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(Dimsum Non MSG)

Group Members:
Desrian Rochmanita (11200000056)
Hifziah (11200000061)
Nita Suryaningsih (21190000308)
Mario Prasetyo (21190000350)
Ajum Jumhani (11217000002)


TABLE OF CONTENTS…………..…………………………...……………………ii
CHAPTER I………………………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Profil Agency…………………………………………………………………….1
1.3 Vision……………………………………………………………………..……...2
1.4 Mission……………………………………………………………………….…..2
1.5 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………...2
1.6 Benefit……………………………………………………………………………2
1.7 Company Structure……………………………………………………………….2
CHAPTER II…………………………………………………………………………3
ANALYSIS PRODUCT……..……………………………………………………….3
2.1 Place………………………………………………………………………………3
2.2 Analysis SWOT…………………………………………………………………...3
2.3 Marketing…………………………………………………………………………3
CHAPTER III……………………………………………………………………….. .5
3.1 Production Costs…………….…………………………………………………….5
3.2 Financial Projections……...………………………………………………………6
3.3 Income Statement ……..………………………………………………………….7
CHAPTER IV..………………………………………………………………………. 8
CLOSING……………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.1 Conclusion.………………………………………………………………………..8


Dimsum is a food that comes from east Asia, China, China. Dimsum itself is made
from flour dough and stuffing in the form of meat or vegetables wrapped in steamed
dumpling skins. This business is expected to improve the economic sector towards
small and medium-sized micro enterprises in the culinary field. Ideas to market it
through social media and send it yourself and use online delivery. The analysis used is
SWOT analysis and strategies in marketing, namely STP Strategy (Segmenting,
Targeting, and Positioning).

1.1 Background
One of the supports of national economic growth of manufacturing is the
development of the culinary industry which is increasingly becoming a mainstay, in
Indonesia there are many foods that have been spread starting from appetizers, core
foods, to desserts. Culinary industry players continue to increase offset by the
emergence of a variety of existing foods. So economic growth in the creative field is
also increasingly impacted by the increasing pace of development.
Various culinary that we can enjoy anytime and anywhere, ranging from traditional
to foreign food is very easy for us to get without having to bother choosing what menu
we want, in this sophisticated era all can be instantly obtained. To get typical food
from an area we do not need to visit the area just to get its typical food, there are many
entrepreneurs who pursue food from various regions.
Quoting a statement from Sheila Graham that "Food is the most primitive form of
comfort" referred to from the sentence is that food has its own meaning of comfort,
because each mouthful of food eaten will give its own taste to the tongue of the
connoisseur. All foods have their own characteristics, and someone who makes them
will pour the taste in his feelings so as to produce an amazing taste.
Therefore, this non MSG dimsum is present as a comfort provider for food lovers in
Indonesia, with various flavor variants such as chicken, shrimp, corn, mushrooms,
cheese, mozarella cheese, and quail eggs and combined with other selected ingredients.
With the aim of making external food that can be accepted in the country with the taste
of the archipelago, the innovation provided contains the creativity and hope of the
nation's children in it.

1.2 Profil Agency

Pic 1. Company Logo

1. Name/Brand : Yum’my Dimsum

2. Built Since : 2020
3. Category : Food
4. Business Personnel : - Desrian Rochmanita (11200000056)
- Hifziah (11200000061)

- Nita Suryaningsih (21190000308)
- Mario Prasetyo (21190000350)
- Ajum Jumhani (11217000002)
1.3 Vision
Can improve the economic sector against small and medium-sized micro enterprises
in the culinary field.

1.4 Mission
It can increase consumer attractiveness to food produced fromthe work of the nation's
children, and can compete with other food products.

1.5 Purpose
Can open jobs, especially for student friends with the aim of increasing student

1.6 Benefit
To help our education costs as students, fill our free timewith more useful activities,
foster a better entrepreneurial spirit and hopefully open jobs, especially for student
friendswith the aim of increasing student independence.

1.7 Company Structure :

Tim Leader
Mario Prasetyo

Marketing Production
Financial Resources
Desrian Rochmanita Nita
Ajum Jumhani Mario Prasetyo
& Hifziah Suryaningsih

2.1 Place
Address description: Jl. Penarataran No.5 RT.10/RW.02 Kel. Pegangsaan, Kec.
Menteng. Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 10310

2.2 Analysis SWOT

a. Strengths
- Varied content variants
Dimsum has a content variant with a lot of content so that buyers do not feel
bored with the content variant that is all and satisfied with a lot of content.
Variants of the contents include chicken, mushrooms, shrimp, corn, cheese,
mozarella cheese, and quail eggs.
- Relatively cheap postage costs
With the availability of Cash On Delivery (COD) services and free shipping
in the Jatiasih area and surrounding areas, the cost of shipping costs is cheaper
than competitors.
- Relatively cheaper price
With cheaper prices and fillings that many consumers can enjoy Dimsum
without having to spend relatively expensive costs.
b. Weaknesses
- Dimsum is not durable because it does not use preservatives and MSG. This
gives the difficulty of buyers who are outside the city of Bekasi because it
does not last long for several days if sent by courier.
- Dimsum distribution has not expanded outside the city so buyers who are
outside the Bekasi area cannot buy.
- Do not yet have an offline store (fixed sales outlet).
c. Opportunities
- There are not many competitors who sell at similar prices.
- Competitors do not yet have an online platform, so buyers are less aware of
competitors' products.
- Promising business opportunities with minimal capital and great profits.
d. Threats
- The emergence of competitors with similar products.
- The emergence of food products that can rival Dimsum.
- New innovations that are constantly being developed by competitors.
- Competitors have fixed outlets.

2.3 Marketing
In making sales, Dim'sum Yummy has a strategy that uses marketing communication
strategies, namely STP strategies (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning). Segmentation,

Targeting and Positioning is market segmentation, goal setting and setting market
a. Segmenting
1. Demographic
Gender : Male and Female
Age : 3-50 Years
Profession : Children, students, college students, housewife and other
2. Geographic

3. Psychographic
- Level of society : All circles of society because of sufficient prices
- Characteristics : Be active on social media in search of food that
- Lifestyle : Consumable for foodies
b. Targeting
To determine the target market, Dim'sum Yummy uses a Concentrated strategy
that focuses on offering our product types to one of the most likely segments
because our target focuses on students and students.
c. Product Positioning
With non MSG innovations or without preservatives, your customers will record
in memory that the dimsum we sell is a healthy and safe dimsum to consume, not
only that variants of vegetables and other fresh ingredients can be one of the diet
menus that can be consumed safely. This makes amy.foodshop Top of Mind and
Health Product from other similar dimsum products.
d. Promotion and Marketing
- Offering dimsum products using the Instagram Platform under the name
- Purchases can be made through Instagram direct messages and via whatsapp.
- Give a promotion at the end of each month.
- Provide a discount on each purchase of at least IDR 50,000.
- Open Reseller by providing special prices.

3.1 Production Costs
No Name Quantity Price (Rp)
Raw Materials
1 Dumpling 100 lembar 15.000,-
2 Tapioca Flour 2 kg 12.000,-
3 Mineral water 2 liter 3.000,-
4 Salt 250 gram 4.000,-
5 Mushroom Broth 250 gram 15.000,-
6 Shrimp 0,5 kg 30.000,-
7 Chicken Breast 1 kg 25.000,-
8 Egg 8 butir 12.000,-
9 Spring onion 5 batang 2.000,-
10 Cornstarch 250 gram 4.000,-
11 Garlic 1 kepal 2.000,-
12 Carrot 250 gram 5.000,-
13 Sugar 250 gram 3.000,-
14 Sesame Oil 250 ml 20.000,-
15 Ground Pepper 100 gram 2.000,-
16 Ordinary Cheese 500gram 15.000,-
17 Mozarella Cheese 500 gram 25.000,-
18 Ear Fungus 500gram 8.000,-
19 Corn 5 buah 10.000,-
20 Quail Eggs 20 butir 15.000,-
21 Tomato Sauce 250 ml 10.000,-
22 Chili Sauce 250 ml 10.000,-
23 Sweet Soy Sauce 250 ml 3.000,-
24 Worcester sauce 250 ml 10.000,-
25 Cooking oil 250 gram 6.000,-
26 Cayenne Pepper 10 buah 3.000,-
27 Oyster Sauce 250 gram 3.000,-
28 Plastic Mica 20 pcs 20.000,-
29 Plastic bag 1 pack 9.000,-
30 Small Clip Plastic 1 pack 5.000,-
31 Staples 1 pack 2.000,-
32 A3 Size Logo Sticker 2 lembar 20.000,-
Facilities and Infrastructure
33 Petrol 2 Liter 20.000,-
TOTAL 348.000,-

3.2 Financial Projections
No Description Pack Price (Rp) Total (Rp)
1 Chicken
Dimsum 624 25.000 15.600.000
2 Shrimp Dimsum
624 25.000 15.600.000
3 Corn
Dimsum 624 25.000 15.600.000
4 Mushroom
Dimsum 624 25.000 15.600.000
5 Cheese
Dimsum 624 27.000 16.848.000
6 Mozarella
Dimsum 624 35.000 21.840.000
7 Quail Egg Dimsum
624 30.000 18.720.000
Total Sales 119.808.000
8 Chicken Dimsum
624 19.000 11.856.000
9 Shrimp Dimsum
624 19.000 11.856.000
10 Corn Dimsum Sales 624 19.000 11.856.000
11 Mushroom Dimsum
624 19.000 11.856.000
12 Cheese Dimsum
624 22.000 13.728.000
13 Mozarella Cheese
Dimsum Sales 624 28.000 17.472.000
14 Quail Egg Dimsum
624 27.000 16.848.000
Total Capital 95.472.000
Gross Profit (Total Sales - Total Capital) 24.336.000
Transportation Expenses 1.000.000
Administrative Expenses 1.200.000
Net Income (Gross Profit - (Transportation Expenses +
Administrative Expenses)) 22.136.000

3.3 Income Statement
Income Statement
Dim’sum Yummy
Period 1 January 2020 – 1 January 2021
Sales Rp 21.150.000,-
Rent Expense
Supplies Rp 8.700.000,-
Tools Expense Rp 2.957.000,-
Electric Rp 200.000,-
Transportation Rp 2.000.000,-
Total Expense (Rp 13.857.000,-)
Net Income Rp 7.293.000,-

4.1 Conclusion
Dimsum without MSG is a typical food from one of the countries (China) with
several flavor variants that arouse the taste buds of food lovers with the basic
ingredients of flour and a mixture of spices and other ingredients. The flavors
presented in this product are shrimp, chicken, mushroom, corn, cheese,
mozzarella cheese, and quail eggs. Processing that does not use MSG is a
characteristic for our products, so this dimsum is safe for consumption for all
ages and for consumers who are on a diet. A study says that excessive use of
MSG in food, can interfere with the health of its consumers.

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