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Address: (Vil), (Mndl), (Dist)



I)Capital Cost/Non-Recurring Expenditure (Rs)

I st Batch 15 animals 15
2 nd Batch 15 animals 15
No of milch animals (CBCOWS) 30
Average quantity of milk production per day 12
Cost of milch animals @ Rs.3000/- per liter of milk production 1080000
Cost of Housing with asbestos roof shed 300000
Office cum Store Room and Servant Quarters 150000
Bore well and Pump set 150000
Chaffing Machine and other equipment 90000
Fodder plot establishment 30000
Other misc. Expenses 50000
Total unit cost 1850000
Loan Amount 1387500
Margin Money 462500

II) Days in Milk

Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year
Average milk production per day/animal/
12 12 12 12 12
lactation period
I st Batch 25 animals 4200 4500 4350 4050 3900
2 nd Batch 25 animals 2700 3900 3900 3900 3600
Born in the herd 0 0 0 1500 5000
Total 6900 8400 8250 9450 12500
III) Days when Dry
Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year
I st Batch 25 animals 1350 900 1350 1800 1800
2 nd Batch 25 animals 0 1800 1800 1800 1350
Born in the herd 900 900 1200
Total 1350 2700 4050 4500 4350

IV) Recurring Expenditure (Rs.)

Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year

Feeding cost during Lactation period 310500 378000 371250 425250 562500

Feeding cost during Dry period 40500 81000 121500 135000 130500

Calf feeding 18000 30000 36000 1800 60000

Insurance 42000 42000 84000 98000 119000

Labour charges 144000 144000 144000 144000 144000

Veterinary aid 15000 15000 30000 35000 42500

Miscellaneous 7500 7500 15000 17500 21250

Total Cost of Production 577500 697500 801750 856550 1079750

V) Income (Rs.)

Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year

Milk 1490400 1814400 1782000 2041200 2700000

Manure 45000 45000 90000 105000 127500

Total income 1535400 1859400 1872000 2146200 2827500

Total expenditure 577500 697500 801750 856550 1079750

Cash Profit 957900 1161900 1070250 1289650 1747750

No of Dairy animals in the Farm 30 30 60 70 85

Profit per animal 31930 38730 17837.5 18423.57 20561.76

Taxes 0 0 0 0 0

Profit after tax 957900 1161900 1070250 1289650 1747750

Ratio of Analysis:
Return on Investments (ROI %) 12.75 14.60 13.24 15.26 19.85

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) 2.53 3.15 3.10 3.94 5.73

VI) Loan Repayment Schedule for 30 COW unit (Rs.)

Loan amount 1387500
Interest 12%
Moratorium period 3 months
Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year
Total profit 957900 1161900 1070250 1289650 1747750
Loan installment 277500 277500 277500 277500 277500
Interest 166500 133200 99900 66600 33300
Loan + interest 444000 410700 377400 344100 310800
Net Profit 513900 751200 692850 945550 1436950
Income / month 42825.00 62600.00 57737.50 78795.83 119745.83

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