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Paste the commands as it is

into the terminal

Real time data need to be
filled using aws console
Commands & Steps to Install Splunk Enterprise Package:
1. After opening ssh connection in Putty you are supposed to enter user name enter: ec2-user
2. sudo su ( To get super user permission )
3. cd /opt ( All external softwares will be installed in opt folder like C drive in windows, so cd command
is used to change directory)
4. paste the wget command that you had copied from Splunk Website ( Hint: right click & whole command
including wget will be copied automatically)
If any error occurs saying not able to install –Mean wget command is not installed
5. Type yum install wget ( to install wget command Retry the step4 after completing step5)
6. Type ls ( should see the folder named as splunk ***)
7. Type tar xvzf <splunk-package-link> ( Hint: Afer typing tar xvzf press tab )- Command
used to extract files
8. Type ls ( you should see the extracted file )
9. Type cd splunk
10. Type cd bin
11. Type sudo ./splunk start --accept-license ( To start Splunk services )
12. set username and pwd
13. Type sudo ./splunk enable boot-start ( Used to automatically start splunk services on boot
14. Go to browser type http://<paste public ip of splunk instance>:8000 ( Splunk
works by default on port 8000)

Note: Check whether you have opened the port 8000 and 9997 in your Redhat Linux Instance.

-------------------------------This Completes Installation of Splunk Enterprise Package----------------------------------

Commands & Steps to Configure and Onboard Web server.
Prerequisites ( Complete till step18 before the training starts no need to show these configurations to students)

1. After opening ssh connection in Putty you are supposed to enter user name enter: ubuntu
2. sudo apt update
3. sudo /var
4. cd /var
5. ls (Confirm that No folder named as www should be there )
6. sudo apt install apache2
7. ls ( should see folder www)
a. cd www
8. cd html
9. ls ( should see index.html)
10. sudo rm index.html
11. sudo vi index.html
12. press insert 🡪paste the code(available at the end of the document)🡪 hit esc 🡪type :wq🡪Press Enter
13. cd /var/log
14. ls
15. cd apache2
16. ls
17. tail –f ( press Ctrl + c )
Check whether the website is up and running by typing the below
command in browser https://public ip of webserver:80

Students Demo ( Here onwards need to show Demo to Students )

Then go to your splunk app Under settings🡪 Indexes🡪click on new indexes ( And name it
as webserver )

i[[Commands to Onboard Webserver

1. cd /opt
2. sudo su
3. paste the wget command that you had copied from Splunk Website under Universal forwarder
( Hint: right click & whole command including wget will be copied )
4. Type tar xvzf < splunk-package-link> ( Hint: Afer typing tar xvzf press tab )-
Command used to extract files
5. cd splunkforwarder/etc/system/local
6. lsx

7. sudo vi inputs.conf ( press insert 🡪paste the below code🡪hit esc 🡪type :wq🡪 Press


8. sudo vi outputs.conf ( press insert 🡪paste the below code ( enter private IP)🡪hit esc
🡪type :wq🡪Press Enter )

server=paste private IP of splunk:9997

9. cd ../../../bin/
10. sudo ./splunk start --accept-license
11. sudo ./snk enable boot-start

For any Error if logs are not visible in splunk restart webserver by
typing the command after step 9 sudo ./splunk restart

Use this HTML Code in StepNo 13


<imgsrc="SOCExperts.png"alt="SOC Experts"style="width:50%;">

<h1>Welcome to SOC Experts Splunk Lab</h1>

<h3>Click on any of the links to generate some traffic</h3>


="_blank">STUDENT REVIEWS</a><br><br>







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