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AB Political Science

Reflection Log 5: Prometheus Bound

This class explores the myth of Prometheus. To give you a glimpse of the
mythology, Zeus assigns Titan Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus the
responsibility of creating all living creatures. While Epimetheus made all living
creatures in the ocean, sky, and land, Prometheus created humans. On the other
hand, Zeus merely wants to keep humans vulnerable so that they may continue
to adore the residents of Mount Olympus from below, but Prometheus feels that
his creatures have a higher purpose than being servile. He continues to rebel
against Zeus to attain liberation and enable mankind to flourish rather than stay
submissive, as Zeus intends. His actions resulted in punishment in which he is tied
to a cliff for eternity and a vulture visits him every day to devour his liver, which will
grow another day.

As I digested the narrative, I grasped that we have a lot of Prometheus in

our society who are willing to sacrifice their life and comfort for the benefit of
humanity's security and prosperity. However, in reality, some individuals do not
recognize this heroic gesture and constantly see resistance and activism

In truth, I don't see myself losing my life for my country since I have a vision
and goals for myself and my family. However, I feel that it is not necessarily a
measure of how much you are prepared to lose your life for mankind; I can
preserve humanity and contribute to its development by working hard to be a
key resource. Also, I should keep advocating and participate in initiatives for the
oppressed and marginalized sectors of society.

Lastly, Zeus taught me that ego and pride will consume your system to the
point where your conduct will disregard the consequences of your selfish deeds.
It is difficult for someone like Zeus to accept equality and participate in the
development of civilization since they will always regard it as a threat to their
supremacy and dominance.

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