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Thermal Engg-II , DME
Total marks: 20 Time :45 mins
1. Attend five questions 5×1=5
i) Feedwater heater is used in a) Simple Rakine cycle, b) Reheat Rankine cycle, c) Regenerative Rankine cycle
d) None of the above
ii) Which of the following contributes to the improvement of efficiency of Rankine cycle in a Thermal Power Plant?
a) reheating of steam at intermediate stage
b) regeneration use of steam for heating Boiler feed water
c) use of high pressures
d) all of the mentioned
iii) Rankine cycle comprises of ___________
iv) What is the unit of Heat rate? a) kJ/KW b) KW/kJ c) kJ d) KW
v) Rankine efficiency of a Steam Power Plant ___________ a) improves in Summer as compared to that in Winter b)
improves in Winter as compared to that in Summer c) is unaffected by climatic conditions d) none of the mentioned
vi) In a Rankine Cycle, heat input is provided to ___________ a) Condenser b) Pump c) Turbine d) Boiler

Attend any 3 questions 5×3=15

2. Consider a steam power plant operating on the ideal Rankine cycle, steam enters the turbine at 3 MPa and 350⁰C
and is condensed at a condenser at pressure of 10 kPa. Determine the thermal efficiency of the Rankine Cycle.
3. Define Carnot cycle and show in p-v and T-s diagram.
4. Explain reheating in Rankine cycle with diagram and mention the effect of reheating in Rankine cycle.
5. Explain the regeneration process with diagram.


Fluid Power , DME
Total marks: 20 Time :45 mins

1. Attend five questions 5×1=5

i) Feedwater heater is used in a) Simple Rakine cycle, b) Reheat Rankine cycle, c) Regenerative Rankine
cycle, d) None of the above
ii) Which of the following contributes to the improvement of efficiency of Rankine cycle in a Thermal Power
a) reheating of steam at intermediate stage
b) regeneration use of steam for heating Boiler feed water
c) use of high pressures
d) all of the mentioned
iii) Rankine cycle comprises of ___________
iv) What is the unit of Heat rate? a) kJ/KW b) KW/kJ c) kJ d) KW
v) Rankine efficiency of a Steam Power Plant ___________ a) improves in Summer as compared to that in
Winter b) improves in Winter as compared to that in Summer c) is unaffected by climatic conditions d) none
of the mentioned
vi) In a Rankine Cycle, heat input is provided to ___________ a) Condenser b) Pump c) Turbine d) Boiler
Attend any 3 questions 5×3=15
2. Consider a steam power plant operating on the ideal Rankine cycle, steam enters the turbine at 3 MPa
and 350⁰C and is condensed at a condenser at pressure of 10 kPa. Determine the thermal efficiency of the
Rankine Cycle.
3. Define Carnot cycle and show in p-v and T-s diagram.
4. Explain reheating in Rankine cycle with diagram and mention the effect of reheating in Rankine cycle.
5. Explain the regeneration process with diagram.

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