Laughing Song Notes November 2022

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English Lesson Notes November- 2022 (Class IV)

Laughing song (poem)

1) Give one word

a) The small waves of the stream – dimpling
b) Fields covered in grass – meadows.
c) Something that a lot of people say at the same time – chorus.
2) Write the synonyms
a) Voice – sound
b) Joy – delight
c) Wit – jokes
d) Merry - cheerful
3) Write the antonyms
a) Laugh x cry
b) Sweet x harsh
c) Lively x lifeless
4) Textual comprehension

“ When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy,

And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;”

1.Write the name of the poem and the poet.

Ans: The name of the poem is “Laughing song” and the poet is William Blake.

2.Write the prepositions from the above lines.

Ans: 1. with 2. of

3. How do green woods laugh ?

Ans: The green woods laugh with the voice of joy.

5) Answer the following

1.What are the grasshopper and the birds doing ?

Ans: The grasshopper laughs in the lively green meadows and the colourful birds laugh in the shade

of the trees.

2.What feeling does the poem “Laughing Song” convey?

Ans: The poem conveys a feeling of joy and cheer. It asks us to rejoice in the beauty of nature.

3.What is the speaker in the poem “Laughing Song” asking everyone to do ?

Ans: The speaker asks everybody to live life joyously, to be merry all the time and to join in the

laughter and the cheerful song of nature.

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