

a. Going to the hospital
b. Going to the zoo
c. Going to the restaurant
d. Going to the market

2. …….. and ……. go to market

a. Ani and her sister
b. Ani and her brother
c. Ani and her mother
d. Ani and her father

3. She buys some ……. and ……. at the fishmonger.

a. Goldfish and crab
b. Goldfish and cuttlefish
c. Goldfish and potatoes
d. Carrot and goldfish

4. Anis goes to market on …….

a. Monday
b. Sunday
c. Saturday
d. Tuesday

5. The situation in the market is very …….

a. Silenty
b. Crowded
c. Noisy
d. Happily

1. What are the differences between Adverb of Frequency and Adverbial time give the examples ?
Adverb of frequency adalah sebuah kata frasa yg mengekpresikan seberapa sering kegiatan
tersebut di lakukan oleh seseorang.
Contoh kalimat nya : I open my phone every twenty minutes
( saya membuka ponsel saya setiap dua puluh menit )
Sedangkan adverbial of time akan menunjukkan keterangan
Waktu yang menunjuk pada kapan sesuatu terjadi dan
Berapa lama.
Contoh kalimat nya : dina finally told me what happened
That day ( dina akhirnya mengatakan kepada saya apa
Yang terjadi hari itu).

2. Tell and draw the location of your home by using map, it is started from the town
center in your area.?

Jawaban part II

1. D. Going to the market

2. C. Ani and her mother

3. D.carrot and gold fish

4. B.Sunday
5. C.noisy

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