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eo ‘hats ‘aso “Soat Sos Cree) WINTER -14 EXAMINATIONS Subject Code: 17311 Model Answer Total Pages: 33 Important Instruction to Examiners:- +1), The answers should be examined by key words & not as woid to word as glven in tne model newer scheme. 2) The model answers & answers writen by the candidate may vary but the examiner may try to ‘accees the understanding level ofthe condiate, 8) The language errors such as grammatical, speling errors should not be given more importance. 4) Vite assessing figures, examners, may give credit for principle components indloateg in the figure. ‘The figures drawn by canddate & mode! answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any ‘equivalent figure drawn, £5) Creatt may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed contact values may vary and there may be come diference in the candidate's answers end medel anewer. (6) Incase of some questions crecit may be glven by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based on candidates understanding. 7) For programming languege papers, ciedt may be given to any other programme besed on ‘equivalont concept = SaARASTRA STSTE BOARD. THOMA. EDUCATION = ee WINTER= 14 EXANINATION ‘fas Subject Code: 1731) Moaelanmer Page No: ONO SOLUTION MARKS GO -£ > | Solve any sre S re following: - ne (| Stale por tearm ieee! A as) TATE DIB NT cer“ The ee ek, aa ons 4 equa) fo the moment of nerbin of the eedion about tre Cenbroida) | IR aptis plat tre product of the cies of th Secbitm and the S4vorre of the distance bet- rameter db. _Drameies of civcle ?~ a. Momen) dh Bnerho.s tL at Aree ok orce =ape* = eo = ons ‘WINTER 14 EXANINATION 2/33 Subject Code: |721) Model Answer Page No:__/N ‘SOLUTION ~~ | MARKS) Dekine (seep. Cicep = “The contineous defoimabin edit |___|tfene_edhich jue_to 270 lappitcauion ok externa) sbeodly once sscaltecl Geer. ~ [ea] At higher sess | el) Hy Hime at consunt tead te called cwep. | 2™ GU) Stefe the teek's Law ctlong dit Saeprattion, Hook's Law = * = Dien a materials Joocled [ees ee eo ee 135) ¥ te the shan ene | o_ eink (i) 1% | |_| List any two assumphont mode to Bulev’ (Lh z 4m = |) The, material 9} umn iS ni | [and _isatnpie —_—____-____/wedy ey by The Sech’on Of. Se Haron rout i geo iy hms toneymemmet canon = wonec Seber) ‘WINTER 14 EXAMINATION aja Subject Code: }77)) ‘Model Answer PageNo:__/N ONO SOLITON [HARES] lyvthe column is inihally shajghtand 1s lend CAny | axially. fwo |4> The. Celoy i le ne. a8), ay te, sels Weighh of, the colGimn is neg.taible o (vi)| Whar aye the limitehion: v's theo Column. = Buler's formula iS based on the scum ptrons _tinat Column fouls onkp by ouoking. Box ong columns wiih higher values | __|t}c, Stace. to 6 ling cskresses ave quite, righ compared to Compressive hesset ere_1¢ pr l2 pe edhich clivent Compressive shessae and berding Es j yc . | Huttore <0‘ be neither oy Crushing only nox |__| make Cave of, Guch costes propest: . ab ok | 18 caseef, Mile Steel column with bor fe | hinged! if olendernees bouts is:kees tha i : go, then -the Euler's Koomuler “SII nef | —sralicl vo 2 80 6 7842 a 4133 Subject Code: 7311 age No:__/N Tel SOLUTION MARKS) (vii eal liens iy i yession| “Torr nee Jo maton), Withip Is elvbe ind} is Know®n os resil’ence. 2 1s denobeo! Lal yp 19 a vase im Where - U= @esilience (Shain Thagy Gored) Os Sbess within clare Sisni f= Bs modulus of eleshoir7 Wa wlame = F¥R- Waid) 9: be ead and suddenly appli | Pype_ofy -teerd _ eercl cat f =| too. py ID, len\t ayop tied! roe =| | Subject Code: 73 1) e “ Aired fre mga oF rea CATION casonne Sot "Ss cries) s/B WINTER ~ 14 EXAMINATION ‘Model Answer Page Noz__/ NO SOLUTION NARKS Cal » Solve eny TWO OK He palioeiae (i) tote uy assumph'ons mocle in theory of) Pure bending. D The. beam foi badly Straight ond every lose exepand Conhack. [LAr lay The material ve homageneas ond ‘oboe Beuy ss ion foung's Modulus is same in_tensian sind a4 J) shress ee limit. Plon: eebvn remains flane ven “le) =e ana Gee heay Shes son a ia | each. tex en_usest_ toy oi ee eee asia | consideraban. Circo ce a Section. Sorf= Sheav Y= Distance it CG of, the aren ansidered Subject Code: 177)) ‘Model Answer Page No: ONO SOLUTION MARKS, t T= Moment Bnertia_cthout Neue! axis: w) cat b= Bid of 4h distance! 1" N jgerp the NA. aN nines : p Showing importent paint on jt. iS be 4s. He i os gaan} | 9) Gid| A_Coluron, jeter 200mm And |__| \engt Sa pened af, Column is_bigged. ___| Bind _Buley: Take B= Be ma 2 Given- debe: — P= re. Lz 8m = 3coOmm E = 2 x10 rapa 2 2x108 Ahmed DIARARASIFIRA STATE BOARD OF FECHBICAL EDUCATION ‘etme asonne 20 es Ceres) ‘WINTER ~ 14 EXAMINATION 7/33 ‘Subject Cole: |!) Model Answer ‘PageNo:_/N ONO SOLUTION MARKS L&) Bnd condiben:= both Endy hinged « | qi) 1 Ebpeenve feaglh Le = L-= Seeomm| 1% Leone OL Areo of civcle= A= oF =T cre ye : = 81 ALEXIO? ma Moment cf Dnesbior. 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J ITmia = 132x108 mmt. A= 4xioxso4l6oxlo | Re acces cern one ‘et es Cres) ‘WINTER 10 EXAMINATION [32 Subject Come: 177.33) ) ‘Model Answer FageNo:__/N ‘ONO SOLUTION TARR Or = wo 5 ©] Given data t= p= Ge mm—T Saez) born. I} Sicha | Rodivi of demPachrcle 268 = Bomm M2. about 2=2- axis. ms on pF = olxaot = 89:10 x10" mot 14 M4. Obeuf YY ever s a ek] 9-393 at ig Eo ee aero = BIg. 086X108 mm + 1 __|_“Imin = Taw = 29:10 410% mm* |_| Minimum Radios ob Fy7aben. i S Xmio = [Imig Ne = [eaioxe® — | squoxe> Sl; a Ed Kyrin s 93" mm. oto o9:1 = Lp = Tart Typ = B40 x10?-49(8-086 x1e> A0F NE x18 mm * im ‘WINTER~ 14 EXAMINATION \233 Subject Code: 17°31) ‘Medel Answer PageN__/N Ne _ SOLuTION VARKS Gi) Yaw's. fp = ty oy o 14 oI 4 Saln— A= Umit ch porpabonalihy, @ = Blade limb | CaUpper 7ield-point , O.= lower Tield pink | 1m 2 Maselmam food point, B= Qreoleing point Linait 0B paopoRt(ONALTy 'e> The init upbo The value ; seat Co i ibs an Os elodyye Sint 9s Faz gi * ° 13/22 Shit te $7 : Peete SOLUTION NIARKS oxo 83%) Given, F = 210 Ga. | i i> Magn thuche inf eee 1 Corsicles equtlibeium of the enlire tar | Sfx co (hve 5 te) ¢.cdore-P+i4so i = | Pee Ruler) in! | bc3 : : E | i? 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P= Joacl then by, Leacl.. steet(B) ~~ aa Gis + 6c Ae k P= (2aexiae6. $7) st (6x457: Bau P= _180-73y10° + 783-15 x10% 0 = 933.94%)03 py = E P= 939-94 KN The Safe » hac the Cabiron Can Car Js 959-24 HM been hae = ae ————— fin tuo Possible any ne: lesabidhe dhe weeds of Lun of D eel. ede HES = axls- &] = om eee] eer: Hp MOTTO crore Ho Sjou Coae 27 EL TNO} SOLUTION D> Linear strain (e)— AIPA: 3°? Given, cf-1e0mm ; L= 0mm) 3 P= 400 KN tebe 5 £= Ste Kifons whe uN MARKS aay WHIM HO Hg Sobjest Code A7 BLL TNO SOLUTION G4 Gen, b= Lomm 5 te15 mri 31.2 3m t te Bok 5 £= 208 Nlmm™ 3 Us ozo Je tp chonge in sorgth (51) 12/22 Fase Bei /N MARKS SL fe = Sousa segs =. Aen pares AXIS K AX/OS <. /2M linear steain (Ee) jes je -@= sb = fe = smo’ | eee aM iii? 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