Communication: Definition

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Enroll no: A2305320103

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one
place, person or group to another. Every communication involves (at least)
one sender, a message and a recipient .

The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking or writing, or
using some other medium or we can say that the successful conveying or
sharing or ideas and feelings.

It is a continuous process which mainly involves three elements viz.
sender, message, and a receiver. Sender(the source) generates the
message and conveys it to the receiver. Message is the idea, information,
view, fact, feeling etc. that is generated by the sender and
communicated to the receiver via a medium in encoded form. The
Receiver decodes the message and understands it in proper perspective
and acts according to the message, only then the purpose of
communication is successful.

It is the basis of Co-ordination: It provides coordination between
various employees and also the departments. It helps in smooth
working of an organization: When a manager coordinates the human
and physical elements of an organization to run it smoothly and
efficiently. It is the basis of decision making: No decisions could be
taken in the absence of information. It increases managerial efficiency:
The manager conveys the targets and issues instructions and allocates
jobs to the subordinates. All of these aspects involve communication. It
increases Cooperation and organizational peace and Boosts Morale
of the Employees.


1. Formal Communication

Formal communications are the one which flows through the official
channels designed in the organizational chart. Formal
communication may be further classified as Vertical communication
and Horizontal communication.

2. Informal Communication

Any communication that takes place without following the formal

channels of communication is said to be informal communication.


• Semantic Barriers: Concerned with the problems and obstructions

in the process of encoding and decoding of a message into words
or impressions.

• Psychological Barriers: The state of mind of both sender and

receiver of communication reflects in effective communication.

• Organizational Barriers: The factors related to organizational

structure, rules and regulations authority relationships, etc. may
sometimes act as barriers to effective communication. In an
organization with a highly centralized pattern, people may not be
encouraged to have free communication.

• Personal Barriers: The personal factors of both sender and

receiver may act as a barrier to effective communication. If superior
thinks that a particular communication may adversely affect his
authority, he may suppress such communication.

Communication for Team Building and

Overcoming Barriers to Listening:
1. Communication of Clarification of the idea.

2. Communication should be according to the needs of the receiver.

3. Consulting others before communication.

4. Awareness about the language, tone and body postures and gestures.

5. Convey information useful to the receiver.

Critical Listening and Social Support:

Component of critical listening involves Listening to all Parts of the
Message and Analyzing the message, Evaluating the message and Making of Mental Judgements.
Types of social support includes Emotional, Advice, Informational and Instrumental.

Functions of Non Verbal Communication:

Types of non-verbal communication includes Facial expressions, Body movement and posture,
Gestures, Eye contact and Voice modulation. It play a role in Repetition, Contradiction, Substitution,
Complementing and Accenting.

Effective Use of Non Verbal Communication:

We have to take care of Appearance, Punctuality, Gesture, Facial Expressions and Posture.

Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication:

Interpersonal communication is a complex process which includes
Message production, Interaction Coordination, Create Shared
Meaning, Meet Social Goals, Manage personal identity and Message Interpretation. It should be
Continuous, Transactional. It is indexed on Trust, Control and Intimacy and depends on the Setting.

Creating Positive Climate for Communication:

Positive communication values the people. It has Confidence, Courtesy, Openness, Frankness,
Honesty and Trust.

Problem Solving in Teams:

It should be Goal Oriented. Time should be effectively managed. The work should be divided within
the members of the team. One have to make a strategy to analyse the problems in achieving the
goal. One have to take care of all the Guidance from Facilitator. Action points and strategy should
be discussed with clients. Client’s requirement and Feedback should be taken into consideration.
One should have to be loyal, understand their work, avoid too much familiarity with the
supervisors, voice their concerns, Cross check their work and should not hesitate to give their
points and suggestions.

Effective Leadership Communication:

Qualities of a good leader involves Awareness, Exploration,
Prioritizing the Work, Competent: lead by example and inspire, Channelizing the Direction of Work
and Ability to make decisions and take actions.

Emotionally Intelligent Conversations:

Language skills, Using verbal and non-verbal communication effectively, Understanding
interpersonal dynamics and Having high emotional intelligence are some of the skills of Effective

Skills to Harness:
It includes understanding the historical, socio-cultural context use of appropriate idioms, verbs and
phrases, Use of suitable anecdotes and Making conversation simple and easy to understand.

Giving and Receiving Feedback:

While giving effective feedback one should Prioritize their ideas, Limit to most important issues,
Balance the content, Be specific and realistic and should give it on time.

While receiving feedback one should be open, Listen to the feedback carefully, should reflect the
feedback and make decisions.

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