Document 13

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1) The beginning of a list is called the …............ of the list.

• Bob
• Tail
• Head
• Devon
2) This …............ view is the database is called a database model.
• Conceptual
• Empirical
• Logical
• Theoretical
3) A …........ is a storage area that contains such an encoded address.
• Tree
• Graph
• Pointer
• Aray
4) …............ is not a phase of SDLC.
• Implementation
• Requirement analysis
• Problem Identification
• Testing
5) Software Engineering is an Engineering discipline that is concerned with:
• All aspect of software production
• How Computer Systems work
• All aspects of Computer-Based Systems development, including
Software, Hardware and Process Engineering
• Theories and methods that underline computers and Software Systems
6) How many relational operators are offered by C++.
• 4
• 2
• 6
• 8
7) …............. is used to combine different relations into one relation.
8) Which of the following symbol is used at the end of the line to separate
statements in many imperative languages.
• ,
• *
• .
• ;
9) In structure chart functions are represented by …..............
• Rectangles
• Circles
• Triangles
• Arrows
10) The SELECT operation extracts …............ from a relation.
• Rows
• Columns
• A cell
• Table
11) To retrieve the information about an employee, we must select
….................. with the appropriate identification attribute value from the
EMPLYEE relation.
• Model
• Table
• Attributes
• Tuple
12) We use …........... to reduce unnecessary dependencies are effect
on other modules.
• Inheritance
• Abstraction
• Information hiding
• Polymorphism
13) The Manufactured product moves into maintenance phase for
• Repair process
• Error removal
• Error correction
• Error detection
14) A translator which takes Assembly language program as input &
produce machine language code as output is known as:
• Debugger
• Interpreter
• Assembler
• Compiler
15) GOMS model is based on ….................
• Software documentation
• Hardware architecture
• Human behaviours
• Machine behaviour
16) There we found that a register called a …............. is used to hold
the address of the next instruction to be executed.
• Time register
• Program counter
• Data Pointer
• Stack Pointer
17) Which of the following data type will be used for a variable having
string of a symbols and alphabets.
• Integer
• Float
• Character
• Boolean
18) Requiring Problems which are handled by the pre developed
module in software design is called …................
• Design pattern
• Implementation structure
• Requirement analysis
• Test Pattern
19) Control structure which iterates a set of instructions based on the
provided condition is called a …..................
• Function
• Class
• Loop
• Functional Statement
20) Which of the following is not the reason due to which a Software
is moved to maintenance stage.
• Changes done in previous modification introduce the errors.
• Errors are discovered
• Repair Process
• Changes in software application occurs.
21) Stake holders can be a
• Government agencies
• Government policies
• Lawyers
• Schools
22) In …................. Paradigm, task of Programmer is to develop a
precise problem statement rather than designing an algorithm for
solving a problem.
• Imperative
• Declarative
• Functional
• Object-Oriented
23) What does SDLC stands for in the development environment?
• Software Design Life Cycle
• System Design Life Cycle
• Software Development Life Cycle
• System Development Life Cycle
24) Which one is not a valid data type?
• Html
• Int
• Float
• Char
25) There we found that a register called a …........... is used to hold
the address of the next instruction to be executed.
• program Counter
• time register
• Stack pointer
• Data pointer
26) …................ is aimed to give detail explanation about to the use
and features of the software.
• User documentation
• Quality assurance documentation
• Technical documentation
• System documentation
27) The syntax for using && is
• && cmd1 cmd2
• cmd1 && cmd2
• cmd1& cmd2&
• Cmd1 cmd2 &&
28) Which is the following statement is used for output in C++.
• cin>>
• cout>>
• cout<<
• cin<<
29) ….............. is exemplified by two transactions, each of which
makes a deduction from the same account.
• Potential problem
• Time sharing
• Last update problem
• Incorrect summary problem
30) The end of a list is called the …..................
• Head
• Devon
• Tail
• Bob

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