CHN Midterms

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COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING • To have a better understanding we need to

know certain concepts:

Public Health Nursing practice has been influenced by
the changing global and local health trends these HEALTH-(WHO) as a “ state of complete
brought PHN into new frontiers & have positioned physical,mental,and social well being, not merely the
nurses to emerge as leaders in health promotion and absence of disease or infirmity.”
advocacy validated by WHO report acknowledging the
Determinants of Health as listed by WHO:
significant contribution of the nursing workforce to the
achievement of health outcomes, particularly 1.Income and social status
2.Education-low education are link to poor health
3.Physical Environment-safe water supply & clean air
Changes exerting pressures on the Public Health
Systems: 4.Employment & working conditions

1. Shift in demographic & epidemiological trends 5.Social support network-greater family support better
in disease 6.Culture-customs & traditions
2. New technologies for health care, 7.Genetics-inheritance
communication & information
8.Personal behavior & coping skills-healthy lifestyle
3. Existing & emerging environmental hazards
associated with globalization 9.Health Services-access & use

4. Health Reforms 10. Gender-suffering from diff. diseases

United Nations General Assembly adopted a common • Public Health Nursing (Winslow)-”science and
vision of poverty reduction and sustainable art of preventing disease, prolonging life,
development in September 2000 exemplified by the promoting health and efficiency through
organized community effort for the sanitation
Millennium Development Goals (MDG) based of the environment, control of communicable
on:freedom,equality,solidarity,tolerance,health respect disease, the education of individuals in personal
for nature and shared responsibility hygiene, the organization of medical and
8 Millennium Development Goals are as follows: nursing services for the early diagnosis and
preventive treatment of disease & the
1. Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger development of social machinery to ensure
everyone a standard of living adequate for the
2. Achieve universal primary education
maintenance of health, so organizing these
3. Promote gender equality& empower women benefits as to enable every citizen to realize his
birthright of health and longevity.”
4. Reduce child mortality
• WHO—”the art of applying science in the
5. Improve maternal health
context of politics so as to reduce inequalities in
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other diseases health while ensuring the best health for the
greatest number.”
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
GAYLORD - is an organized community program
8. Develop a global partnership for development designed to prolong life , because it is the duty of
• Health is essential to the achievement of this the Department of Health to prevent unnecessary
goal illness.

• Participation of all members in the society both Hanlon - Public health is dedicated to the highest
level of physical, mental & social well-being &
developing and developed countries is required longevity consistent with available knowledge and
• Achievement of these goals by 2015 is now the resources at a given time and place. It holds this
priority goal as its contribution to the most effective total
development and life of the individual and his
• Country initiatives to implement a more cost- society.
effective health care services
JACOBSON - a learned practice discipline with the
• The Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) ultimate goal of contributing as individuals & in
implemented through FOURmula ONE & collaboration with others, to the promotion of the
operationalized in the National Objectives for client’s optimum level of functioning through teaching
& delivery of care.
Health 2005 to 2010-spells out the program
imperatives of the health sector in line with MDG & WHO - Special field of nursing that combines the skills
Medium-Term Dev’t Plan of the country of nursing, public health & some phases of social
assistance & functions as part of the total public health
Evolution of Public Health Nursing in the Phil.
program for the promotion of health, the improvement Employment
of the conditions in the social & physical environment,
rehabilitation of illness and disability.
Public health is a core element of governments’
• Special field of nursing that combines skills in
attempts to improve & promote the health & welfare of
Public Health Nursing & some phases of social
their citizens.
assistance to further community health.
It further presented the core business of Public Health
• Is a service rendered by a professional nurse
with the community, groups, families and
individuals at home, in health centers, in clinics, 1. Disease control
in school, in places of work for the promotion of
health, prevention of illness, care of the sick at 2. Injury prevention
home & rehabilitation 3. Health protection
ECO-SYSTEMS INFLUENCES ON OPTIMUM LEVEL OF 4. Healthy public policy including environmental
FUNCTIONING (OLOF) hazards in workplace,housing,food,water,etc.
POLITICAL 5.Promotion of health and equitable health gain
Oppression CHN-based on worth & dignity of man

People Empowerment CONCEPTS

BEHAVIOR 1.The primary focus of CHN practice is on health

2.CHN practice is extended to benefit not only the
Mores individual but the whole family and community
Ethnic Customs 3.CHNurses are generalists in terms of their practice
HEREDITY 4.Contact with client & family may continue over a long
period of time includes all ages & types of health care
Generic Endowment
5.The nature of CHN practice requires that current
- Defects
knowledge derived from biological & social sciences,
-Strengths ecology, clinical nursing & community organizing be
6.The dynamic process of assessing, planning,
Familial ,Ethnic
provide periodic measurements of progress ,
HEALTH CARE evaluation & a continuum of the cycle until the
termination of nursing problem.
1.CHN is based on the recognized needs of
Preventive communities, families. groups & individuals.
Curative 2.The CHNurse must understand fully the objectives &
Rehabilitative policies of the agency she represents.

ENVIRONMENT 3.In CHNsg the family is the unit of service.

Air, Food 4.CHN must be available to all regardless of race, creed

& socio-economic status.
Water Waste
5.Health teaching is a primary responsibility of the
Urban/Rural CHNurse.
Noise 6.CHNurse works as a member of the health team.
Radiation 7.There must be provision for periodic evaluation in
Pollution CHN services.

SOCIO 8.Opportunities for continuing staff education programs

for nurses must be provided by the CHN agency.
The CHN Nurse also has a responsibility for his/her • Formulates objectives and strategies to meet
own professional growth. the midwives’ need for supervision;

9. The CHN Nurse makes use of available community • Determines standards and criteria for
health resources. evaluating supervisory visits.

10.The CHN Nurse utilizes the already existing active • conducts supervisory visits
organized groups in the community.
• Determines each supervisee’s specific needs for
11.There must be provision for educative supervision in supervision and development;
• Evaluates the effects of training and other staff
12.There should be accurate recording & reporting in development programs/activities;
• Apply nursing process in meeting the health and
• Initiates and participates in developing policies
nursing needs of the community and
and guidelines that promote good
• Mobilize resources in the community; performance in nursing and midwifery services.

• With leadership potential; • Formulates policies and guidelines for nursing

services and,
• Resourcefulness and creativity;
advocates for the approval/passage of
Honesty and integrity and, Active membership to
facilitative/supportive mechanisms of improving
professional nursing organizations.
performance conditions.
The PHN performs functions and activities in accordance
with the dominant values of PHN, within the
profession’s ethico-legal framework and in accordance
with the needs of the client and available resources for • The PHN establishes linkages and collaborative
health care. relationships with other health professionals,
GOs, NGO and POS to address the
community’s health problems.
management training, supervision, provision of nursing
• Identifies opportunities for establishing linkages
care, health promotion and education and coordination
with different stakeholders in health
are consistent with the Nursing Law (RA 9173) and
maintaining communication
program policies formulated by DOH and LGU
• Uses knowledge on the community to link with
The PHN considers the needs of her/his clients and their
or refer to appropriate community
available resources for health and health care.
The PHN, in coordination with the faculty of colleges of
• Attends multidisciplinary and multisectoral
nursing, participates in teaching, guidance and
supervision of students in nursing and midwifery for
their related learning experiences (RLE) in the • Identifies strategies to strengthen referral
community setting. system.

The PHN participates in the conduct of research and •  Collaborates with health care providers,
utilizes research findings in his/her nursing practice. professionals, community representatives in
ADPIE programs for community health
• The PHN supervises midwives within her
catchments area in accordance with the • Establishes a working relationship to help
agency’s policies ensure good quality data and to enhance
partnership in addressing identified
• The PHN formulates a supervisory plan.
health needs and problems.
• Identifies the factors that affect the midwives
• Establishes rapport with the client
performance and job satisfaction; and
their need for supervision; • Collects data that are appropriate and accurate
from individual, family and community
• Defines standards of performance & goals for
health services for each supervisee’s Uses different data collection methods and sources
catchments area/s; such as surveys, qualitative interviews,
observation and review of records and reports.
• Sets achievable performance targets in
consultation with his/her supervisees; • Ensures community participation in data
• Prioritizes problems and concerns using
adequately defined criteria; Records data collected in appropriate forms and
files them in a manner that facilitates retrieval.
• The PHN recognizes the broad impact of certain problems & integrates healthy lifestyle in
factors on the client’s health and nursing health programs.
• The PHN plans, conducts, and evaluates health
• The PHN analyzes data collected to determine promotion and health education activities
diagnosis properly.

• Examines and interrelates data on the clients – • The PHN demonstrates knowledge and skills on:
individual, family and community; (a) how to advocate for healthy public
policy, (b) creating supportive
• Identifies actual and potential problems of the
environments, (c) strengthening community
action, and (d) developing client’s
• Validates interpretation with the client personal skills. He/
• The PHN actively works to build capacity for
• Determines the possible causes of the identified health promotion among the midwives,
nursing and health problems and the factors volunteer health workers and community
that could facilitate or hinder their resolution. partners.



• Collaborates with clients and assists them in The PHN recognizes that her/his personal attitudes,
taking responsibility for maintaining, restoring beliefs, assumptions, feelings and, values about
their health by increasing their knowledge, and health have potential effects on his/her professional
control . actions and interventions.

• Helps clients make informed choices about The PHN accepts accountability for her/his actions
health issues and interventions and engages in nursing practice that is ethical, safe,
acceptable and evidence-based. He/She
• Maximizes the ability of their clients to take
responsibility for, and manage their health The PHN protects her/his professional autonomy,
according to their resources and personal assumes responsibility for professional
skills. development and contribute to the professional
development of others.
• Supports the client in developing skills for self-
advocacy. The PHN institutes changes/improvements in
service delivery and management of health facility
• Assists clients in identifying their strengths and to improve client’s access and use of public health
available resources to address, their nursing services. He/She
The PHN maintains links and collaboration with
• Uses empowering strategies such as visioning other professional nurses and nursing groups to
and facilitation strengthen his/her nursing practice.
• Applies epidemiological strategies such as The PHN Maintains links and collaboration with the
screening, surveillance, vaccination CD government agencies and non-government
response and outbreak management and organizations (including political, community and
education. religious groups).
• The PHN evaluates the responses of her/his The PHN conducts and/or facilitates in various
clients to interventions in order to revise training activities for public health nurses,
data base, diagnoses and plan, and to midwives, barangay health workers, nursing aide
formulate recommendations. and volunteers.
• Analyzes the results of evaluation with the Community Health Nursing Process
• Is the central to all nursing actions-it is the very
• Uses reflective practice as an evaluation essence of nursing, applicable in any setting, in
strategy; any frame of reference, and within any
• Uses the results of evaluation to revise the data philosophy
base,diagnoses and plan; and, • Is a systematic,scientific,dynamic,on-going
• Uses the results of evaluation to make • Interpersonal process in which the nurses &
recommendations to decision the clients are viewed as a system w/ each
makers/policymakers. affecting the other & both being affected by the
HEALTH PROMOTION & HEALTH EDUCATION factors w/n the behavior

• The PHN recognizes the role of healthy lifestyle

in the prevention of a number of health
• process of DM results in the optimal health care It concerned with the health of the mother & the
for the clients to whom the nurse applies the unborn, the newborn, infant, child,the adolescent &
process youth the adult men & women & older persons

Components of Nursing Process Family Health: Specifically it aims to:

• Assessment: Initiate contact, Demonstrate a 1.Improve the survival & well being of mothers & the
caring attitude, mutual trust & confidence, unborn
Collect Data from all sources, ID health
2.Reduce morbidity & mortality rates for children 0-9
problems, assess coping capability,analyze data
• Planning : prioritize needs, establish goals
3.Reduce mortality from preventable causes among
based on the needs & capabilities of staff,
adolescents & young people
construct action plan & operational plan,
develop evaluation parameters, revise plan as 4.Reduce morbidity & mortality among Filipino adults &
needed improve their quality of life
• Implementation of planned Care: putting plan 5.Reduce morbidity & mortality of older persons &
into action, coordinate services, utilize improve their quality of life
resources, delegate ,supervise, monitor, HE,
training, document responses to action STRATEGIC THRUST 2005-2010

• Evaluation of Care: Performance Appraisal, ID 1.Launch & implement the Basic Emergency Obstetric
needed alterations, revise plans as necessary Care or BEMOC strategy in coordination with the DOH

Sequence of Activities In Family Nursing Practice • BEMOC strategy entails the establishment of
facilities that provide emergency obstetric care
• Establish a working relationship for every 125,000 pop. & which are located
• Conduct Initial Assessment
• It calls for planning for childbirth & upgrading of
• Categorizes health problems
technical capabilities of local health providers
• Determine the nature & extent of the family’s
2. Improve the quality of prenatal & postnatal care
performance of the health tasks.
• Pregnant women should have at least 4
• Det. priorities among list of health problems
prenatal visits
• Ranks health problems according to priorities
• Postpartum care should extend to more women
• Decide on what to tackle after childbirth, miscarriage & after unsafe
• Make FNCP
3.Reduce women’s exposure to health risks through
• Implement the Plan
responsible parenthood & health care packages
• Evaluate, re-define nursing problems &
4.LGUs,NGOs & other stakeholders must advocate for
reformulate objectives according to evaluation.
health through resource generation& allocation for
Family Health Task & Responsibilities health services.

• Recognizing interruptions of health Essential Health Service Packages Available in the

development ( Ability to recognize presence of Health Care Facilities (every woman has to receive
health problems) before & after pregnancy & or delivery of a baby.

• Making decisions about taking appropriate 1. Antenatal Registration

health action.
2. Tetanus Toxoid Immunization
• Providing nursing care to the sick, disabled & or
3. Micronutrient Supplementation
dependent members of the family.
4. Treatment of Diseases & other Conditions
• Maintaining a home environment conducive to
health maintenance & personal development. 5. Clean & Safe Delivery

• Maintaining a reciprocal relationship with the Standard Prenatal Visits that a woman has to receive
community & its health institution. during pregnancy

Family- the basic unit of the community. All members of 1st visit - As early as possible before 4 mos. Or during 1 st
the family are empowered to maintain their health trimester
status. They must be free from disease or infirmity with
2nd visit - During the second trimester
no disabilities.
3rd visit - During the third trimester
Family Health Office: is tasked to operationalize health
programs geared towards the health of the family. Every 2 weeks - After 8th mo. until delivery
Clean and Safe Delivery 8.Child Health Injuries

1.Do a quick check upon admission for ER signs (vaginal Strategic Thrusts for 2005-2010
bleeding, severe abdominal pain, convulsion,
• Develop local capability to deliver the health
unconscious , difficulty in breathing, fever, severe
package for children
vomiting, severe headache, very ill
• Implement programs & projects that favor
2.Make her comfortable
disadvantaged population
3.Assess the woman in Labor( LMP,# of pregnancies,
• Apply Reaching Every Barangay (REB)
strategy for immunization
Of labor pains, age/height, danger signs of pregnancy
• Intensify HE at the ground level
4.Determine the stage of Labor
• Enhance Med, Nursing & MW education w/
5.Decide if the woman can safely deliver
cost-effective life saving strategies (IMCI)
6.Give supportive care throughout labor
• Pursue the implementation of Laws & policies
7.Monitor & manage labor (Early Childhood Dev’t Act 2000,NB Act of
2004,EO 286 Bright Child Program, EO 51 Milk
8.Monitor closely within1 hour after delivery
Code, Rooming-In & Breastfeeding Act)
9.Continue care after 1 hour PP. watch closely for 2 hrs.
Infant and Young Child Feeding
10Educate & counsel on FP & provide methods available
• Global Strategy for IYCF was jointly issued WHO
11.Teach on birth registration, BF, NB screening 48hrs- and UNICEF in 2002
2wks after birth, schedule when to return for
• Strategy calls for the promotion of breastmilk as
consultation PP visits
the ideal food for the healthy growth &
Recommended Schedule of Post Partum Care Visits: development of infant

First visit - First week post-partum Preferably 3-5 days • & exclusive BF for the first 6 months of life for
optimal growth
Second Visit - Six weeks Post-Partum
• Goal: Reduce Child Mortality by 2/3 by 2015
Family Planning Program
• Objective: To improve the health & nutritional
Goal: Provide universal access to family planning status of infant & young children
information & services wherever & whenever these are
needed Expanded Program On Immunization

Aims to: reduce infant deaths ,neonatal deaths, under- • With the commitment of our country to
five deaths ,maternal deaths Universal Child Immunization Goal acceleration
of EPI coverage had began in 1986
Objectives: Address the need to help couples achieve
their desired family size • Hepatitis B immunization has been integrated in
1992 among 0-1 y.o. but 40% of the eligible
Ensure that quality FP services are available in DOH targets were prioritized.
retained hospitals LGU managed health facilities , NGO,
private sector • Western Regional Goal : Eliminate HB before
The Child Health Programs (Newborn , Infant and
Children ) • Fully immunized Child is a child who has
received 1 dose of BCG,3 doses of DPT, OPV,
• Vulnerable age group for common childhood Hepatitis B and 1 dose of AMV before his first
diseases birthday
• Goal: Reduce morbidity & mortality rates for General Principles in Vaccinating Children
children 0-9 years.
• It is safe & immunologically effective to
• Programs available in all Health Facilities: administer ALL EPI vaccines on the same day at
1.Infant & Young Child Feeding different sites of the body

2.Newborn Screening • AMV is given as soon as the child is 9 months

old regardless of whether other vaccines will be
3.Expanded Program on Immunization given on that day
4.Management of Childhood Illness • The vaccination schedule should not be
5.Micronutrient Supplementation restarted from the beginning even if the interval
between doses exceeded the recommended
6.Dental Health interval
7.Early Child Development
• Moderate fever, malnutrition, mild respiratory Standard Procedures Performed During Clinic Visits
infection, cough diarrhea & vomiting are not
• Pre-Consultation conference is conducted prior
contraindication to immunization, unless the
to admission
child is so sick that he needs to be hospitalized
• When Handling, transporting and storing
vaccines special care must be given to provide Rapport, Prepare family record, Elicit & record
quality potent vaccines among the targets complaint, PE
• “First Expiry and First Out” FEFO vaccine is 2.Waiting Time-first come first served according to
practiced to assure that all vaccines are utilized priority numbers
before expiry date
3.Triaging- Managed program-based cases (IMCI)
• Temperature Monitoring of Vaccines is done in
all levels of Health Facilities to monitor vaccine Refer all non-program based cases to physician
temperature Provide first-aid treatment to emergency cases & refer
• Done twice a day early morning & afternoon when necessary
before going Home 4.Clinical Evaluation
• Temperature is plotted every day in a a. validates clinical history and PE
temperature Monitoring Chart to Monitor to
monitor break in the cold chain b. arrives at evidenced-based diagnosis &
provides rational treatment based on DOH
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness program: ID patients problem formulate
• Has been established as an approach to nursing diagnosis, perform nursing
strengthen the provision of comprehensive & intervention, evaluate
essential health packages to the children c. Inform client on the nature of illness,
• Methods Utilized in managing childhood Illness: treatment prevention & control
Assess the patient, Classify the disease, Treat 5.Laboratory & other Diagnostic Examinations
the patient, Counsel the Patient
6.Referral System-using two-way referral system
• Color Coded System has been Utilized:
7.Prescription/dispensing-give proper instructions
• Green - Mild – Home Care
8.Health Education-counseling, appointment for next
• Yellow – Moderate – Manage at the RHU visit
• Pink - Severe - Urgent Referral in Hospital HOME VISIT
Nutrition Program • Is a family-nurse contact which allows the
Goal: Improve the quality of life of Filipinos through health worker to assess the home & family
better nutrition, improved health and increased situations in order to provide the necessary
productivity nursing care & health related activities

Programs and Projects: • Important to have a Plan of Visit-to meet the

needs of the client and to achieve the best
1.Micronutirent Supplementation results of the desired outcome.
2.Food Fortification PURPOSE
3.Essential MCH Services Package 1. Give nursing care to the sick, post partum& her NB.
4.Nutrition Information 2. Assess the living condition of the patient & his family
5.Home school & community production 3. Give HE on prevention & control
6.Food Assistance 4. Establish close relationship between agencies &
7.Livelihood Assistance
5. Make use of the inter-referral system to promote the
Nursing Procedures
utilization of community services.
Clinic Visit
Principles in preparing for HV (assemble records, lists
the patient visit the Health Center/clinic to avail of the of patients to be visited have NCP)
services offered by the facility primarily for consultation
• HV should have a purpose or objective
on matters that aid them physically Services offered:
Pre-natal and post partum care • Planning for HV should make use of all available
information about the patient & his family
Well baby check-up, immunizations,free medecines –
through family records
DOTS & HE etc.
• In panning, priority should be given to the 3. Contents should be well protected from contact with
essential needs of the individual and his family any articles in the patient’s home

• Planning & delivery of care should involve the 4. Arrangement of the contents should be the one
individual and family most convenient to the user.

• Planning should be flexible Community Organizing

Guidelines to Consider on the Frequency of Home Visit • Empowerment or building the capability of
people for future community action.
No definite rule but may vary according to the need of
patient and family • Key ELEMENTS of the Community w/c maybe
reactivated to bring social & behavioral change
1.The physical & psychological needs and educational
needs of individual and family 1.Organization (relationships, structure & resources)

2.The acceptance of the family for the services to be 2.Ideology (knowledge, beliefs & attitudes)
3.Change Agents
3.Policy of the agency & program emphasis
Five Stages of Organizing A Community Health
4.Other health agencies & no. of health personnel Promotion Mod
involved in the care
1.Community Analysis-assessing & defining needs,
5.Careful evaluation of past services given to the family opportunities & resources involved

6.Ability of the family to recognize their own needs, 2.Design & Initiation (formation of Organization)
knowledge of resources and their utilization
Steps in the Conduct of Home Visit
4.Program Maintenance – Consolidation (strengthening)
1.Greet and introduce yourself
2.State the purpose of the visit
Public Health Nursing in Schools
3.Observe and determine the patient health needs
• The primary role of the school nurse is to
4.Put the bag in a convenient place & proceed to support student learning & ensure that
perform Bag Technique educational potential is not hampered or unmet
health needs.
5.Perform the nursing care needed ,HE
• Assist the pupils in acquiring health knowledge
6.Record all important data, observation & care
in developing attitudes & practices conducive to
healthful living
7.Make appointment for return visit
• Based on the philosophy that the academic
Bag Technique performances of the pupils & the instructional
outcomes are also determined by the quality of
• Is a tool by which the nurse, during her HV will health of the school population & the
enable her to perform a nursing procedure with community where they come from.
ease & deftness, to save time & effort w/ the
end view of rendering effective nursing care to Objectives of School Nursing: To promote & maintain
clients the health of the school populace by proving
comprehensive& quality nursing care.
Principles of Bag Technique
Duties & Responsibilities of the School Nurse:
1. It minimizes if not prevent the spread of
infection 1.Health advocacy

2. It saves time and effort 2.Health & nutrition assessment including vision &
3. Should show effectiveness
3.Supervision of the health & safety of the school plant
4. Can be performed in a variety of ways
4.Treatment of common ailments & attending to
Public Health Bag emergency cases
• Is an essential & indispensable 5.Referrals and follow-up of the pupils & personnel
equipment of a PHN which she has to
carry along during her HV 6.Home visit

Important Considerations in the Use of the Bag 7.Community outreach

1. Bag should contain all the necessary articles, supplies 8.Recording & reporting of accomplishments

2. Contents should be cleaned often, supplies replaced 9.Monitoring & evaluation of programs & projects
Non-Communicable Diseases Promoting Stress Management

Integrated Community Based Non-Communicable 1.Spirituality-(Mediation,effectivce way of relaxation)

Diseases Prevention & Control Program
2.Self-Awareness-increases sensitivity to inner self
• Aim at preventing the four major
3.Scheduling: Time Management( managing one’s self
Non-CD/chronic/lifestyle related diseases ,
to optimize time available to achieve gratifying results
cardiovascular diseases , cancers , COPD , DM
4.Siesta-it relaxes the mind and body
• Through promotion of healthy lifestyle
5.Stretching-relaxes stress muscle & induces sleep
Healthy Lifestyle is defined as a way of life that
promotes & protects health and well-being. 6.Sensation Techniques- massage
Includes practices that promote health as: 7.Sports-
• Healthy diet & nutrition 8.Socials – dancing
• Regular & adequate physical activity & leisure 9.Sounds & Songs- music provides a medium of for
thoughts & emotion expression
• Avoidance of substances that can be abused-
tobacco, alcohol, addicting substances, 10.Speak to Me -talking to someone
• adequate stress mgt. relaxation 11.Stress Debriefing-assist crisis worker deal positively
with emotional impact
• Safe sex and immunization
12.Smile- people who smile are healthy people
Goal: Reduce the toll of morbidity, disability and
premature deaths due to chronic, non-communicable COMMUNITY - Group or collection of locality-based
lifestyle related disease individual, interacting in social units and sharing
common interests, characteristics, values and/or goals
ALLENDER Sense of unity & belongingness.
1.Analyze the social & economic, political & behavioral
determinants of NCD LUNDY AND JANES Exhibits a commitment with one
2.Reduce exposure of individuals & pop. to major
determinants of NCD CLARK Functions collectively within a defined social
structure to address common concerns
3.Strengthen health care for people with NCD through
health sector reforms & cost-effective interventions. SHUSTER & GOEPPINGER Locality-based entity, which
reflects society's institution, informal groups, and
To achieve the goal the following approaches should
characterize the program:
GEOPOLITICAL COMMUNITY -Territorial communities
1.Comprehensive Approach Focused on Primary
governed by man-made boundaries (laws). - e.g.
barangays, municipalities, cities, provinces, regions,
• prevention of risk factors primordial continents.
prevention,removal of risk factors)
FUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY -- More abstract set-up:
2.Community-based Approach group of people of share the same culture, perspective,
religion, history, interest or goals
• involves people participation,recognizes people
as the center of any health & dev’t effort HEALTH - a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
3. Integrated Approach
and infirmity.
Role of Public Health Nurse in Non-Communicable
MURRAY -A state of well-being wherein an individual is
1.Health Advocate -help people towards optimal able to purposeful, adaptive responses and processes--
degree of independence in DM & asserting the right to Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially.
safer & better community
PENDER - Competent self-care, satisfying relationship
2.Health Educator -inform, motivate & guide the with others and goal-directed behavior.
people into action.
3.Health Care Provider- emphasizing on health
Optimum Level of Functioning
promotion & prevention
Health-illness continuum
4.Community Organizer- community health
development and people empowerment High-level wellness

5.Health Trainer- provide technical assistance Agent-host-environment

6.Researcher- community assessment, epidemiological Health belief Evolutionary-based

studies & intervention studies
Health promotion citizen to realize his birth right of health and
optimum level of functioning of an individual, family & PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
community. -Jacobson
-a specialized field of nursing that focuses on the health
HEALTH-ILLNESS CONTINUUM needs of communities and their practice applied to
promoting and protecting the health of the population.
The Illness-Wellness Continuum proposes that
individuals can move farther to the right, towards Public Health Core:
greater health and wellbeing, passing through the
1. Disease Control
stages of awareness, education, and growth. Worsening
2. Injury Prevention
states of health are reflected by signs, symptoms and
3. Health Protection
4. public policy including those in relation to
5. Promotion of health and equitable health gain.
Income & Social Status
Clinician, who is a health care provider, taking care of
Physical Environment
the sick people at home or in the RHU
Employment & working conditions
Health Educator, who aims towards health promotion
Social support networks and illness prevention through dissemination of correct
information, educating people
Culture Genetics
Facilitator, who establishes multi-sectoral linkages by
Personal behavior & coping skills referral system
Health Services Supervisor, who monitors and supervises the
Gender performance of midwives

COMMUNITY HEALTH Leader, Change Agent/Catalyst

Part of paramedical and medical Advocator, who act on behalf of the client
interventions/approach which is concerned on the Researcher
health of the whole population
-Service rendered by a professional nurse with
communities, groups, families, individuals at home, in 1. Population-Based/Focused Providing care
health centers, clinics, in schools, in places of work for based on the greater need of a 0
promotion of health, prevention of illness, care of the population/community.
sick at home and rehabilitation. 2. It has 3 Level of Clientele Individual, Family,
The utilization of the nursing process in the different 3. Identifies Public Health Interventions
levels of clientele-individuals, families, population
groups and communities, concerned with the Public Health Interventions
promotion of health, prevention of disease and
1. Disease Surveillance & Case Finding To measure
disability and rehabilitation.” ( Maglaya, et al)
the magnitude of the problem
-Encompasses subspecialties: Public Health Nursing, 2. Outreach: Population Assessment
School Nursing, Occupational Health Nursing and other 3. Screening
areas like home care, & independent nursing practice 4. Referral and Follow-up
5. Case Management
PUBLIC HEALTH 6. Delegated Functions
science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, 7. Health Teaching/Education
promoting health and efficiency through organized 8. Counselling
community effort for: 9. Consultations
10. Collaboration/Coordination
1. The sanitation of the environment 11. Networking/Coalition Building
2. The control of communicable infections 12. Community Organizing
3. The education of the individual in personal 13. Advocacy
hygiene 14. Social Marketing
4. The organization of medical and nursing 15. Policy development & Enforcement
services for the early diagnosis and preventive
treatment of disease BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHN
5. The development of a social machinery to 1.COMMUNITY AS THE CLIENT
ensure everyone a standard of living, adequate
for maintenance of health to enable every The community is the patient in CHN, the family is the
unit of care and there are four levels of clientele:
individual, family, population group (those who share 1. Family structure, characteristics and dynamics
common characteristics, developmental stages and
2. Socio-economic and Cultural characteristics
common exposure to health problems – e.g. children,
elderly), and the community. 3. Home & Environment
2. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION 4. Health Status of each member
In CHN, the client is considered as an ACTIVE partner 5. Values and practices on health
NOT PASSIVE recipient of care promotion/maintenance & disease prevention
CHN practice is affected by developments in health 1. Data Collection
technology, in particular, changes in society, in general
1. Source of Data: Primary | Secondary
2. Data Validation
The goal of CHN is achieved through multi-sectoral
efforts 3. Data Analysis/Interpretation

5. BROAD SYSTEM CHN 4. Family Nursing Diagnosis

is a part of health care system and the larger human These are assessment, diagnosis, planning,
services system. implementation, and evaluation.

FAMILY 1.Assessment. Assessment is the first step and involves

critical thinking skills and data collection; subjective and
 Basic unit of the society. objective. ...
• a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, 2.Diagnosis
blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and
interacting with each other in their respective social 3.Planning
positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, 4.Implementation
and siblings.
• Performs two major functions: REPRODUCTION &

TYPES OF FAMILY 1. Observation: Communication and interaction

patterns, role perceptions, current home &
• Nuclear family: Traditional type environment conditions
• Extended family: grandparents, married offspring, 2. Physical Examination: Inspection, Auscultation,
and grandchildren Percussion & Palpation
• Joint family: composed of sets of siblings, theirs 3. Interview: Family health history
spouses, and their dependent children
4. Records Review: Gathers data using existing patient
• Blended family: Divorced or widowed parents who health records
have children marry
5. Laboratory/Diagnostics Tests
• Family by Choice: newly recognized type of family
FIRST LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT: Process of determining
the existing or potential health condition or problems of (1) Statement of unhealthful response
the family. (2) Statement of factors which retains the undesirable
(1) Wellness state response and preventing the desired change.

(2) Health threats Note: The more specific the problem, the more useful is
the nursing diagnosis
(3) Health deficit
e.g. Inability to utilize community resources for health
(4) Stress points/foreseable crisis care due to lack of adequate family resources,
SECOND LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT: Nature or type of specifically…
nursing problems that the family encountered. Factors a. financial resources
related in maintaining wellness, environment &
personal development b. manpower resources

• Family’s realities c. time

• Perceptions/assumption NURSING CARE PLAN


-a systematic blueprint that the nurse designed to 1. AO No. 2011-0003 or The National policy on
minimize or eliminate the identified health and family Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Chronic
nursing problems. Lifestyle Related Non-Communicable Diseases

- Action oriented 2. AO No. 2012-0029 or The Implementing Guidelines

on the Institutionalization of Philippine Package of
- Systematic approach
Essential NCD Interventions (PhilPEN) on the Integrated
- Risk-based (foreseeable) Management of Hypertension and Diabetes for Primary
Health Care Facilities
- Goal: Deliver the most appropriate care to the client
by eliminating barriers to the family development. 3. AO No. 2013 – 0005 or The National Policy on the
Unified Registry Systems of the Department of Health
PRIORITIZING HEALTH PROBLEMS (Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, Injury Related
Four Criteria for Determining Priorities: Cases, Persons with Disabilities, and Violence Against
Women and Children Registry Systems)
1. Nature of the condition or problem
4. AO 2015-0052: “National Policy on Palliative &
presented Hospice Care in the Philippines
2. Modifiability of the condition 5. AO 2016-0001: “Revised Policy on Cancer Prevention
3. Preventive potential and Control Program 6. AO 2016 – 0014 - Implementing
Guidelines on the Organization of Health Clubs for
4. Salience: Family perception to Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes in Health
urgency/seriousness of condition.
Philippine Investment in Preventing and Controlling
Non-communicable diseases, also known as chronic
diseases or lifestyle related diseases includes:
cardiovascular diseases (heart disease/stroke) cancer, • NCDs account for 68% of all deaths in the Philippines,
diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases and the probability of dying between the ages of 30 and
including injuries and mental health disorders which are 70 years from one of the four main NCDs is 29% in the
collectively responsible for almost 70% of all mortalities Philippines.
worldwide and 68% in the Philippines. The term NCDs
refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly • The economic cost of NCDs to the Philippine economy
caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health is PHP 756.5 billion per year, which is equivalent to 4.8%
consequences and often create a need for long-term of the country’s annual gross domestic product.
treatment and care. Many NCDs can be prevented by • NCDs in the Philippines are causing a surge in health-
reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, care costs and social care and welfare support needs
harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating and are contributing to reduced productivity.
unhealthy diet. But with the globalization, unbalance
life & work and poor access to healthy foods, makes it 1. Establishing program direction and infrastructure: A
so difficult for people to maintain healthy choices. The good data gathering on existing risk factors and
rapid rise in the prevalence of these diseases represents prevalence of NCD will help diagnose a community and
one of the major health challenges to global the basis for program objective setting and activity
development in coming century. implementation. This will also facilitate rational funding
and resourcing. Establishing a team to manage the
After studying this module, you should be able to: program is a must.
1. Define basic concepts and terminologies in family 2. Changing environments. Establishing partnership and
health. intersectoral coordinating mechanism in order to
2. Be familiar with various DOH-related programs or develop policies and programs that ensure health and
packaged that caters specific group in the community. environment are not compromised by economic
3. Be familiar with the roles of community health nurses
in the implementation of various DOH-related programs 3. Changing lifestyle. Public awareness and advocacy
to reduce mortality and morbidity in the community. dissemination can reach to all members of the
community through all means/platform available. At the
Underlying Concepts The NCD program aimed in community level, we can utilize barangay assembly,
preventing non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular mother/father classes, IEC posting to public places like
diseases, cancers, chronic pulmonary diseases and sari-sari stores, plaza or market places.
diabetes mellitus including injuries (e.g. road traffic
injuries), mental health condition/disorders, blindness, 4. Reorienting health services. Reorienting focus of
renal diseases and program for persons with disabilities health service delivery from cure to health promotion or
and special needs. wellness.

Related policies and laws Role of Public Health Nurse in NCD Prevention &

1. Health advocate:
a. Promoting active community participation. • The use of the bag technique should minimize if not
totally prevent the spread of infection from individuals
b. Facilitates people towards optimal degree of
to families, hence, to the community.
independence in decisionmaking and asserting their
right to a safer and better community. • Bag technique should save time and effort on the part
of the nurse in the performance of nursing procedures.
2. Health Educator
• Bag technique should not overshadow concern for the
a. Facilitates change in behavior-seeking condition.
patient rather should show the effectiveness of total
b. Health education focuses on establishing or inducing care given to an individual or family.
changes in personal and group attitudes and behavior
that promote healthier living conditions.
The public health bag is used by public health nurse to-
3. Health care provider
• Provide antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care to
a. Provision of care directed towards risk factor
mother and child.
• Perform certain diagnostic procedures such as Hb
4. Community Organizer
testing, urine testing for early detection of high-risk
a. Community health development and community cases and provide timely treatment.
5. Health Trainer
• Demonstarte certain Procedures to family members
a. Provides technical assistance; teaching and or community such as preparing oral dehydration
supervision on clinical management on non- solution (ORS),baby bath,application of benzyl benzoate
communicable diseases and other community-based in cases of scabies.
• Provide emergency and first aid services (+) in case of
6. Researcher accidents and minor ailments.

a. Improves quality of care and promotes innovations. • Provide and demonstrate care in case of
b. Prevents implementing irrelevant interventions. communicable diseases such as chickenpox.

The Community health bag is designed to carry • Provide follow up services in chronic illness such as
equipment and material needed during a visit to the diabetes,paraplegia or amputation.
home, school or factory. Equipment and material are
• Access the need of individual and families and give
needed to make tests and to demonstrate patient care
health education in care of malnutrition,environmental
such as eye irrigation, application of
hazards,home accidents and immunization etc
ointments ,medications. (TNAI) It contains basic
medications and articles which are necessary for giving Internal compartment: These are used for keeping
care. solutions and medicines for internal and external use,
simple instruments for dressing, articles for certain
The overall objective of using community health bag in a
procedures such as temperature taking, urine testing,
systematic method is “to be able to carry out nursing
antenatal examination and few additional things for
procedures in the family with improvised equipments
health teaching
articles available at home, maintaining scientific and
nursing principles which can also be practiced by the Procedure: -
family in her absence”.
 Select area of work.
PURPOSE:  Spread newspaper
 Remove hand washing material
• To prevent spread of infection from one patient
 Wash hands
to another and from one place to another by  Remove the apron from the bag and put it on.
 Remove needed equipment’s.
keeping bag and its contents as clean as
 Close the bag.
possible.  After procedure, wash hands under tap water.
 Use cotton swab moistened with spirit and wipe
• To demonstrate the principles of cleanliness to
outside of used bottles
patients and family members by using the bag  Wait for 5 minutes.
 Return articles to the bag.
in orderly way.
 Fold used newspaper with used side inside, and
• To carry out selected procedure, return to outside pocket.
 Close the bag.
demonstrations, teaching and follow up
 Write a report of what was observed, what was
services for patients and family members done, instructions given.

PRINCIPLES: Evaluation and Documentation

• Record all relevant findings about the client and
members of the family.

• Take note of environmental factors which affect the

clients/family health.

• Include quality of nurse-patient relationship.

• Assess effectiveness of nursing care provided.

Care of the bag In order to keep the bag ready for use
at any time, observe some of the following instructions.

 Clean the bag daily,protect from excessive heat

or rain to reserve it in a good condition.

• Replace the drugs,dressing and linen daily in the


• Empty all the contents,wash the bag with soap

and water once in a week or more frequently
depending on how much it has been used and dry it
the sun.

• Wash the non-expendable articles such as

instruments,linen and utensils with soap and water
and boil them.

• Repalce cotton or plastic bags containing swabs

and dressing with sterile one.

• Check gloves,catheters,thermometer and glass

articles,replace if spoilt or broken.

• Repack the bag in an orderly way;keep articles in

their usual places to make them easily traceble.

Nurse’s responsibility:

- The bag should contain all necessary articles,

supplies and equipment.
- The bag and its contents should be cleaned.
- The bag and its contents should be well
- Hand washing should be done frequently.
- The bag should be cleaned thoroughly before
- Record the procedure after performing.

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