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Time Allowed : 1 hour and 30 minutes Maximum marks : 150

Questions paper specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :

There are 12 questions printed in ENGLISH.

All questions are compulsory.

All questions have equal marks of 12.5

You should write your name and test number on your answer sheets.

You should upload your answer sheet only at
Answer all the questions in NOT MORE THAN 200 words each. Contents of the answer are
more important than its length. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Exercise of CAG’s powers in relation to the accounts of the Union and the States is
derived from Article 149 of the Indian Constitution. Discuss whether audit of the
Government’s Policy implementation could amount to overstepping its own (CAG)

2. What are Khap Panchayats and Kangaroo courts that are in news frequently. What are
the issues associated with these bodies. Discuss critically the actions taken by the
legislative, executive and the judiciary to set the things right in this regard.

3. It is well known that the panchayats are saddled with various systemic problem. Suggest
how panchayats may be leveraged to achieve gender justice.

4. What do you understand by the concept “freedom of speech and expression”?

Enumerating some of the controversies in recent times discuss if freedom of speech and
expression is absolute in India?

5. Critically examine and comment : “the principle of collective responsibility , a la the

cabinet system of government, has eroded in the context of the emergence of
coalition governments in India.”

6. Discuss the term “Weberian bureaucracy.” Highlight the significance of Weberian

bureaucracy from the point of view of India.

7. Discuss the intent with which the anti-defection law was enacted in India. Do you think
that this law has diminished the role of individual MPs (Members of Parliament) and as
a result healthy constructive debates on policy issues are not witnessed in Indian
Parliament? Give suggestions for reform.

8. “Cooperative federalism produces a strong central government, yet it does not

necessarily result in weak provincial governments that are largely administrative
agencies for central policies. Indian federation has demonstrated this.”(Granville Austin)
Examine the uniqueness of Indian federalism in the light of the above statement.

9. Discuss the role played by Election Commission of India in success of Indian democracy.
Enumerate various issues that Election Commission of India faces in carrying out its
duties mentioned in Article 324 of the Indian constitution.
10. Discuss briefly how success in opening bank accounts under Jan-Dhan Yojana can help in
reducing corruption and increasing effectiveness of welfare programmes of
government. Also enumerate some challenges that government is bound to face in this

11. Analyse in detail the causes behind very low rates of women’s labour force participation
in India in comparison to male labour force participation. Suggest a way forward to bring
equality on this front.

12. The Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP), which is India’s own
innovation, has proved to be one of the most effective poverty alleviation and women
empowerment programmes. Elucidate.

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