Be Winter 2022

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3161714 Date:14-12-2022
Subject Name:Programmable Logic Controller and Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition System
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) List the various brands of PLCs. 03

(b) With a neat diagram explain PLC Scanning in detail. 04
(c) Explain PLC architecture with suitable diagrams. 07

Q.2 (a) Describe the discrete input module block diagram. 03

(b) Explain the various programming languages of PLC. 04
(c) Give one application-based example of SCADA. Draw a suitable 07
diagram to explain in detail.
(c) Explain with a neat diagram typical SCADA system and its hierarchy. 07

Q.3 (a) List eight different types of data files used by an SLC 500 controller. 03
(b) Explain On-Delay timer instruction in PLC with timing diagram and 04
suitable example.
(c) Create the PLC system for a given system. 07
P1 P2 P3

LS1 LS2 LS3 Conveyor


When a part is placed on the conveyor at position p1, it automatically

moves to position p2. Upon reaching position p2, it stops and is
stamped. After stamping, it automatically moves to position p3. It stops
at p3, where the part is removed manually from the conveyor. Assume
that only one part is on the conveyor at a time. Add limit switches,
interlocks, pushbuttons, and other devices required.
Q.3 (a) Name the three forms of PLC counter instructions, and explain the 03
basic operation of each.
(b) Explain the various operation modes of PLC. 04
(c) Design and draw ladder diagram to generate square wave at digital 07
output terminal with ON time of 5 seconds and OFF time of 10 seconds
when toggle switch is ON.

Q.4 (a) Draw the ladder logic for following gates: 03

(b) List and explain various PLC registers. 04
(c) Prepare ladder logic diagram for following applications: 07
A temperature control system consists of four thermostats. The system
operates three heating units. Thermostats are set at 650C, 700C, 750C,
800 C. Below 65 0C, three heaters to be on. For 650C to 700C causes
two heaters to be on. A temperature between 700C to 750C, one heater
is to on. Above 800C three is a safety shut off all three heaters in case
one stays on by mistakes. A master switch turns the system on and off.
Q.4 (a) List preventive maintenance tasks that should be carried out on the PLC 03
installation regularly.
(b) Draw and explain the three-phase motor control in forward and reverse 04
direction with PLC.
(c) Prepare ladder diagram program for following application: 07
An automatic car parking system, when the parking area is full with 10
cars the red bulb at entry should ‘ON’ to indicate it is full. If the number
of cars within the parking area is less than 10 the green bulb should
‘ON’ to indicate that the space for parking is available.

Q.5 (a) Describe various move instructions: BIT, BYTE, WORD DOUBLE 03
(b) Describe the networking in PLC 04
(c) Write the ladder logic program for stepper motor control with PLC for 07
forward and reverse direction.
Q.5 (a) What is the role of RTU in the SCADA system? Can PLC replace 03
RTU? Which advantages are offered by PLC?
(b) Explain the PID control in PLC. 04
(c) A machine is connected to a load cell that outputs a voltage 07
proportional to the mass on a platform. When unloaded the cell outputs
a voltage of 1V. A mass of 500Kg results in a 6V output. Write a
program that will measure the mass when an input sensor (M) becomes
true. If the mass is not between 300Kg and 400Kg and alarm output
(A) will be turned on. Write a program and indicate the general settings
for the analog I/O.


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