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The SaferKidsPH consortium, composed of UNICEF, The Asia

Foundation, and Save the Children Philippines, in partnership with the

Australian Embassy, lauds the Philippine government’s enactment of
Republic Act No. 11930, otherwise known as the “Anti-Online Sexual
Abuse or Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse
or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM) Act.”

The new law will strengthen the country’s response to addressing the
rising vulnerability and victimisation of Filipino children by online
predators. The 2022 Disrupting Harm in the Philippines study by
UNICEF Office of Research, Interpol, and ECPAT International, reported
20% of internet-using children aged 12-17 had experienced online
sexual abuse and exploitation in 2021. The 2019 Philippine Kids Online
Survey, conducted by UNICEF with support from the Philippine
Government and the SaferKidsPH Program, found more than half of
Filipino children surveyed can access the Internet without supervision,
and boys are as vulnerable as girls to online dangers. The Department
of Justice-Office of Cybercrime reported an increasing trend in cyber tip
reports of CSAEM attributed to the Philippines which ballooned to 2.8
million in 2021 from 1.2 million in 2020 and 400,000 in 2019.

The passage of Republic Act No. 11930 positions the Philippines as one
of the first countries in East Asia and the Pacific region to have an
institutionalized and collaborative approach to prevention and response
against online sexual abuse and exploitation of children. This law
strengthens the protection measures to match the technological and
digital advancements since the passage of the Anti-Child Pornography
Act in 2009. It provides a clear definition of OSAEC which includes the
combined use of offline and online means to abuse and exploit children
sexually. Further, this law was developed in collaboration with the private
sector such as internet service providers and telecommunications
companies to ensure there is viable infrastructure and available
technological capacity to prevent, detect, and block off CSAEM found
online. The law is equity focused which ensures that child protection
services and interventions are responsive to the needs of children with

Moving forward, the SaferKidsPH consortium will continue to work

together with the Philippine government, especially the National
Coordination Center against OSAEC and CSAEM under the Inter-
Agency Council Against Trafficking which is now mandated to develop
and implement the necessary programs to prevent the commission of
OSAEC and CSAEM as well as protect, heal, and help bring back the
child into the community and society. The consortium remains committed
to support the meaningful implementation of this legislation and the full
protection that children deserve.

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