Research Methodlogy

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1. Action research:- Action research refers to examining actions, assessing their effectiveness in bringing Nature 1= Clearly Defined Objectives: Good business research should clearly define the objective. It
about the desired outcome and choosing a course of action based on those results. It is typically used in should know in advance what information wants to procure. 2= Choose the Right Methodology: It is the
educational settings for teachers and principals to perform a type of self-assessment and course method used for obtaining business research data. Business research methodologies include phone, mail,
correction. 2. Causal research:- Causal research, also called explanatory research, seeks to and internet surveys as well as personal interviews. 3= Promoting Business: The objectives of any
determine cause and effect relationships between variables. It identifies how much one variable may good business research should be how to better promote business in an economically sound
cause a change in the other. Causal research is important for evaluating current processes manner and to increase the business’s net profit, exposure, and ensure its continuity. 4= Covers
3. Classification research:-Classification research seeks to identify and classify individual elements of a Region in Which Business Operates: It covers all the regions in which the business operates, locally
group into larger groups or subgroups. 4. Comparative research:- Comparative research identifies
and internationally. Setting up a hotel means knowing local conditions, 5= Judging
similarities and differences between two individuals, subjects or groups. 5. Cross-sectional research:-
Problems: Another characteristic of good business research is judging local problems of the environment in
Cross-sectional, or synchronous, research studies a group or subgroup at one point in time. Participants
which our establishment is going to operate. 6= Flexibility: One more characteristic of good business
are generally chosen based on specific shared characteristics 6. Deductive research:- Deductive, or
research objectives is flexibility. The research may be programmed for one area and then something shows
theory-testing, research is the opposite of inductive research and moves from the broad to the specific.
up. If that ‘something is pertinent, it should be investigated and included in the research 7= Help Determine
Researchers choose a hypothesis and test its accuracy through experimentation or observation.
How to Produce the Product: Good business research should include the use of the internet. If the business
7. Exploratory research:- Exploratory research examines what is already known about a topic and what
is manufacturing a specific product, look at the market size and options on how to produce the product.
additional information may be relevant. It rarely answers a specific question but instead presents the
SCOPE:- 1. Production Management: The research performs an important function in product
foundational knowledge of a subject as a precursor to further research.8. Field research:-Field
development, diversification, introducing a new product, product improvement, process technologies,
research occurs wherever the participants or subjects are or "on location." This type of research requires
choosing a site, new investment etc. 2. Personnel Management: Research works well for job redesign,
onsite observation and data collection. 9. Fixed research:- Fixed research involves procedures
organization restructuring, development of motivational strategies and organizational development. 3.
determined ahead of time, such as how often testing will take place, where it will take place, the number
Marketing Management: Research performs an important part in choice and size of target market, the
of subjects and their types.
consumer behavior with regards to attitudes, life style, and influences of the target market. 4. Financial
Management: Research can be useful for portfolio management, distribution of dividend, capital raising,
hedging and looking after fluctuations in foreign currency and product cycles. 5. Materials Management: It
is utilized in choosing the supplier, making the decisions relevant to make or buy as well as in selecting
negotiation strategies. 6. General Management: It contributes greatly in developing the standards,
objectives, long-term goals, and growth strategies.

METHODS OF COLLECTING PRIMARY DATA Non-probability Sampling Method

1. DIRECT PERSONAL INTERVIEWS :- The investigator personally meets concerned individuals and collects 1. Convenience sampling:- This is one of the non-probability sampling techniques where the
the required information from them. When the area to be covered is vast, this method may prove very samples that are readily available in the entire population get selected by the
costly and time-consuming. Still, this method is concerned useful for certain laboratory experiments or researcher. Convenience sampling is used by researchers because the samples are easy to recruit,
localized inquires. Due to the personal bias of the investigator, errors are likely to influence the results. and not necessarily because the researcher considers selecting a sample that represents the entire
2. INDIRECT PERSONAL INTERVIEWS:- We interview the third parties or witnesses having information, population. 2. Consecutive sampling:- Consecutive sampling is similar to convenience sampling in
whenever the direct sources do not exist, or the informants hesitate to respond for some reason or method, although there are a few differences. In this type of non-probability sampling, the
other. The reliance is not placed on the evidence of one witness only, because some of the informants researcher selects a person or a group from the population and conducts research with them over a
are likely to give wrong information deliberately. 3. COLLECTION THROUGH QUESTIONNAIRES:- The period of time. 3. Quota sampling:- To understand quota sampling, let us look at this example. A
questionnaires are usually sent by mail to inquire through several pertinent questions. In questionnaires, researcher wants to study the career growth of the employees in an organization with 400
there is a space for entering the asked information asked. The informants are requested to return the employees. To better understand the population, the researcher will select a sample from the
questionnaires to the investigator within a certain period. This method is cheap, reasonably expeditious, population to represent the total employees or population. 4. Judgmental or Purposive
and good for extensive inquiries. However, only a small percentage of recipients respond to sampling:- In a judgmental sampling technique, the samples are selected based on the credibility
questionnaires if there is no incentive involved. 4. COLLECTION THROUGH ENUMERATORS:- In this and knowledge of the researcher. This means that only those deemed fit by the researcher are
method, trained enumerators collected the information. They assist the informants in making the entries selected to participate in the research. It is worthy of note that purposive or judgmental sampling is
in the schedules or questionnaires correctly. If the enumerator is well trained, experienced, and discreet, not scientific and it can easily accommodate influence or bias from the researcher. 5. Snowball
then you can get the most reliable information through this method. Enumerator driven approach works sampling:- Snowball sampling is useful for finding samples that are difficult for the researcher to
best for a large scale governmental or an organizational inquiry. Private individuals or institutions cannot locate. Researchers make use of snowball sampling techniques when their sample size is not readily
adopt this method as its cast would be prohibitive to them. 5. COLLECTION THROUGH LOCAL available and also small. So this is carried out like a referral program where the researcher finds
SOURCES:- In this method, the agents or local correspondents collect and send the required information, suitable members and solicits help in finding similar members so as to form a considerably good
using their judgment as to the best way of obtaining it, but there is no formal collection of data. This sample size.
method is cheap and expeditious but gives only the estimates. It may involve local agents' bias.

Type 1 Error:- 1. It occurs when a null hypothesis is rejected when it is actually true. 2. In other words, it Rating scale is defined as a closed-ended survey question used to represent respondent feedback in a
occurs when we try to find out something that does not possibly exist at all. 3. It is also called ‘false comparative form for specific particular features/products/services. It is one of the most established
positive’ or ‘alpha error’. 4. It indicates the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. 5. So, ultimately, question types for online and offline surveys where survey respondents are expected to rate an attribute or
what happens is that the true null hypothesis is wrongly rejected even if it is true. feature. Rating scale is a variant of the popular multiple-choice question which is widely used to gather
Examples :- 1. Suppose you decide to bake lasagna, and you add an extra ingredient (assuming it will information that provides relative information about a specific topic.
enhance the taste), that is actually not supposed to be added. 2. Therefore, the null hypothesis is true in EXAMPLE: 1. Degree of Agreement: An organization has been intending to improve the efficiency of their
this case, but is being rejected due to false effect. 3. Another example would be to consider the trial of a employees. After organizing multiple courses and certifications for the employees, the management decides
person accused of murder. 4. The null hypothesis would be a statement, like ‘He is innocent’. to conduct a survey to know whether employees resonate with their ideology behind these certifications.
5..If it is true, he will be let free, and it will be the correct decision. If he is convicted for something he has 2. ustomer Experience: It is important to collect information about customer experience. It is important for
not done, a type 1 error has occurred. organizations to gather real-time details about product or service purchase experiences. 3. Analyze brand
TYPE 2 ERROR:- It occurs when a null hypothesis is not rejected when it is actually false. 2. In other loyalty: Organizations thrive on customer loyalty towards their brand. But brand loyalty is a factor which
words, it occurs when we try to ignore something that actually exists. 3. It is also called ‘false negative’ needs to be regularly monitored. Using a rating scale question such as Net Promoter Score can help
or ‘beta error’. 4. It indicates the failure of being able to accept the alternative hypothesis. 5. What organizations in garnering real-time details about customer loyalty and brand shareability.
ultimately happens here is that the true null hypothesis is wrongly accepted even if it is false. RANKING SCALE:-= Ranking scales offer a different approach to gathering data—these questions ask
EXAMPLES:-1. Consider the same examples as above for convenience. 2. In this case, you have to false respondents to compare items to one another, rather than rating them on a common scale. When trying to
null hypothesis, i.e., the statement is ‘Adding this ingredient has no effect on the dish’, when in reality, negotiate which items to remove from your dessert menu, for example, you might ask customers to rank the
it will have some effect on the dish, good or bad. 3. So, let’s say, the overall consensus is that the dish seven desserts you offer from their most favorite to least favorite, giving you insight into customer
will be the same as before, but since the hypothesis is false, the dish has a slightly spicier taste. 4. preferences.
Now, this change will not be accepted by any of your guests, they would vouch that the dish is the
same as before, and attribute the spicier taste to some other factor. 5. Thus, here the null hypothesis
is false, but it is being accepted. 6. Similarly, let the null hypothesis ‘He is innocent’, be false in the
second example, i.e., the man is actually guilty.
(ANOVA) AND ITS STEPS Layout of The Research Report
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an analysis tool used in statistics that splits an observed 1= Purpose of study:- Research is one direction oriented study. He should discuss the problem of his study.
aggregate variability found inside a data set into two parts: systematic factors and random He must give background of the problem. He must lay down his hypothesis of the study. Hypothesis is the
factors. The systematic factors have a statistical influence on the given data set, while the statement indicating the nature of the problem. He should be able to collect data, analyze it and prove the
random factors do not. Analysts use the ANOVA test to determine the influence that hypothesis. (2) Significance of study: Research is re-search and hence the researcher may highlight the
independent variables have on the dependent variable in a regression study. earlier research in new manner or establish new theory. He must refer earlier research work and distinguish
STEPS :- his own research from earlier work. He must explain how his research is different and how his research topic
1. Formulate a Hypotheses:- As with nearly all statistical significance tests, ANOVA starts is different and how his research topic is important. (3) Review of Literature: Research is a continuous
with formulating a null and alternative hypothesis. process. He cannot avoid earlier research work. He must start with earlier work. He should note down all
2. Set a Significance Level:- The significance level, or alpha, is the probability of rejecting such research work, published in books, journals or unpublished thesis. He will get guidelines for his research
our null hypothesis when it actually holds true. In other terms, it’s the probability of from taking a review of literature. He should collect information in respect of earlier research
making a Type I error. work. (4) Methodology:- It is related to collection of data. There are two sources for collecting data;
Typically, one should weigh the costs of making a Type I vs. a Type II error to determine the primary and secondary. Primary data is original and collected in field work, either through questionnaire
best alpha for an experiment, but for this toy example I’m just going to use the standard interviews. The secondary data relied on library work. Such primary data are collected by sampling method.
.05 for our α value. The procedure for selecting the sample must be mentioned. (5) Interpretation of data: Mainly the data
3. Compute an F-Statistic:- The F-statistic is simply a ratio of the variance between samples collected from primary source need to be interpreted in systematic manner. The tabulation must be
means to the variance within sample means. For this ANOVA test, we’ll be looking at how completed to draw conclusions. All the questions are not useful for report writing. One has to select them or
far each country’s average wine price is from the overall average price, and dividing that by club them according to hypothesis or objectives of study. (6) Conclusions/suggestions: Data analysis forms
how much variation in price there is within each country’s sample distribution. the crux of the research problem. The information collected in field work is useful to draw conclusions of
4. Using the F-Statistic, compute a p-value:- Once we have our F-statistic, we plug it into study. In relation with the objectives of study the analysis of data may lead the researcher to pin point his
an F-distribution to get a p-value. You can find a table for these values in the back of any suggestions. This is the most important part of study. (7) Bibliography: The list of references must be
statistics book or there are far-easier online calculators that will do this for you. With our arranged in alphabetical order and be presented in appendix. The books should be given in first section and
specific degrees of freedom, an F-Statistic of 4.07 yields a p-value .0172. articles are in second section and research projects in the third. The pattern of bibliography is considered
convenient and satisfactory from the point of view of reader. 8) Appendices:- The general information in
tabular form which is not directly used in the analysis of data but which is useful to understand the
background of study can be given in appendix.

Meaning It is a statistical method that compares the It is a statistical test used to compare the VARIOUS STEPS WHILE PREPARING RESEARCH REPORT
means of more than two samples. means of two samples. #1: Identifying the Research Problem:-- A well-identified problem will lead the researcher to
Types The two types are one-way and two-way Common types include one-sample t-test, accomplish all-important phases of the research process, from setting objectives to selecting the
ANOVA. two-sample t-test, and paired t-test. research methodology. Keeping this point in mind, we must draw a line between research and
Basis The variance between the data set, group, Calculate the mean differences, the non-research problems. #2: Reviewing of Literature:- A review of relevant literature is an
or sample, along with the variance inside the standard deviation, and the number of data integral part of the research process. It enables the researcher to formulate his problem in terms
data set, group, or sample, is calculated. values. of the specific aspects of the general area of his interest that has not been researched so far.
Population It can accommodate a huge population The sample population should be less than A review of previous documents on similar or related phenomena is essential even for beginning
count. 30. researchers. #3: Setting Research Questions, Objectives, and Hypotheses:-- After
Test produces Test statistical value is F. Test statistical value is t. discovering and defining the research problem, researchers should make a formal statement of
Value indicates The higher the F value, there exist significant If the t-score or t-value is small, the groups the problem leading to research objectives. An objective will precisely say what should be
variation between sample or group means, or samples are similar, whereas if the t-score researched, delineate the type of information that should be collected, and provide a framework
and a low F-value indicates low variability. is large, the groups or samples are different. for the scope of the study. #4: Choosing the Study Design:- The research design is the
Errors More chance of error compared to the t- Errors are possible blueprint or framework for fulfilling objectives and answering research questions. It is a master
test. plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting, processing, and analyzing the
collected data. #5: Deciding on the Sample Design:- Sampling is an important and separate
step in the research process. The basic idea of sampling is that it involves any procedure that
uses a relatively small number of items or portions (called a sample) of a universe
(called population) to conclude the whole population. #6: Collecting Data From The Research
Sample:- Data gathering may range from simple observation to a large-scale survey in any
defined population. There are many ways to collect data. The approach selected depends on the
objectives of the study, the research design, and the availability of time, money, and personnel.
#7: Process and Analyze the Collected Research Data:- Data processing generally begins with the
editing and coding of data. Data are edited to ensure consistency across respondents and to
locate omissions if any. In survey data, editing reduces errors in the recording, improves
legibility, and clarifies unclear and inappropriate responses. In addition to editing, the data also
need coding. #8: Writing Research Report :- A research proposal is a work plan, prospectus,
outline, offer, and a statement of intent or commitment from an individual researcher or an
organization to produce a product or render a service to a potential client or sponsor.


1= Long And Short Reports: As the names suggest, these reports are characterized based on their Correlation refers to a process for establishing the relationships between two
lengths. A two-page report or memorandum is a short report, while a 30-page report is certainly long. variables. You learned a way to get a general idea about whether or not two
The longer reports are among the types of report writing that have a formal style. 2= Formal variables are related, is to plot them on a “scatter plot”. While there are many
And Informal Reports: Formal reports are meticulously designed documents that focus on the objectives measures of association for variables which are measured at the ordinal or higher
of the organization. Think of annual audit reports. Formal reports are detailed and you won’t find any level of measurement, correlation is the most commonly used approach.
personal pronouns in these reports. On the other hand, informal reports, such as internal emorandums, Example 1: Business:- Businesses often collect bivariate data about total money
are usually short and written in casual language. 3= Vertical And Lateral Reports: These reports are spent on advertising and total revenue.
characterized based on the hierarchy within organizations. Lateral reports focus on the coordination Example 2: Medical:- Medical researchers often collect bivariate data to gain a
between different departments and units in the organization. 4= Periodic Reports: As the name better understanding of the relationship between variables related to health.
suggests, periodic reports are regularly sent out on pre-scheduled dates. In most cases, periodic reports Example 3: Academics:- Researchers often collect bivariate data to understand
focus on upward hierarchy, so you can also identify them as vertical reports. These reports often serve what variables affect the performance of university students.
the management to keep the business processes and activities in control. Some annual reports mandated Example 4: Economics:- Economists often collect bivariate data to understand the
by the government, though not vertical, are considered periodic reports. 5= Proposal Reports: Have relationship between two socioeconomic variables.
you ever heard of analytical or problem-solving reports? Proposal reports are usually an extension of Example 5: Biology:- Biologists often collect bivariate data to understand how two
these kinds of reports. While there are all kinds of reports, there are some that are solution-oriented. variables are related among plants or animals.
Such kinds of reports can be identified as proposal reports. These reports usually describe how the
organization can provide a solution to specific problems. 6= Functional Reports: Functional reports
might be easier for you to recognize. These types of reporting include financial and accounting reports,
marketing reports, and other reports that focus on specific business functions.
DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCALES Procedure of Hypothesis Testing
Nominal or classificatory scale:- The nominal or classificatory scale is the most simple scale that is To find the validity of any statement, we have to strictly follow the stepwise procedure of hypothesis testing.
used in statistics and research. This scale only identifies the variables under study into unique After stating the initial hypothesis, we have to re-write them in the form of a null and alternate hypothesis. The
values. This scale does not provide numerical values to the variables. The variables are only alternate hypothesis predicts a relationship between the variables, whereas the null hypothesis predicts no
compared on the basis of some unique characteristic descriptively. relationship between the variables.
Ordinal or ranking scale:- The ordinal scale has the properties of the nominal scale, but it is a little After writing them as H0(null hypothesis) and Ha(Alternate hypothesis), only one of the statements can be true.
more advanced than nominal scale. It categorizes values assigned to the variables on the basis of For example, taking the hypothesis that, on average, men are taller than women, we write the statements as:
their magnitude. Some values related to the variables will be ‘smaller’ while other will be ‘larger’ or 1= H0: On average, men are not taller than women.
in other cases, some values will be ‘greater’ than the other values which will be ‘lesser’. 2= Ha: On average, men are taller than women.
Interval scale:- The interval scale has the properties of the ordinal and nominal scale, which means Our next aim is to collect sample data, what we call sampling, in a way so that we can test our hypothesis. Your
that it assigns unique values to the each value under study and it also categorizes the values in data should come from the concerned population for which you want to make a hypothesis.
ascending or descending order. The unique property of the interval scale that makes it different What is the p value in hypothesis testing? P-value gives us information about the probability of occurrence of
from the previous two scales is that it also categorize the values in equal intervals. In this scale, any results as extreme as observed results.
of the two values on the scale has an equal interval. You will obtain your p-value after choosing the hypothesis testing method, which will be the guiding factor in
Ratio scale:- This scale has all the properties of the previous scales plus one of its own properties rejecting the hypothesis. Usually, the p-value cutoff for rejecting the null hypothesis is 0.05. So anything below
that it has a fixed zero point, and below that point, no value exists. Every value can be measured that, you will reject the null hypothesis.
from an absolute zero point or starting point, due to this property this scale is called as an absolute A low p-value means that the between-group variance is large enough that there is almost no overlapping, and
scale and for most empirical and mathematical operations this scale is used. it is unlikely that these came about by chance. A high p-value suggests there is a high within-group variance
and low between-group variance, and any difference in the measure is due to chance only.


1.Defining-the-Target Population: Defining the population of interest,-for-business research, is the first 1- Statement of the problem in a general way: First of all the problem should be stated in a broad general
step in sampling process. In general, target population is defined in terms of element, sampling unit, way, keeping in view either some practical concern or some scientific or intellectual interest. For this
extent, and time frame. The definition should be in line with the objectives of the research study. purpose, the researcher must immerse himself thoroughly in the subject matter concerning which he wishes
2. Specifying the Sampling Frame: Once the definition of the population is clear a researcher should decide to pose a problem. In case of social research, it is considered advisable to do some field observation and as
on the sampling frame. A sampling frame is the list of elements from which the sample may be drawn. such the researcher may undertake some sort of preliminary survey or what is often called pilot survey.
3. Specifying the Sampling Unit: A sampling unit is a basic unit that contains a single element or a group of 2-. Understanding the nature of the problem: The next step in defining the problem is to understand its
elements of the population to be sampled. In this case, a household becomes a sampling unit and all women origin and nature clearly. The best way of understanding the problem is to discuss it with those who first
above the age of 20 years living in that particular house become the sampling elements. raised it in order to find out how the problem originally came about and with what objectives in view. If the
4. Selection of the Sampling Method: The sampling method outlines the way in which the sample units are researcher has stated the problem himself, he should consider once again all those points that induced him
to be selected. The choice of-the-sampling method is influenced by the objectives of the business research, to make a general statement concerning the problem.
availability of financial resources, time constraints, and the nature of the problem to be investigated. 3- Surveying the available literature: All available literature concerning the problem at hand must
5. Determination of Sample Size: The sample size plays a crucial role in the sampling process. There are necessarily be surveyed and examined before a definition of the research problem is given. This means that
various ways of classifying the techniques used in determining-the sample size. A couple of those hold the researcher must be well-conversant with relevant theories in the field, reports and records as also all
primary importance and are worth mentioning are whether-the technique deals with fixed or sequential other relevant literature. He must devote sufficient time in reviewing of research already undertaken on
sampling-and whether its logic is based on traditional or Bayesian methods. related problems. This is done to find out what data and other materials, if any, are available for operational
6. Specifying the Sampling Plan: In this step, the specifications and decisions regarding the implementation purposes.
of the research process are outlined. Suppose, blocks in a city are the sampling units-and-the households are 4- Developing the ideas through discussions: Discussion concerning a problem often produces useful
the sampling-elements. This step outlines the modus operandi of the sampling plan in identifying houses information. Various new ideas can be developed through such an exercise. Hence, a researcher must
based on specified characteristics. discuss his problem with his colleagues and others who have enough experience in the same area or in
7. Selecting the Sample: This is the final step in the sampling process, where the actual selection of working on similar problems. This is quite often known as an experience survey.
the sample elements is carried out. At this stage, it is necessary that the interviewers stick to the rules 5- Rephrasing the research problem: Finally, the researcher must sit to rephrase the research problem into a
outlined for the smooth implementation of the business research. This step involves implementing the working proposition. Once the nature of the problem has been clearly understood, the environment (within
sampling plan to select-a-sample required for the survey. which the problem has got to be studied) has been defined, discussions over the problem have taken place
and the available literature has been surveyed and examined, rephrasing the problem into analytical or
operational terms is not a difficult task.

1. Identification of a research problem:- A good research always starts with a good problem. You can 1-The lack of a scientific training in the methodology of research is a great impediment for researchers in our
observe people or things, visit places, read print materials, or consult experts to find the research problem country. There is paucity of competent researchers. Many researcher stake a leap in the dark without
that is right for you. The research problem guides you in formulating the hypothesis and interpretation of knowing research methods. 2- There is insufficient interaction between the university research
your findings so that you can formulate the right conclusion. 2. Formulation of Hypothesis:- After departments on one sideband business establishments, government departments and research institutions
finding your research problem, the next step is to formulate your own hypothesis. A hypothesis is a on the other side. A great deal of primary data of non-confidential nature remain untouched/untreated by
theoretical statement in solving a logical relationship between variables. Do not be afraid if your hypothesis the researchers for want of proper contacts. 3- Most of the business units in our country do not have the
proves to be incorrect after the experimentation because it is only considered as an educated guess. confidence that the material supplied by them to researchers will not be misused and as such they are often
3. Review of Related Literature:- A research problem is vague at first. To give you a vivid picture of the reluctant in supplying the needed information to researchers. 4- Research studies overlapping one
whole research, you shall read various publications or surf the internet to become aware of the previous another are undertaken quite often for want of adequate information. This results in duplication and fritters
works already done. In doing so, it could spur an idea that can be the subject of your investigation. 4. away resources. This problem can be solved by proper compilation and revision, at regular intervals, of a list
Preparation of Research Design:- A research design is the blueprint of the research you are going to of subjects on which and the places where the research is going on. 5- There does not exist a code of
undertake. It serves as the work plan of the whole study not only because it entails the resources needed in conduct for researchers and inter-university and interdepartmental rivalries are also quite common. Hence,
conducting the research but also the ways these resources are utilized. 5. Actual experimentation:- Actual there is need for developing a code of conduct for researchers which, if adhered sincerely, can win over this
experimentation is an implementation of the research design. In actual experimentation, you have to problem. 6- Many researchers in our country also face the difficulty of adequate and timely secretarial
conduct an experiment to prove the validity of the hypothesis you have formulated. Actual experimentation assistance, including computer assistance. This causes unnecessary delays in the completion of research
includes the methodology that you have followed in doing your research. 6. Results and Discussion:- studies. All possible efforts be made in this direction so that efficient secretarial assistance is made available
This is the heart of the research process because this is part where the findings of the research can be to researchers and that too well in time. 7- Library management and functioning is not satisfactory at
found. You can use table (not the table in your kitchen) and graph to interpret the results of your research. many places and much of the time and energy of researchers are spent in tracing out the books, journals,
7. Formulation of Conclusions and Recommendations:- Conclusion is a statement where you will present reports, etc.,rather than in tracing out relevant material from them. 8- There is also the difficulty of timely
the solution to the proposed problem based on the findings of the investigation. They are tied up to the availability of published data from various government and other agencies doing this job in our country.
questions investigated. Your conclusion will show whether or not your experiment worked. It should answer Researcher also faces the problem on account of the fact that the published data vary quite significantly
your hypothesis and research problem. because of differences in coverage by the concerning agencies. 9- There may, at times, take place the
problem of conceptualization and also problems relating to the process of data collection and related things.

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