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9-Point Conversion Checklist

Send with Confidence ©2021 The Genuine Copywriter

9-Point Checklist
If you answer "NO" to any of these questions make your tweaks.
If you answer "YES" to all these questions move onto the next page.

The Subject Line

Does your subject line pique curiosity?

Does your subject line represent what is in the email?

The Body (The Problem)

Are you presenting a problem?

Is this an actual problem that your customer has?

(Do your research!)
Is it compelling?
(Are you just stating their problem? Tell a story, reference a recent event, case study etc)

The Turn
Are you connecting the Body to the Call to action?
(If [Insert problem] is something you would like to avoid then buy [Insert solution])

The Call-to-Action (The Solution)

Do you have a CTA?

Does the CTA guide the customer to a solution?

Become your customer… would you read this email? ©2021 The Genuine Copywriter

The Genuine-O-Meter
Use this scale to rate how your customers will feel about your copy.

"The Penny Saver"

" "Th
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The over-hype copy that screams scam.

It's a regular ad. Easy to pass up.

Just like Best Friends! Captivating copy

that builds a relationship.

If you've answered "YES" to all the checklist questions and

scored a on the Genuine-O-Meter...

Send that Email with Confidence! ©2021 The Genuine Copywriter

The Genuine Copywriter

Hi! I'm Dylan Martinsen!

I specialize in writing email for health and personal brands that want to grow their
business. The truth is... there are tons of email copywriters out there but none of
them are like me... I have been in your niche for over a decade. Before being a
copywriter & marketer I was a massage therapist that studied herbalism & Chinese
medicine, I've cultivated practices like meditation, yoga, and tai chi... I even spent a
few years working as a life coach. I understand your customers. More importantly, I
understand your deep desire to help people and I speak your language. I get it.

Now I know, some of ya'll will cringe when it comes to marketing and sales because you don't want to be like that used
car salesman with the chest hair and the golden chain that sells lemons all day. I may be Italian, but that's not me. I'm
The Genuine Copywriter and I create real relationships with your customers by understanding them, entertaining them,
and connecting them to the solutions that your products/services offer.

Imagine this...
Every time a prospect engages with your brand they feel good. Every time they read an email they are left feeling
inspired about their own life. Every time they see YOUR logo, they think: "Those are the people that have my back." You
get to be the company that enhances people's lives through your offers, content, and yes, even advertisements.

And when they see your competitors, with their fear-based messaging, that produces anxiety, cornering them into
buying... they feel sick. They avoid them like the plague!

Who is left? Your brand. The one that wants to build a relationship, the one that really wants them to succeed, and the
one that is going to get the sale. So if you want to stop treating your customers like prey, work with me so we can create
a symbiotic relationship with your customers.

I can help you become a better email writer or I can just write
them for you... either way hit the button... let's get to know Work With Me
each other ©2021 The Genuine Copywriter

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