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Name: Casibual, Ian felipe Date: 03/24/21

Yr&Sec: BSIT 1-1

Activity 1.3 the Vitruvian Man: Research on this work by Da Vinci, then answer the following

1) How did the statement of Protagoras (“Man is the measure of all things..”) support
what is being conveyed by the Vitruvian Man? Explain your answer.
Man is the measure of all things. A statement by the ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras. It is
usually interpreted to mean that the individual human being, rather than a god or an unchanging
moral law, is the ultimate source of value.

2) Why do you think artists like Da Vinci and Michelangelo created beautiful artworks that
are oftentimes controversial or open to various interpretations?
Being controversial in Art is probably one of the key reasons why your art piece (or TV show, or
film, or song) may gain public interest, since it raises questions; thus, people talk about it.
Specifically for Da Vinci and Michelangelo, besides wanting to be controversial, they both lived
during the Dark Ages, with the Holy Inquisition right next to them. Therefore, they had to hide
everything that was against their rules. For example, Da Vinci hid his illegal then love for Salai
with the help of a visual code in his Mona Lisa, St. John Baptist and in the Salvatore Mundi

3) Would adding a little mystery into artwork, intensify interest in the viewers? Support
your answer.
Yes, because they would want to solve that mystery you put just make sure it will be worth it

4) What insights have you gained from this activity? How can you apply it to how you
relate to people?
Historian’s masterpieces/artworks have a great contribution to the history of one country. I can
apply it to my daily learning’s

Activity 1.4 Reflection: After accomplishing the activities, explain the following statements
about art:

1) Art is not nature

This may simply be answered by citing that art is artificial. Art is man-made construct. Moreover,
“art is not nature” means that it is not a natural occurrence. However, man has taught himself to
find art in nature

2) Art is universal
Art is universal because it let us express ourselves in a way that we want. It is the simplest
thing a man can do to encourage the people around him.
3) Art is timeless.
The word timeless means that it is applicable or relatable in every generation or can differ but
does not fade away. Art varies from generation to generation which makes it advance and
relatable to everyone. It does not matter at what time Art emerges or when it has been
discovered as long as it can still be seen or touched today

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