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Abegail T.

Valesco BS- Accountancy I-B Living in the IT Era M-W 8:30-10:00

1. B 6. B
2. A 7. D
3. D 8. A
4. A 9. A
5. B 10. A

1.Have you , or has anyone you know, been cyberbullied?
Cyberbullying is the worst effect of using social medias. Cyberbullying is done
in many different ways and not enough people are speaking up. I don’t experience
nor know someone who is being cyberbullied but I already read many real life
experience of being cyberbullied.

2.What is the steps you, or that person, took to stop the incident? What are the
other ways that you think can combat cyberbullying?
What she did was she ask for help to there principal and guidance counselor
since it happened because of school related thingy. They were both being
guidance. The issue was settled and the post was already deleted. We have a law
about this matter which is Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 and this can be a combat
against cyberbullying.

3.What did you, or that person, learn from the experience?

She learned that experiencing cyberbullying is not that easy to handle
especially if you are the type of person who easily give up because cyberbullying
can cause suicide. She also learned “awareness” from her experience so she can
prevent it to happen and how to handle it if it’s going happen again.

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