30 Day Challenge Pledge Form

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Project Hercules 30-Day Exercise Challenge

September 1-30, 2011

First Name: ___________________________________ I plan to exercise
[ ]

Last Name: _______________________________

days for Project Hercules.

Dear Potential Sponsor, I am participating in the Project Hercules 30-day Exercise Challenge. All proceeds will go to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. You can sponsor me for an amount per day and can name a maximum amount that you are willing to contribute. After the 30-day challenge, I will return to tell you how many days I exercised and collect your contribution. Make checks to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund or visit firstgiving.com for credit card donations. All contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you!
Pledge per Day (Example: $1.00) Amount Maximum Collected from Pledge Sponsor Business Matching Pledge Amount

Name of Sponsor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Please email this form by August 31st, 2011

Project Hercules 30-Day Exercise Challenge

September 1-30, 2011

Project Hercules is a 12-month fundraising event designed to raise money and awareness for ovarian cancer. Each year in the United States, more than 21,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and about 15,000 women die of the disease. Now, my dear friend and warrior, Maya Salomon, is currently fighting this battle. Through Project Hercules, I aim to show just one ounce of her courage by exercising 20 minutes or more as many days as possible in September. . Let's challenge ourselves and, in turn, raise money and awareness to help eradicate this terrible disease. All proceeds to benefit the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. Our goal is to help the fundraising committee raise at least $10,000 by July, 2012. The more contributions you raise, the more successful we ll be at achieving our goal. Thank you very much for your participation!

1. Participants may start collecting pledges as soon as they receive the pledge sheets. Reminder: Pledge sheets need to be turned in by August 31, 2011 2. Pledges may be made by anyone. Please ask everyone who pledges if their company has a matching gift fund policy. 3. Each sponsor making a pledge should write their own name, pledge per day, and maximum pledge. Participants may collect the pledge in advance but must keep pledges until all are collected. 4. Participants should log their daily exercise on the attached spreadsheet. 5. Upon completion of the challenge, participants will hand in his/her exercise log and may then collect outstanding pledges. Please return pledge sheets with the money to Project Hercules: 7002 Chestnut Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22042 by October 15, 2011 We look forward to all our participants having a great time! For questions or concerns, contact Jessi Baden-Campbell at badenska@gmail.com.

For more information on Project Hercules, please visit our site on Facebook, or search for us on firstgiving.com

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