City of Worth Water Department - 53185-487908 - 0322

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ity of Fort Worth Water Dopartment Fort Wort civefrot a ey Water Customer Sance Wi Yam-7om (817) 992-4477 fon fi WiaterSewer Emergency (24m) (817) 392-4477 Select option 1 ae Sanitation Recycling (17) 392-1236 Online PaymentBiling History www frtworhtexas govipaywateril CUSTOMER NAME SOUTHERNICONCERTS INC: |cuec ema: al caccumoen Ci eae ‘ACCOUNT NUMBER, 53188-487008 Main Office: 908 Monroe MEF (7:30 am 5:30 pm) SERVICE ADDRESS 604 KELLEY CT ACCOUNT TYPE RESIDENTIAL 168.13 168.13. 0.00 0.00 166.69 0.00 166.69 Cycle - Routes 0223, LAST BILL 168.13 Aerie Pers eazazemaesznanz2 sat tent consump || PAYMENTS (CREDITS) 488.13 Sn ay commis comin ENTE IS a8 ee ee 8 APR O 4 2022 ‘CURRENT CHARGES SONSUMTION AMOUNT Passe an oa aa Marah a iaaeaier ee een a Rein oe a 7 i sromseirenimuy ra : or Re i Feet ay aa i TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 166.69 i icon asic kame 869 - ‘Due date applies to current charges only. sonata ae Sy ecomnieamemaaal pnarcaetarer er eeeevanhe fowels inthe trash nea feet nace tee ceaean ee Return bottom portion with your payment. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE OR TAPE YOUR PAYMENT TO THIS STUB, MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER NAVE SOUTHERN CONCEPTS INC ACOOUNT HUMBER 33105487008 Foxe Wop Goffe wort SERVICE ADDRESS corneuicver Boras lot ro BMOUNT DUE IF Pai BY oatnoez 7089 DONATION TO UMLITY ASSISTANCE aid AMOUNT ENCLOSED lease allow 7 days when maling your payment. wehbe tthe tbat ete ‘SOUTHERN CONCEPTS INC. AM teed dete ate hE Eg gl 4800 OVERTON PLAZA SUITE 440 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT FORT WORTH TX 76109-4435 PO BOX 961003, FORT WORTH TX 76161-0003 00005318 50004879080000001bbb90000001b4E94

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