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I. Objectives
1.) Identify the figure of speech used in a sentence.
2.) The student will improve their understanding of the figurative aspect of the language.
3.) The students will learn the differences of simile, metaphors, hyperbole and

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic- Identifying figures of speech (Simile, metaphor, hyperbole and personification
B. Reference: Google, English For All Times, Reading 6, pp. 144- 147Fun in English, Reading
6, pp. 136-139
C. Materials: Visual ,charts, manila paper.
D. Value focus: Appreciation, Collaboration & Knowledge

III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity Students activity

A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Greetings

Goodmorning class, how are you Goodmorning ma’am

today? We’re great!

b. Prayer
So before we start our
discussion ,Let’s us pray first

Dear god,
Thank you for looking after our
school. Thank you that you love
each and every of us here. Helps
us to learn, play and share
together. It's incredible that you
are there every second of the day, Amen!
everywhere, all the time,beside
each of us . Amen!
c. Checking of
attendance None ma’am!
Who are absent today?
Very good! Its good to know that
you are all here.
d. Motivation
I will give you a blank sheets of
paper and I want you to draw the
things you love the most and write
at the back of your paper why you
love that thing.
B. Proper Discussion
Our lesson in this morning
is figure of speech

Ok class! Do you have an

idea of what is figure of

None? Ok class

the figure speech is

a form of expression (such
as a simile or metaphor)
used to convey meaning
or heighten effect often
by comparing or
identifying one thing with
another that has a
meaning or connotation
familiar to the reader or

Simile- A simile is a
comparison using like or

Example:  “She is as brave

as a lion”

Metaphor- A metaphor is
a comparison between
two unlike things that
have something in
common .

Example: “Alex is a

Personification- is the
technique of giving human
qualities to an object,
animal, or idea.
Example: Justice is blind
and, at times, deaf.

Hyperbole- is an
exaggeration for
emphasis. It helps the
reader or the listener
picture an idea clearly.

Example: I walked a
million miles to get here.


Identify figures of speech and

write your anwer on the line .

_________1.) The boy was smart

as a fox when trying to pass his
_________2.) The boxer head is
hard as a rock.
_________3.) Before the teacher
arrived, the classroom was a zoo.
_________4.) My birthday will
never come!
_________5.) The sun played hide
and seek behind the clouds.
_________6.) You are my
_________7.) The ocean sound
was music to my ears.
_________8.) My camera loves
him, because his handsome.
_________9.) My child is the
apple of my eyes.
_________10.) My pencil is like a


Is there any question class?

ok, now can you recite the

meaning of simile, metaphor,
hyperbole and personification.
Simile- A simile is a comparison using like or as.
Yes May, can you ?

Metaphor- A metaphor is a comparison between two

unlike things that have something in common .

Personification- is the technique of giving human

qualities to an object, animal, or idea.

Hyperbole- is an exaggeration for emphasis. It helps

the reader or the listener picture an idea clearly.

Thank you May, ok class can you

give may 3 claps .

IV. Evaluation

Make at least 2 sentence with each figure of speech.

V. Assignment.

Make a graph about figure of speech.

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