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Chapter 1

The Nature of Psychology

Prof. Roselle B. Gerobin

• Be familiar with the definition of psychology
• Be familiar with historical roots of psychology
• Understand the different perspective in psychology
• Understand the different research methods used by
• Become familiar with the different fields of
What is Psychology?
• The Word Psychology comes from the
word “psyche”-mind and “Logos” – study

• It is defined as scientific study of behavior

and mental processes.
What makes the study of
psychology scientific?
• It involves observation, collection,
classification of data, testing hypothesis
through experiments and establishing laws
or conclusions

• As a study of behavior, psychology involves

overt (extrinsic) and covert(intrinsic)
History of Psychology

• 17th Century – Rene Descartes (nativist view) and John Locke

(empiricist view).
• Wilhelm Wundt – Father of Psychology. Established 1st
psychological laboratory at University of Leipzig in Germany
• Granville Stanley Hall- Established the 1st Psychology Laboratory
in the US at Johns Hopkins University. Also founded the 1st
American journal of psychology
• Francis Galton – Studied individual differences leading to the
development of intelligence tests.
History of Psychology in the Philippines

• 1926 – 1st Department of psychology in UP under the school of

• University of Santo Tomas first institution to offer
undergraduate, masteral and doctoral degrees in psychology
• 1962 Elias Bumatay & Agustin Alonzo founded the PAP.
• 1970s the focus of psychology in the Philippines shifted to more
indigenous psychology.
• Virgilio Enriquez – to indigenized PH. Psychology PSSP
(Pampansang samahan ng sikolohiyang pilipino) was established.
Schools of Psychology

• Structuralism (Wundt & Titchener) – Deals with

study of elements which from the structure of
the mind
• Functionalism (John Dewey & James Angell) –
Believed that consciousness aids in the learning
Schools of Psychology

• Behaviorism (John B. Watson)- Believed that the

concern of psychology should be behaviors
which are observable.
• Gestalt Psychology (Wertheimer, Kohler &
Koffha) – Emphasized the importance of
wholeness in the process of learning
Classical conditioning Operant Conditioning
Figure-ground principle Principle of closure
Schools of Psychology

• Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud) – Stated that

much of our behavior stems from unconscious
process, conflict between biological instincts,
society demands and early family experiences.
Schools of Psychology

• Humanism – Every person has an inherit desire

for what is good.
• Cognitive Psychology – Understanding the basic
method of operation for human brain.
Research Methods of Psychology

• Experimental Method
• Quasi-Experimental Method
• Correlational Method
• Naturalistic Observational Method
Research Methods of Psychology

• Survey Method
• Standardized tests
• Case Studies
• Archival Research
Psychology Clinical
Consumer Psychology

Psychology Fields/Specializatio
n in Psychology

Experimental Educational
Psychology Psychology

Social Developmental
Psychology Psychology

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