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What Is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that receives user input and outputs information to us. We will
receive our desired result regardless of the input. Hardware and software are the two components that
make it up.

The hardware of a computer includes all of its visible parts, such as its the hardware of a computer
refers to all of its languages and programs, while the software of a computer refers to all of its
computers are becoming essential tools not only for engineers and scientists, but for millions of
individuals all over the world.

What are the Characteristics of Computer?

There are various characteristics of computer system depending on their size, capacity, and
specifications. But, the major characteristics of the computer can be classified into Speed, Accuracy,
Diligence, Versatility, Reliability, Consistency, Memory, Storage Capacity, Remembrance Power, and

SPEED - Speed is one of the major characteristics of the computer system. A computer works so fast that
it can process any task and provide the output in fractions of seconds. A powerful computer can handle
trillions of instructions per second which is incredible. 

With its incredible speed, computers can reduce the amount of time to perform any digital task. The
speed of a computer is measured in microseconds and nanoseconds.
ACCURACY - Computers not only provide incredible speed, instead, they are also capable of consistently
working with accuracy. The degree of accuracy in computers is very high; computers can perform
calculations at almost 100% accuracy. Errors may occur in a computer system, but only because of
wrong human input or inaccurate data.

DILIGENCE - Unlike a human, the computer doesn’t get tired or lacks its concentration. Due to this
characteristic, it overpowers human being in most of the regular tasks. It can work for hours without any
fault. This means that if millions of calculations are to be done, a computer will perform every
calculation and provide all the results with the same accuracy.

VERSATILITY - Versatility is one of the most wonderful features of computers. This means that the
computer has the ability to perform completely different kinds of works with the same accuracy and
efficiency at the same time. It is not just a calculating machine anymore.

For example: for one moment it can be used to create invoices or bills, and the next moment it can be
used for inventory management or any multimedia task, etc.

RELIABILITY - The results obtained by the computer are very reliable. But this is true only when the data
given to the computer or program is correct and reliable.

CONSISTENCY - The computer is so consistent that it can perform trillions of processes without errors
for several hours. This means that we can use a computer 24 hours a day or 365 days a year
continuously. Furthermore, it provides consistent results for the same set of data, that is, if it is given
the same set of data multiple times, it will give the same result each time.

MEMORY - A computer has a built-in memory, where it can store instant data immediately. Here, we are
referring to random access memory (primary memory) that holds data as long as the computer is
connected to a power source. Data is erased from memory after shutting down the computer. In
addition, the computer includes ROM (read-only memory), the cache memory of different levels, virtual
memory, etc., thereby speeding up performance.

There are basically two types of computer memory:

 Internal Memory
 External Memory

Internal Memory – internal memory usually refers to the chips or modules that are directly connected
to the motherboard.

External Memory – external memory is usually a kind of memory that is attached to the computer
system separately. External memory is also known as “Secondary Memory” or “Auxiliary Memory”
these are used to store the data permanently.

STORAGE CAPACITY - Computers can store vast amounts of data. Today's computers have increased
storage capacity compared to earlier days. Besides, we also have the option to store data in secondary
devices such as external drives, or floppies, etc. These secondary devices can be kept separate from the
computer or attached to other computers.
Due to their incredible speed, computers can quickly retrieve data from storage devices. The storage
capacity of the computer is commonly measured in Mega-Byte (MB), Giga-Bytes (GB), Tera-Bytes (TB),
and Peta-bytes (PB).

REMEMBRANCE POWER - The computer has the power to store any data or information for as long as
we like. Data can also be recalled easily if needed. It is our choice to decide how much data we want to
store on the computer and when to recall or erase these data.

AUTOMATION - Computers can also be used to automate routine tasks with the help of a task scheduler
such as launching a specific application or software, sending an email, scanning for viruses, and many
other maintenance tasks. Besides, computers can also be programmed to perform many complex tasks.

For example, the computer can start daily maintenance tasks automatically when it is in an ideal state.
This includes tasks such as software updates, security scanning, and system diagnostics, etc.


Some limitations of the computer system are given below:

• The computer itself cannot function. It needs a set of instructions to perform or process any task.

• Computers cannot think or feel like humans. They can only work according to the instructions given.

• Unlike humans, computers do not learn from experiences.

• Power is required to operate the computer and unexpected problems or errors can occur in the event
of a breakdown of the system.

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